By Aidan Coggins
"This week we got to witness the apogee of bad science in the form of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) resurrecting the old wives tale of how high protein intake is damaging for health, most notably causing kidney damage, through the medium of BBC Newsbeat. Quoting the British Dietetic Agency (BDA) on how evidence now shows a high protein intake is damaging for health, spokesperson Jane Griffin stated,
"People who have these high protein diets are now running into problems with their kidneys because of the amount of protein they must get rid of."
With no studies or research forthcoming from the BDA to back this radical claim, the BBC took it upon themselves to take this seed of pseudo science and sprout it into a full out nutritional advisory façade. Their 'rigorous' evidence combined with the 'rational' logic that emanates from a 'world weary' 22-year-old student who 'knowingly' claims that protein supplements cause harm.
"It felt like I was on drugs. I was shaking and I got angry. It also had an effect on my girlfriend who didn't want to be around me when (I) had taken it."
But fear not, realising how serious the adverse reaction was he's kicked the habit. He now only takes four protein shakes a day instead of seven. His girlfriend must be so relieved!
However, unable to find someone consuming seven protein shakes a day (who would have guessed it) I had to fall back on plan B, and try the novel approach of seeing what best science dictated on the matter with regards to the BDA claims. Contacting Professor Joe Millward, expert consultant on protein and amino acid requirements for WHO (World Health Organisation) and FAO (Food Authority Organisation of the United Nations), I was unsurprisingly informed that the BDA view was outdated and unfounded. Instead I was directed to a WHO report which examined the matter[1], and I quote:
"There is clear evidence that high intakes of protein by patients with renal disease contribute to the deterioration of kidney function (8-12). However, the suggestion that the decline of glomerular filtration rate that occurs with advancing age in healthy subjects (13) can be attenuated by reducing the protein in the diet appears to have no foundation................ This indicates that chronic protein intake is a determinant of glomerular filtration rate, but does not suggest a role for protein intake in the deterioration of kidney function.................... protein restriction on the grounds of renal function is justifiable and prudent only in subjects who are likely to develop kidney failure"
So, there you have it, if you are at risk or have kidney disease, you need to monitor protein intakes, but you cannot extrapolate this to a healthy individual. To do so is simply bad science.
So, there you have it, if you are at risk or have kidney disease, you need to monitor protein intakes, but you cannot extrapolate this to a healthy individual. To do so is simply bad science.
I for one find it extremely disappointing that an association that represents the profession of dieticians would be aligned with such an unfounded, archaic view point. The 'BDA' may be an ensemble of letters authoritative in design, but, propagating such quackery has to make you cautious of accepting any of the messages they stand by. I call on them to retract this false claim immediately, and save face and professional standing. At the very minimum do it for the sake of their members who do their best to improve the health of their patients based on scientific principles and don't want to be undermined by their associative body."
The last time I took on a dietitian and Director of the BDA on this blog I had two threats of legal action and a phone call from the Police. It came to nothing of course, just like the lamentable dietary information she pushed around various forums and blogs under false names. Once her real name appeared here she disappeared like a rat down a pipe.
But then, some people think sugar, wheat, grains, manufactured oil produces, protein shakes are foods. And where protein shakes are involved, which protein and how much sugar is included?
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw this I thought OMG Dick Duck has been searching out new and interesting items BUT no it's Aidan Coggins.
ReplyDeleteGood read, thanks for bringing it here
What with the NHS DUK and now the BDA what chance do us diabetics have ?
ReplyDeleteI could't resist putting Grahams old avatar from Yet another banned member from Kens reign of terror.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"What with the NHS DUK and now the BDA what chance do us diabetics have ?"
You can also include the BHF who's dietary advice for diabetics includes:
"plenty of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Choose wholegrain varieties
wherever possible"
Or how about this from MedWeb:
"Our daily energy requirement should come from starchy foods, such as bread, potatoes, rice or pasta. Rice and potatoes particularly have a low glycaemic index, and are ideal."
About 2 years before I went low carb - 4 years ago - my eGFR was about 63.
ReplyDeleteDr said he was monitoring it but it was probably age-related & not a present problem. He approves my diet.
6 years on eGFR is 70.
Note (from memory):
Normal Kidney eGFR>90
stage 1 (no disease unless diagnosed) 60-90
Stage 2 30-60
stage 3 16-30
Dialiysis <=15
One man's perceived experience of an excessive protein supplementation is hardly grounds for a national panic.