Monday 1 October 2012

Eddie Mitchell the biggest arsehole that ever came up the pike.

“What is it you are confused about, how someone can be so full of hate and spite towards this forum?”
Sid Bonkers

“If it's the guy I'm thinking of he has done his best to cause trouble and spread wicked lies about DCUK, its members and staff and all those who disagree with his views, a nasty little character if ever there was one!” Noblehead

Take no notice - the only reason some people were banned was because of the aggressive nature of their posts . They were banned and carried it on at another forum!

We cannot all agree but some people cannot deal with that.
I have had enough flak form a few people - I am a Dietitian by the way and not a diabetic.
Ally aka Christine A Cashin dietition.

Mr. Mitchell has recently helped to bring a low car forum to it's knees after he was asked to leave because of his attitude so it is obviously not about low carbing. Some of us here know the lengths he will go to to be heard and they are not all pleasant. There were some really nice people on the low carb forum and they are without a forum at the moment. Seems he is self serving amongst other things.

He was banned from here and then asked to leave the next forum he joined and so he has started a blog to malign people who stood up to him. Would you want him on your Christmas Card list?

Well well well obviously don't know Mr Mitchell very well!  He has ridiculed, slandered and bullied many members on this forum from far away, I do hope he's lasted rant doesn't effect the smooth running of this forum as he is bitterly annoyed that everyone is so helpful to one-another on here and the advice given has helped turned people's lives around.

Eddie and his ego in the form of sockpuppets caused animosity and distress to individuals on this forum . He has subsequently been involved in blogs which insult and ridicule members of this forum, including one that was so inflamatory that even he had second thoughts and shut it down.
He has made capital over an incident with this doctor but
a) I have known 2 doctors (including the present case) come into the forum 'all guns blazing'. They both appear to have been asked to verify their credentials. (check out DrWs blog). That seems reasonable. If someone appeals to the authority of their qualifications, then we should at least know they are valid. The doctor this happened to on a precious occasion was someone who opposed low carb diets. 
b) Dr Ws views are controversial and he brought them to the fore very quickly ie ketosis and pregnancy.

I am a peace loving person but I cannot stand by and watch someone be vilified who only deserves praise in my eyes, (yes I still have them due to the intervention of Eddie Mitchell). I know that without his help, I, like many others would have been on a quick path to misery, certainly if I had followed the non existent advice of my 'HCPs', (although I realise that there are some very enlightened ones, just not in my neck of the woods).
Mr Mitchell is passionate about something which works, it is true that some find the concept of lowcarb difficult, even scary but in my case fantastic numbers and great food more than made up for the loss of boring pap such as bread and pasta in my diet (apologies Kathy - interesting name by the way).
Each to his or her own but don't knock something which works and someone who is not self seeking or interested in profit, but in helping people to have healthy, happy, long, lives.
By the way, I have no financial interest or ties to Mr Mitchell in any way, just believe in freedom of speech and justice, after all we are a democracy. 
I truly hope that this post will not be removed. You will see that I am not someone who makes frequent posts but could not stand by and listen to a character assassination of a man who has gone out of his way to help so many achieve safe bg numbers as well as excellent health.
Well said Mr Mitchell, thanks for pointing out the interview on the blog by the way Kathy.


I do not know Tyke and have no knowledge of this poster whatsoever.

Now you know why I take on a few lowcarb antis at



  1. Eddie do not let the high carb med addicted get to you.

  2. For those of us new to low carbing,
    Why were you banned from DCUK and why were you banned from another LC forum?

  3. Don't flatter yourself Eddie there's far bigger arseholes coming up the pike as the thread you highlighted shows!

  4. The holier than thou mob who showed their true colours on the AliB thread.

    As I've stated many times they are nothing but hypocrites.


  5. Sorry Eddie but the Master Baiter carbo claimed the title of biggest arsehole a long time ago.

    Nuff said!

  6. "Eddie Mitchell the biggest arsehole that ever came up the pike." Thanks for telling the truth for a change Ediot. LOLOLOL

  7. What's the point of linking to a 1 and half year old thread Ediot, are you in need of sympathy again? LOLOLOLOLOL

    Why don't you join DCUK again so that we can have loads of fun again?

  8. What's the point of linking to a 1 and half year old thread Ediot, are you in need of sympathy again? LOLOLOLOLOL

    Why don't you join DCUK again so that we can have loads of fun again?

  9. Eddie, you seem to have overlooked the fact that, however unsavoury, arseholes perform an essential service!

    On the other hand, pondlife like Knobhead and Bonkers are as useful as mammary glands on a male of the bovine family! (OK) Tits on a bull!)



  10. I'm still waiting to understand why the banning on 2 forums? This was a question I asked yesterday but nobody has answered.

  11. "I'm still waiting to understand why the banning on 2 forums? This was a question I asked yesterday but nobody has answered"

    If you tell us what time you wake up in the morning I will get one of our team to serve you breakfast in bed.

    Do you think we are here to run around after anonymous antis. You will get you answer in due course.


  12. I'm the biggest arsehole and it's official because my endo told me!


  13. Please ignore the last comment, I do not believe it was posted by Noblehead, it’s far too accomplished.


  14. Anonymous idiot said...
    "What's the point of linking to a 1 and half year old thread Ediot, are you in need of sympathy again? LOLOLOLOLOL

    Why don't you join DCUK again so that we can have loads of fun again?"

    Eddie in need of sympathy! I don't think so idiot, perhaps it's the anti's who need sympathy, exposed as bullies and arrogant hypocrites they are a spent force.

    Join DCUK again don't you know we are banned (???????) roflmao!!!!



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The best of health to you and yours.
