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Tuesday 2 October 2012

Shamelessly nicked from elsewhere.

You know I am going to have to agree completely with this. I have lived on a ketogenic diet since March and from being at a place where I couldn't admit even to myself I was obese, I reached a normal 25 BMI yesterday by having this lifestyle. While many don't agree with it, my BG is low and stable all the time, my weight has come of and I am a different person all together. 

I was and am very carb intolerant and even a small raise in carbs is enough to send my BG skywards, so in many ways I had no choice but to have a ketogenic diet. If diabetes was curable and I were cured tomorrow, I would still remain on this diet, as I know that carbs in any quantity make me fat, make me feel sluggish and ill, and are really empty calories. I can get all the nutrients my body needs from other foods and not feel so ill, or gain weight. I have said this before to much criticism but I am going to say it again because it what I believe, carbohydrates are poison to humans and animals alike!

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