Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Diabetes care depressingly poor, say MPs

The standard of care for diabetes in England is "depressingly poor", causing unnecessary deaths and disabilities, a parliamentary committee says.
The Public Accounts Committee came to the conclusion after looking at how well the NHS was doing at helping patients manage their condition.
Previous reports have criticised the lack of checks being carried out, such as blood pressure, eye and foot exams.
They both flagged up statistics showing less than half of people with diabetes get all the nine basic tests they should.
Without effective care, patients can develop a range of complications, including blindness and kidney disease.
If everyone got the right care, it is estimated 24,000 lives could be saved each year.


  1. Interesting ! less than half get all the checks that they need ? ?
    And thats before they go on to recieve Healthy Diet Advice.

    Does that mean that if they got all the health checks and the same Diet advice they would be any healthier afterwards ?

    Just a thought !

  2. If I have a broken nose it doesn't matter how many times you do a physical examination of my nose, if you keep punching me in the face it's not going to get better.

    Same with health checks dietary advice and diabetes.


  3. I agree, while dietary advice remains almost universally grossly sub-standard all the tests in the world won’t change anything for most diabetics. All the tests will confirm is diabetes is always progressive and complications await all diabetics. This is what the NHS and others want of course. They publish grim stats year after year without a hint of shame or remorse and while people die, the medics fiddle around with the latest type two meds that are not much better that useless and many banned for err…..killing people. Never mind they have always got The Liverpool Pathway to kill us off, and they won’t even need to feed us. What a world eh.


  4. And telling type 2's with good control, that they are cured, and removing them from the diabetic register and access to any future health checks is going to make the situation even worse : (


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