Tuesday 2 October 2012

Over four years on and we are still upsetting all the right people !

Over the years I have often wondered and asked the question “what motivates a lowcarb anti” recently I stated they were nutters. I have amended that opinion to they are thick nutters. Our arch nemesis Carbo aka Tubolard the ex disgraced and fired mod at diabetes.co.uk and owner of the failed forum diabetes for life, came back from the dead last night. Rumours have been rife lately he had succumbed to a surfeit of toast and choccie biscuits his staple diet, thankfully the old despot is still with us. Carbo loves me and Graham, he has dedicated years of his life to us, and we are the mainstay of his blog.

OK I realise he has rubbished just about every lowcarber that ever posted on the forum, but that is a good thing. Think of it this way. If Carbo and his Carboholic miscreants haven’t mentioned you in dispatches, you probably aren’t promoting the lowcarb way to diabetic salvation hard enough ! Think of a good slagging by carbo and his crew as a badge of honour. One thing’s for sure, if carbo likes you, you are probably morbidly obese, addicted to the food that caused your type two diabetes, and out of your mind on a cocktail of highly dangerous medications. One only has to check out the Bonkers one to see where that route leads to. So, back to carbo, the man who refuses to meet me and states he must remain anonymous because his employers would fire him if they read his blog. After months of almost nil activity, and next to no comments on his blog recently, he could not resist biting the biscuit offered to him last night. Jeez that guy can be manipulated like warm plasticine. His rabid pack of hyenas were out on the prowl within minutes. The usual insults were expected and received, nothing new there then, but they take their paranoia to a new level.

From carbo.

“Now, now. We can't go on accusing newcomers to DCUK as trolls not without some evidence anyway. After all Geoff/libraising/Edie/the master baker's right hand can't help himself, can s/he?”

From anonymous.

“We all know libraising is Graham, as do the Admin.
Which just goes to prove that all that forum is there for is to rake in posters and money from advertising.”

From Carbs United aka SarahQ aka SueM aka CarbsRok

“Such honesty from Edie, wonders will never cease” *

Tell me Sue why did you spend three days deleting thousands of your SarahQ posts from diabetes.co.uk ? Why so many CarbsRok posts self deleted ? Was you just trying to be honest ?

I think this one will run for a few days. I will deal with the question why I and others were banned from diabetes.co.uk later. I was banned from David’s lowcarb forum, the reason, I was highly critical of the way the forum was going. As I said at the time, it had become a “cakes and commiseration forum” posts re falling off the wagon and failure were becoming the norm, the place was becoming like the carbo forum of failure. Also, the man who started the forum, made Lord Lucan look like a regular poster. The only time he turned up was when the diabetes.co.uk resident dietition pulled his chain.

Six months after I was banned he pulled the plug on the place. What a pity he did not give others the chance to carry it on. Why did he pull the plug on the place ? Well our old friend Karla knows the answer to that one. She crept back in at diabetes.co.uk and has become a legend in her own lowcarb lunch time. What a funny old game this betus is eh.


* PS It appears old habits are hard to lose. Our Sue has deleted the post quoted above she posted at 10.16 this morning. As you would expect we have the evidence.

Carbs United2 October 2012 10:16
Such honesty from Edie, wonders will never cease.

Edited to include examples of Carbs United's deleted posts on DCUK.

A response to a missing post:

Hi SarahQ,
If you're starting to pump on the 11th surely your tag line of being type 1 for 43 years with no complications isn't strictly accurate.
I've been pumping for 9 months and know that there are stringent guidelines that must be met before a pump can be considered"


Carbs United also posts as CarbsRok and many of her posts have also  been deleted.

by CarbsRok » March 13th, 2010, 10:31 pm

Last edited by CarbsRok on September 15th, 2010, 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total


This is getting to be a common trait for the anti's with Ally5555 deleting posts and noblehead editing his.



  1. The big mystery is why you waste your time with the carbo blog. Anonymous fools and liars. Lets have some more recipes and good news from other low carb diabetics.

  2. Is Carbs United a full shilling?


  3. Three posts self deleted on one thread Why? because she is full of it and always has been. A perfect right hand woman for the despicable carbo.


