LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes, has a new target: kids. This type of diabetes, which is known to be caused by obesity, is skyrocketing in people under the age of 20. Experts say it progresses faster and is harder to treat the younger you are.
"Ten to 20 years ago, this was unheard of. When we had a child with diabetes that child had Type 1," said Dr. Robin Goland with Columbia University.
In the last five years, Type 2 diabetes in children has doubled. Goland says her youngest patient is now just 8 years old.
"That's what we're seeing, are these very overweight children, teens and young adults getting what used to be an adult form of diabetes," said Goland.
Type 2 diabetes begins when the body develops a resistance to insulin. When the need for insulin rises, the pancreas gradually loses its ability to regulate blood sugar.
A National Institutes of Health study found that half of all newly diagnosed teens failed to maintain stable blood sugar. One in five suffered serious complications as a result.
"The first kids with Type 2 diabetes had worse cholesterol and triglycerides than these older men and women who were already having heart attacks," said Goland.
One hurdle for doctors is that the medications, Metformin and Avandia, used to control Type 2 diabetes in adults, is not working as well in children.
"Unless we take drastic measures to prevent it, this will be a huge problem," said Goland.
Family history and poor eating habits are red flags, and researchers now say how your child spends his or her day could also have an impact. A study by the Mayo Clinic shows for every two hours of TV time, the chance of developing Type 2 diabetes increases by 20 percent.
Sleep is also essential. A University of Chicago study showed when people slept less than eight hours, their blood sugar was higher and they were less sensitive to insulin.
I am sure I have made similar comments on other articles, so I apologise if I repeat myself.
ReplyDeleteSome, not all, of this current younger generation do in my opinion eat and drink the wrong type food. By all means eat a small percentage of carbohydrates but they surely must cut down on the completely un-necessary sugary, fizzy drinks that are so popular.
So called modern living, computer games, mobile phones etc are also doing the youngest more harm than good. The saying couch potato but in their world it's screen slaves that in some households has taken over. One could say adults spend too much time on forums and blogs too!
Whatever happened to walking to school? Children in some cases have to go by bus or coach or are dropped off at the school gate by their parents instead of a gentle stroll that some, not all, could do.
I can remember family walks in the park at weekends, or a bicyle ride together. a picnic with some fun games. I know some parents are fortunate and do this with their youngsters but I think more could and should be encouraged to do this.
My church holds a monthly family get together and includes walks, picnics, fun cricket and rounders on the various activities on offer. We also encourage one parent families, or those whose partners have to work at weekends to come and join us.
The answer must come down to an awareness of a good choice in lifestyle. Information and education to assist with making informed choice should be available. However, in some cases even those that are supposed educators need their eyes and ears opened to what is more healthy. For example a recommended number of 7.5 in the Nice guidelines for diabetics is too high, damage is being done.
A start would be if one person each day can do their best to inform and awaken people to the fact to cut down on un-necessary sugary drinks. I was amazed at the amount of sugar in a can of popular selling cola. And as for the so called healthy cereal bars that children have in lunch boxes, well read the article on this blog about them.
It is a fact that the age for developing Type 2 diabetes is getting younger and younger. This is extremely worrying. I do agree with the points put forward by Glenys.
ReplyDeleteAll over the western world I do think that a lot of peoples attitude to what is a good and balanced lifestyle has changed. There are so many more pressures put on the younger generation and their families. Some families are fortunate in getting the balance right but a lot unfortunately do not seem to do this. You may argue who is to say what is right and what is wrong, something though is not right or the obesity and other related problems would not be rising as they are. Are we on a downward spiral or can we stop the world from spinning out of control and do something positive to help?.
I write this as a young feeling 60 yr old, I'm not yet at the stage of saying stop the world I want to get off, but I do think we all ought to slow down and seriously give thought and consideration as to where we are going.
Has anyone else got any views on this?
I worry that these kids won't accept what lies ahead if they don't make changes to their lifestyle. It's hard when your diagnosed later in life but far easier to adapt to a change of diet.