Thursday, 8 November 2012 Prove once again it’s all about money !

I have lost count of the times I have praised and urged people to join I and the team here were early members over four years ago. Back in those days the forum had less than two thousand members. A man called Fergus Craig joined the forum. A type one diabetic who introduced us to people like Bernstein, Taubes, Kendrick and many others. Fergus was and still is a lowcarb super star. HbA1c in the fours, lipids of a kid and running marathons and competing in hundred mile bike races against men half his age and non diabetic. Without any exaggeration Fergus put many extra complication free years on so many lives. A man to be revered and respected, but not by all.

He was attacked almost immediately by a complete imbecile of a dietition and Director of BDA, (who disappeared without trace deleting her own posts when her true identity was outed here) and a small group of other lowcarb antis. Some of those people post to the present day and feature in many posts on this blog. Many active lowcarbers were banned. Yours truly, Graham, John Wilson, Ray Davis, Wallycorker the list is long. Hundreds probably thousands of potentially good members have gone, lowcarbers just called it a day and walked. Thread locking and deletion of posts carries on to the present day, and the vast majority of trouble caused by the same few people over four years.

History repeats itself. Other lowcarbers are being thread locked, banned and threatened. With almost all the  success coming from lowcarbers, the $64000 question has to be why ? Why does the forum allow complete idiots to post year after year and remain members ? People such as Noblehead, Sid Bonkers, Phoenix, Jopar etc. Staunch anti lowcarbers who have caused countless thread locks and trouble. It must be because that’s how the owners want it !

The forum is owned by an outfit called SiteFinders UK. This company specialises in exploitation. Payday loans, exploiting the financially disadvantaged, Online Dating, exploiting the lonely, Diet UK exploiting the over weight, OK you’re getting the picture. Disadvantaged, or people in trouble can be a very good money earner. Even when you are banned from the diabetes forum the sales and marketing emails flood in. Trust me I have been banned under a number of names, but I’m still in the total member count and still get the emails.

I’m still a member and have a look around on a regular basis, and the list of members who have never posted is very, very long. The last thing the owners want is a forum that big pharma and junk food outfits perceive as lowcarb. There is very little money in lowcarb. Who wants a DCUK high carb hamper, who wants a ludicrous plastic over priced diet plate, who wants an Antony Worrall Thompson recipe book, which is about as much use as a rubber beak on a woodpecker (Jeez the guy is more obese than I ever was) when you are a lowcarber, who wants to pay well over the odds for special socks and test strips from the main site, when you are well in control by lowcarbing. Need I go on ? The list of members is a marketing list, as individuals they mean nothing to the management ! From the SiteFinders website.

“Lead generation is simple. Why? When you're using targeted domains and expert user profiling you know exactly how to approach your visitor. More than that, you know what they want; and you know why they've just popped into your store. Our sites hosting forms have unique visitor to lead conversion rates of over 30%. Our front end team are world experts in maximising lead generation conversion.”

So there you have it, SiteFinders don’t give a monkeys for diabetics or anyone else I suspect, it’s all about money. Again from their website.

“ doesn't belong to Sitefinders, it belongs to the community” If you believe that, you won’t have any trouble in believing I will be the next Pope.



  1. Well if that is all true why are you so obsessed with place.

    Plus where are all your so called mates like Fergus and the doctor - probably keeping as far away as possible!!!

  2. What time do you have to be back ?


  3. Daisy1 is still a mod there - and lucy is being ignored by the mods. .

  4. I like Ben but boy did he F**k up yesterday or what!


  5. Ben's in a shit storm of his own making.. if he had some balls and acted when all this was first raised then he wouldn't have the problems he now does.. Infact I think yesterday was the first time he has been active on the forum in weeks.. Poor Anna29 been going mental trying to hold it all together..

  6. Money makes the world go around, us humans just get in the way, although a few out there try to become big boulders in the ever shifting sand. Some boulders remain un-moveable.

  7. who actually owns and runs DCUK?


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The best of health to you and yours.
