Sunday, 14 October 2012

Type two diabetics and why we need millions more ! part 1

This was a comment made by Adam Wilkinson- Moore on another thread.

"Of course if if conventional advice encouraged everyone to go low carb the millions (billions?) of pounds paid in tax by the drugs companies would drop dramatically. Add this to the impact on wheat prices and you begin to see why it's better for the economy to have people suffering from diabetes. It's the same as the smoking argument - the tax revenue from tobacco sales is far greater than the cost of treating people for smoking related ailments"

Ever wondered why so many have a vested interest in diabetes failure ?

I have and the comment above seems spot on to me. Here in the UK with treatment free,  OK I know we have paid into the fund all our lives, but most treatment and drugs are free at the point of issue, and we don’t get hit with massive bills for complex procedures or have to fork out maybe hundred of pounds or dollars per month for prescription drugs. Many diabetics around the world are getting hit with massive ongoing bills. The test strip market alone went past 1 $billion per year a long time ago. The bottom line is the money involved in treating world wide diabetes is monumental, a complete guess but we are talking about tens or hundreds of billions per year. So how does it all work ? The first thing you have to understand and keep in your head is you pay for it all. Whether NHS, medical insurance or out of your pocket with cheque or cash, you pay ! And you pay big time.

The other thing to remember is Governments have no money of their own, they raise money in two ways, by taxes and issuing bonds, basically bonds are IOU’s the Government is borrowing the money. They raise money by flogging off state owned assets to private companies and individuals, but once the family silver is gone, it’s gone. They also raise money these days with a complete Mickey  Mouse system called Quantative Easing. This has been tried in the past and it has always failed. It’s money printing, issuing paper backed by nothing and worth nothing, chucked into the system to keep it on some sort of life support system while bright boys come up with some ideas to get us out of the mire. Look at it this way. If I wanted to be the most popular and loved man in the UK, I would issue everyone a printing press and allow them to print their own money. Sounds good eh, maybe not. It would bring about astronomic inflation and you would be printing ten hours a day to have enough money to buy a loaf of bread, healthy food item. So that idea is a no no, the only people that do not understand this are politicos. They will cling to anything that keeps them in power for a little longer. They think short term and never ever forget, you and I mean nothing to them, we are a statistic, merely a number, a serf to be manipulated from the cradle to the grave.

So back to taxes and bonds. When the Government borrows money by issuing bonds they are interest bearing, guess who pays the interest, you guessed correctly, you. Obviously you also pay the taxes. Now the government can’t be seen to be relieving you of almost all your hard earned money, (they would be voted out swiftly) so they get others to do it for them. Enter multi-national food conglomerations and big pharma. A point to remember here is, you may know so much of the food sold these days is massed produced high margin junk, and you may also know big pharma have been fined billions for lying, corruption and knowingly killing people, but the general population doesn’t. If they do, which I doubt, they obviously don’t care. So here’s how the system works.

People buy the factory produced high margin food and it makes billions for the big food outfits. They make massive profits and pay the Government billions in taxes. Joe Blogs thought he got good value for  money in his super market trolley, Mr. Tesco is rubbing his hands and the Government rakes in the money. This works great, but we can take it a stage further. What if this junk food makes the people ill, wonderful, a win win situation. Notice I said ill, not dead. There is no money in dead people and there is no money in healthy and fit people, the trick is  making people ill and keeping them alive, sort of ! Big pharma is swiftly on the case. They sell us the antidote for the poisonous food the food companies sold us. What a fantastic system eh, it gets even better. If the people can keep working for most of their illness, and drop down dead quickly after they become incapacitated, about 64 years of age is optimal, the state doesn’t have to pay out on the old age pension. This is bordering on genius now. People pay into the state pension scheme for 40 or more years and get nothing back. Don’t forget, you paid for your NHS treatment, you pay the taxes, you pay the interest on the Governments borrowing. You pay the company taxes.

Now you know why the Government does not want accurate information on food packaging, now you know why big pharma gets away with gross criminal acts and get a token fine. $3 billion might seem a lot of money to the man in the street, I am old enough to remember when $3 billions was considered serious money, but to big pharma it’s an overhead and an overhead they are willing to pay, why ? you guessed that one too, because you and I pay.



  1. This does get you thinking. However, I do think there is a huge number of people who clearly do not want to think. It is enough for them to get up each day and deal with their life, go to bed and start again. Isn't this what governments want?
    How dare some of us question this.


  2. What you say is true Joe. But that does not mean we all have to keep our mouths shut.



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