Wednesday 17 October 2012

Monty Beantipper 89 today.

Lord Beantipper of Alamein celebrates his 89th birthday today. Considered by many as the first lowcarb cyber warrior and scourge of big pharma and junk food companies. Together with his protégé Roger ‘Keto Warrior’ Jenkins he very nearly destroyed Eli Lilly & Co. and cost Mr. Kipling £millions in lost revenue. Monty is living in quiet retirement in a South Coast rest home with his long term partner Trixie. A celebration of his unique life will be held at Westminster Abbey at 11am. this morning.

Ketogenesis, Chapter 16, Verse 9:"Rejoice, for the tent of low-carb is with mankind, and normoglycemia resides with them. Anyone conquering carbohydrate will inherit these things. Outside are the carb-ridden dogs and those who are disgusting in their starchy filth, and all those who are liking and carrying on a carb-fuelled lie."


  1. Happy Birthday, Beantipper.

    May you enjoy a lovely day -

    From a low carb fan

  2. Frankie 'the pliers' Fraser17 October 2012 at 17:10

    I was banged up in Winchester Nick with Monty great geezer one of the boys.


    17 October 2012 17:08


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