Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Lowcarb diabetic team recruit a minder !

Over the years our team has been subjected to all sorts of ridicule and threats. Banned from many forums and subjected to threats of legal action and grief from the old bill. Because of a recent increase in threats of violence we have regretfully taken the decision to employ a bodyguard. Known in the industry as The Enforcer, and Steve The Spanner by his mates, be warned, any more grief from Carboholics and Steve will be paying you a visit.

Don't let that smiling happy face fool ya, he's one mean dude !


  1. Don't make me angy. You won't like me when I'm angry.


  2. What an ugly man, where did you find him? Was he on a wanted poster?

  3. "What an ugly man, where did you find him? Was he on a wanted poster?"

    My wife likes the look of him, but then she likes men, that look like men ! I expect Elton's more your scene eh.


  4. In 1964 a group of friends had travelled to Stockton to see the Rolling Stones. I think it was the Globe Theatre. On leaving the theatre we had little disagreement with some locals over the gender classification of those males with longish hair. We were soon running down the High Street with the sound of empty Newcastle Brown Ale bottles crashing around us. Fortunately we caught up with an “O” bus with the back of the bus open platform allowing us to jump on and flee from danger. Steve The Spanner reminds me very much of the ring leader! Probably his dad but even so I can recommend Eddie’s warning.

  5. "In 1964 a group of friends had travelled to Stockton to see the Rolling Stones.... Steve The Spanner reminds me very much of the ring leader! Probably his dad but even so I can recommend"

    This worries me greatly. I was born in Stockton-on-Tees (hence the Boro) so was my old man. It's probably just the Teeside genes.

  6. "What an ugly man, where did you find him? Was he on a wanted poster?"

    My theory is that life is a game in which your score is calulated by:
    Money Earned x Naked Women x Different Types of Animals Eaten

    Like Carlos Tevez, being "ugly" hasn't stopped me scoring serious points in the first two categories.


  7. Hi Stephen

    Have you noticed all the lowcarb antis and other low life's are always anon. Never a photograph, never a real name, not even a forum name other than Sid. Why are they so gutless.

    Eddie Mitchell

  8. "My wife likes the look of him, but then she likes men, that look like men !"

    When are you out fishing next Eddie?


  9. Fergie I know you are younger than me, bigger than me, stronger than me, fitter than me, but I have connections.


  10. Eddie Mitchell wrote
    "Have you noticed all the lowcarb antis and other low life's are always anon. Never a photograph, never a real name, not even a forum name other than Sid. Why are they so gutless."

    Following my recent 'education' about all this 'anti' I have been reading back over this blog and the 'other' blog.
    I'd noticed the same thing - so many anonymous 'antis.'

    Geoff aka librarising

  11. Mmm you look as nasty as your posts

  12. Tell me gutless one, what does it feel like to a gutless one. I bet you posted that post with one hand !


  13. Anonymous Troll said...
    "Mmm you look as nasty as your posts"

    Nothing nastier than an anonymous internet Troll

    "An anonymous internet 'troll' is an abusive and obnoxious user who promotes hate and disharmony in online communities."

    Recognise yourself anonymous! you certainly fit the description!


  14. "Following my recent 'education' about all this 'anti' I have been reading back over this blog and the 'other' blog.
    I'd noticed the same thing - so many anonymous 'antis.'"

    The other "blog" belongs to carbophile AKA tubolard, he is the biggest coward of all, his sidekick CarbsUnited goes by the name CarbsRok on DCUK.

    What have they along with the rest of the anonymous trolls on his blog got to hide , for all we know they could be these obnoxious internet stalkers that we read about in the papers.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
