Thursday, 1 November 2012

Beating a Path to the Door of Type 1 Diabetic Blood Glucose Control

With 93% (95%) of Type 1 diabetics in England (Wales) failing to achieve a HbA1c < 6.5% one would have thought there would have been a great deal of interest in the posts of those Type 1 diabetics who have managed to achieve such control. Examples include Fergus Craig, Dillinger and recently Pneu.

Unfortunately not! Instead what we witness is a steady drip of carping pernicious comment on either the successful Type 1 diabetic or lowcarbing for blood glucose control. Plentiful examples of such behaviour can be found on posts on and ‘Anonymous’ comments on this blog.

The question arises “what blood glucose levels could be achieved under ‘normal’ eating?” Two studies of DAFNE courses in the UK give an indication.

Over a 1 year period average HbA1c fell from 8.51% to 8.24%

Over a 7 year period average HbA1c fell from 8.6% to 8.3%

So, even with the provision of a structured education programme, the participants were unable to replicate the success of Fergus, Dillinger and Pneu. Over the past 5 years there have been many other Type 1 diabetics achieving similar success. They were frequent posters on Where are they now? Gone, worn down by the behaviour exhibited in the posts on and the ‘Anonymous’ comments on this blog. One is reminded of the line from Dylan’s “It’s All Right, Ma”

Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he’s in



  1. No better examples of the manner in which reasoned individual have to waste their time in responding to the embittered comments of morons can be found in the responses to:


    Noblehead doesn't seem to realise that the blog under question is Carbo's cesspit!

  2. {Insert Name Here}1 November 2012 at 21:17

    FisherforSouls said...
    Noblehead doesn't seem to realise that the blog under question is Carbo's cesspit!

    .... I think .... by the end .... of the thread .... he might have .... got the picture ....

  3. This is the quote from noblehead:

    "I'm afraid you could never call it 'humor' on Eddie's blog when he ridicules and persecutes members, moderators and admin of this forum and the owners of DCUK. We had a member on here who he relentlessly persecuted to the point where he was phoning her at work, this member had to involve the Police to warn him off.......therefore it would be hard to think of a more nasty man and one that does more harm to the diabetic community!"

    The member he refers to was the infamous Ally5555 a dietitian? who posted this ludicrous comment on DCUK:

    "What do you miss from carbs - fibre ( that seems to be why constipation is a problem) folic acid and vit C ( pots) or and seratonin which increase from carb consumption and makes you happy - that might account for the loss of a sense of humour in alot of low carbers or is it the hangover from all the alcohol they seem to consume !"

    She has since removed the comment and others on the same theme.

    On the dietetics forum (forum for dietitians) posting as sportdiet she also stated potatoes should be a staple for T2s, and also referred to some other HCPs as dickheads (post removed when we publicised it on this blog) which is not what you would expect from a director of the BDA.

    At one time she was also a regular on Dr Briffa's blog posting under the name of Chris.

    This is just one of the responses to her comments from Dr Briffa which says it all:

    "As usual, your last post is full of rhetoric, but devoid of substance or science. I’m not sure you’re doing the image of your profession" much good, quite frankly."

    As for noblehead we showed him up for the hypocrite he is when he edited one of his posts we highlighted on this blog.


  4. On the same thread that FisherforSouls mentioned CarbsRok made a comment, for those that don't know she also goes under the alias CarbUnited at carbo/tubolards blog.

    Friends of carbo/tubolard include phoenix, jopar, and Sid Bonkers.

    Nuff said indeed.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
