Thursday, 27 September 2012

Maybe AliB was right all along !

Most regular forum of flog watchers over the years will remember AliB. She wrote some very interesting and well constructed posts and was a lowcarber. Always very polite despite lots of ridicule and abuse from the usual suspects, lead by the disappeared one and font of all knowledge Cugila. AliB often wrote about the importance of good gut flora, and how she believed many illnesses and diseases could be linked to bad gut flora. She was a very patient woman, but like so many other good posters, the barmy army wore her down and she walked. Well low and behold I found this article this morning.

Type 2 diabetes breakthrough: Imbalance in gut bacteria likely cause.

But breakthrough research just published in the journal Nature strongly indicates another, bottom line cause has been discovered - an imbalance of "good" versus "bad" bacteria in the intestinal tract appears to trigger type 2 diabetes.

The research team pointed out the 1.5 kilograms of bacteria that each of us carries around in our intestines have a huge impact on our well-being. If the equilibrium of what is known as this "microflora" in the gut is disrupted, health can suffer. For their study, the scientists zeroed in on the intestinal bacteria of 345 people from China. The 171 research subjects who had type 2 diabetes were found to have "a more hostile bacterial environment in their intestines" than those not suffering from the disease. The study suggests this kind of out-of-balance gut flora could increase resistance to different medicines as well as likely be the trigger for type 2 diabetes. The scientists identified specific biological indicators in the gut flora that could eventually be used to identify those at risk of type 2 diabetes as well as to diagnose the disease

The usual suspects in action.



  1. Yet another very interesting article. I had also heard others mention that 'gut flora' may be a trigger point to the onset of type 2 diabetes. This research does seem to confirm this and certainly gives food for thought.

    Call me nosey but I couldn't resist checking out the link to the DUK forum. It certainly shows how disgracefully AliB was treated, she put her points over very well and clearly knew what she was talking about, the way people ganged up on her was disgusting. Surely everyone should be able to put their point of view and expect to be treated with courtesy.


  2. I suppose you couldn't have had a peek at DCUK today and seen a topic with a different reference to your article?

  3. I've been checking out the link also and agree with Anne the way AliB was treated was disgraceful.

    What did surprise me was that CatherineCherub was involved, I always thought she was a nice person, my perception of her has changed since reading her comments on the thread, it appears she is just as nasty and vindictive as Sid Bonkers and Noblehead.


  4. So is AliB one of these lowcarb bullies I keep reading about on carbos blog?

  5. Day Dream Believer27 September 2012 at 14:41

    "I suppose you couldn't have had a peek at DCUK today and seen a topic with a different reference to your article?"

    Yep I saw that thread too, does this mean CowboyJim is another of Eddie's trolls!


  6. Anonymous said...
    I suppose you couldn't have had a peek at DCUK today and seen a topic with a different reference to your article?

    Ssshhhh ! People will be accusing cowboyJim of being me. "I'm not a for real cowboy.. but I'm one hell of a stud." Jon Voight Midnight Cowboy


  7. The link to DCUK is not really fair because a lot of the posts have been deleted due to them being posted by banned members.
    What some of you do not realise is that at the same time this thread was being savaged on a now defunct LC forum which was visible to all and sundry. The same posters on the LC forum who were showing unreasonable views towards anyone that did not low carb where then using DCUK and appearing surprised at the reception they got. If people are being bad mouthed elsewhere it is only human to respond.
    Who would have thought that diabetes was a war.

  8. "What some of you do not realise is that at the same time this thread was being savaged on a now defunct LC forum which was visible to all and sundry"

    To be really fair the thread was only started on the LC forum after AliB had been subjected to all the abuse.

    Ex LC forum member

  9. "The link to DCUK is not really fair because a lot of the posts have been deleted due to them being posted by banned members."

    "not really fair" are you winding me up ? Sure some posts have disappeared, but it does not alter the fact AliB was treated terribly by the likes of Bonkers, the cherub and nobhead.

    They are still causing trouble to the present day, although the Cherub seems to have seen the light.


  10. "Anonymous said...
    So is AliB one of these lowcarb bullies I keep reading about on carbos blog?"

    AliB was a lady in the finest sense of the term. Lowcarbers were often accused of being bullies. You do not have to look further than the link to to see bullying at it's worse, and who the main culprits were and some still remain.


  11. Bullies - thats an interesting term.

    are Doctors bullies for telling their patients to stop smoking? Or refusing to tell people it is OK to smoke a little bit and deny the evidence of harm?

    Are HCP's bullies for telling people with liver damage to stop drinking alcohol? and refusing to change their proof on what it does to their patients livers just because their patients dont like the evidence?

    So why sould Low-carbers be called bullies because they stick to what they know is safe, tried, tested, proven by them and backed up by eminent Medical people who are being marginalised by big Pharma?

    If we kept quiet, wouldnt we be just as guilty as the HCP's who support high-carb diets for Diabetics, if their patents are harmed or die?

    Cognitive dissonance anyone?????

  12. Lets not forget folks the same sort of treatment was handed out by these moronic antis to Hanna on many occasions.

  13. So the bullied antis turn out to be the bullies, does not surprise me in the least.


  14. Anonymous Quote
    "The link to DCUK is not really fair because a lot of the posts have been deleted due to them being posted by banned members."

    Lets put you straight on this, the only posts that were deleted were mine and silver fox's. My posts were not deleted due to me being a banned member, nor were they deleted for any offensive comments. They were down to cugilas selective deletion of my posts this can be seen on other threads too, it was kennys perverse way of getting revenge on those who refused to kow tow to him.
    Silverfox was an alias used by cugila the then moderator, you will see a reference on one of the comments to mr/mrs fox, after stirring things up along with cherub to get me banned (for comments on another forum) he removed all his silverfox posts.

    Anonymous Quote
    "What some of you do not realise is that at the same time this thread was being savaged on a now defunct LC forum which was visible to all and sundry."

    As has been said earlier the DCUK thread had been running for sometime before any comment was made over at the LC forum, given the downright nastiness shown by the likes of bonkers, cherub, noblehead, jopar et al aided and abetted by two forum moderators ii's not surprising a thread appeared on the LC forum.

    Anonymous Quote
    "The same posters on the LC forum who were showing unreasonable views towards anyone that did not low carb where then using DCUK and appearing surprised at the reception they got. If people are being bad mouthed elsewhere it is only human to respond."

    Towards anyone that didn't LC! come on now the majority of the members who did not LC never got involved and were not "bad mouthed" in any way, and when did you see any of us T2s go into the T1 forum. Phoenix, jopar, and nobelhead all T1s on the other hand spent a lot of time insisting they knew better than us how to manage our diabetes.

    Anonymous Quote
    "Who would have thought that diabetes was a war."

    The war as you call it started when a certain dietition joined the forum, obviously she was anti LC so when she started to rubbish LC of course we took issue with her, whilst the forum antis sided with her. I remember the thread when she said without potatoes we would be deficient in Folic Acid Vitamin C and lack Serotonin, she has now removed that post, she has also mentioned Scurvy Osteoporosis as other examples of side effects of LC. On the Dietetics forum she stated potatoes should be a staple for T2s!

    As an aside I still have 842 posts on DCUK despite Kennys deletions.
    This is a thread I originally started in the LowCarb forum all the usual suspects make an



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