  4. Anonymous said...
    "Is Carbs United a full shilling?"

    Definitely not, no sane person would spend time manually deleting 3000 posts.

    Could be down to all the years of hypers and hypos that have addled her brain.


  5. Stop being so paranoid Ediot. I'm not Ken, far from it cause I also have a bone to pick with Ken but am not in the slightest paronoid like you to think that everyone who replies to your posts is Ken. There are literally hundreds of people who hate your guts and would love to see you shut up and your bile blog shut down for good.

    I told you before that you don't scare anyone, least of all me, and I'm not going away unless you STFU and leave people to get on with their diabetes the way they want to.

    You are disgustingly sick in the head Ediot and in need of urgent treatment.

    BTW, why did you not publish my reply to the DUCK, did my reply upset him so much? LOLOL

    PS:I just bet my mate a tenner that you will not publish this one either cause it'll make you look more stupid than you already are.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The big mystery is why you waste your time with the carbo blog. Anonymous fools and liars. Lets have some more recipes and good news from other low carb diabetics.

    Why didn't you publish my reply to the above anonymous loony Ediot?

    Could it be that my replies are too close to the truth that you and the handful of your followers are truly idiots and you are trying very hard to to cower up this fact?

    Keep trying Ediot. LOLOLOL

  7. "I told you before that you don't scare anyone, least of all me"

    Bravely spoken gutless anonymous one. And you too scared to post even a hide in the shadows forum name. Stand by for more revelations about the cyber bullying antis.


  8. Dr Dolittle Dolittle said..

    "BTW, why did you not publish my reply to the DUCK, did my reply upset him so much? LOLOL"

    Quack quack quack, quack quack LOL,
    quack quack quack? quack quack quack quack! ROLF

    Quack quack

  9. Ugly duckling no 2 quacked: Quack quack quack, quack quack LOL,
    quack quack quack? quack quack quack quack! ROLF

    Quack quack

    Yep, that's about what you ever do duck, just "quack" and "quack" more. That's why no one ever listens or believes the crap you "quack" about. LOLOLOL

  10. Ediot wrote: Bravely spoken gutless anonymous one.

    I thought you were supposed to be good at hunting down people and bullying them, loosing your touch Ediot? LOL

    I have given you many hints in my posts as to who I am but obviously you are useless at playing your own games. I am a sockpuppet from the past or a ghostpuppet if it pleases your one cell brain. LOLOLOL

    Here's another hint; I was one of those who you could never scare and also one of those responsible for exposing your many sockpuppets and having them deleted by the then Admin Dan.

    And you too scared to post even a hide in the shadows forum name.

    Put the bottle down Ediot and try the above again but in English please. LOLOL

    Stand by for more revelations about the cyber bullying antis.

    For your first "revelation" you went back about 1 & a half years. For your second, you dug out posts 2 & a half years....so how far back are you going to go next time?

    It's not you who are upsetting people 4 years on Ediot, it's what happened to you 4 years earlier that is still upsetting you and hence this bile blog in an attempt to get your own back. The only thing is that it's backfiring right in your mush, just like it did 4 years ago, history repeating itself and you are pissing in the wind again. LOLOL

  11. While you post as a cowardly anonymous one, you are only a light weight my friend, join the big boys and let us know who you are. Otherwise, get back in your little pit and quack in fear.


  12. While you post as a cowardly anonymous one, you are only a light weight my friend, join the big boys and let us know who you are.


    Hmmm....."big boys"? is that the side effects of being banned from every diabetes forum and living in exile? ROLHFAO!

  13. "Yep, that's about what you ever do duck, just "quack" and "quack" more. That's why no one ever listens or believes the crap you "quack" about. LOLOLOL"

    In my opinion DUCK gave a calm intelligent and well considered response in answer to the rages of a psychopathic madman.


  14. To anon cretin.

    Your comments are now being placed in the memo from a mad man thread.

    Don't stop taking your pills.


  15. To anon cretin.

    Your comments are now being placed in the memo from a mad man thread.

    3am again you should try and get some sleep. What fun eh !



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The best of health to you and yours.
