Friday, 9 November 2012 exposed as big pharma, junk product shills and money grabbing exploiters !

This post says all you need to know ! Stand by for massive damage limitation ! Trouble is we have seen it so many times before !

Re: Sad

Postby Dillinger » less than a minute ago
40,000 person forum? What rubbish - there are about 100 who post regularly and the ones that post the most, the ones that help the most have been banned?

What rank idiocy - I've given hundreds of hours to this forum but all of the banned have given far more. For what? To be slapped in the face for the privilege of providing free content. 

I'm not posting again until they return and if they don't then what's the point if that's how your forum stars get treated?

Good work Mods. 


Postby swimmer2 » Today, 8:20 pm
You've banned Boro ? Really? 

Stephen's one of the few reasons I've got my health now. Stuff it - ban me too - without the core members this forum is just noise.


Re: Sad

Postby angieG » 7 minutes ago
WTF is going on around here?
These guys that have been banned (for whatever their supposed crime - of which I know nothing about) are some of the most helpful folks around. Were they not the same ones though that were being ridiculed and slated on that other forum last week or whenever? Have we been taken over by the chiefs of that forum or something?
I guess thinking like this may be a bit cynical, but something is definitely afoot here and I don't like it at all. This place used to be a happy, helpful area where answers could be found to pretty much anything. Now it feels like a hostile, cold, war zone that is not at all welcoming.
If it is to continue, things need to change big time in my opinion.
Sorry if this upsets anyone and if I run the risk of getting banned, that's fine as I too don't feel much like posting on here anymore.


  1. Sure takes the heat of DaisyGate!

    Compare and contrast the ones that help the most are banned with DaisyGate.


  2. Yes take the heat off the bent mods and ban the honest guys!


  3. Ban every one but the people that need banning. Daisy should have gone days ago. All the good mods gone.

  4. As the owners of DCUK have proved so many times. When your nose is in the trough your blinded to what really goes on at the forum.

    The forum can lose a thousand good posters as long as Jopar, Noblehead, phoenix, catherinecherub and Bonkers get their own way. DCUK want to propagate the grim outcomes for diabetics, because money can be made from them. Not much money in lowcarbing, shame on them, totally corrupt !

    No doubt Ben will be made the scapegoat for this balls up !


  5. I'm logged in the forum at the moment and besides the two mods on line there are two hidden, these two must be part of the admin team what are they scared of.

    Forum name withheld for obvious reasons.

  6. Jopar, Noblehead, phoenix, catherinecherub and Bonkers can post what they like, but if you are a lowcarber you can be banned for saying hello.


  7. Anonymous said...
    I'm logged in the forum at the moment and besides the two mods on line there are two hidden, these two must be part of the admin team what are they scared of.

    Forum name withheld for obvious reasons.

    Yep,I've noticed that whilst Daisy1 has not being shown as online for a while,she has made posts as little as 30 minutes ago! Hmmmm..The 1 'Hidden' perhaps? Daisy and Anna29 have proved they are not fit for purpose and should do the dignified thing and resign NOW!

  8. Always a job for Daisy at kens blog/forum. She has been his recruiter for a long time. As reported here months ago. DCUK don't give a monkeys about any individual. It's all about money as they have proved again. Cold hearted bastards !


  9. I hope the newly diagnosed will not be left at the mercy of the anti fat high carb brigade, phoenix, noblehead, jopar et al they are a serious risk to the well being of T2 diabetics.


  10. I got banned from there for saying, on this blog, that some of the mods on there couldn't walk and chew gum at the same tine. I now view that as a compliment!

    Scumbags like Knobhead and Bonkers have taken over the asylum.



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