Thursday 4 October 2012

New lowcarb mega star makes debut at !

The lowcarb scene was in awe today when a new lowcarb star arrived at the flog. anti-statiniser went straight for the jugular and dismissed statins as poison that had killed thousands of people. “The war on cholesterol is based on bad science and ignorance, and driven by the greed of the pharmaceutical industry and our doctors, no less. You won't believe how many organisations receive bungs for promoting statins” Moving swiftly on he stated “the healthcare profession in general don't know their arses from their elbows. We have evolved over millions of years to run on fat” no holding back the punches with this guy !

Anti-statiniser was the first type one diabetic to be fast tracked through  The Lowcarb Diabetic Academy and a brilliant career is in prospect. Mentored by Roger ‘Keto Warrior’ Jenkins who invented "pro-active" low-carbing in 1972 after nearly choking to death on a boiled potato. Awarded MBE in 1994, for services to semicolon. Lord Beantipper was beaming with pride when he said “it’s clear from the start anti-statiniser will be taking no prisoners”  The Bonkers brothers were asked for a statement, but were unavailable for comment. The lowcarb antis would only state phoenix is on holiday but will issue a full rebuttal upon return to the forum.

Interesting times ahead and just in time for the weekend.


STOP PRESS Bonkers issues press statement.

What a rude and arrogant way to introduce yourself, please dont refer to other members here as sheep or infer that they may be ignorant should they not agree with you.

There is more than one way to control diabetes, please bear that in mind when posting in future.


  1. What a larf guys. And Beantipping too

    Cheers from Jon B

  2. Could you try and make the sock puppets less obvious?

  3. Professor Von Poopypants.4 October 2012 at 17:06

    "Could you try and make the sock puppets less obvious?"

    I couldn't agree more!


  4. "there is more than one way of expressing yourself, please bear that in mind in future"

    fibreclaireuk, 2012

  5. Has anyone seen Sid?

    Bo Peep


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The best of health to you and yours.
