Friday, 30 November 2012

NICE still living in a dream world !

With the NHS collapsing into the abyss, the good guys at NICE have the answer to the obesity and type two diabetes epidemics, screen your patients for their exercise activity. Can you imagine some of the conversations. Doctor to 400lb man, how much exercise do you partake in ? This is to a guy that struggled to get from his car to the waiting room, or to get through the door. How about a chat with a slim healthy guy who is struggling to keep a roof over his wife and three kids heads, and working every hour god sends to survive. See my point, another complete waste of time and money, NICE is very good at that.

Obviously some patients will be keep fit fanatics, they have the time and money to join the their local high tech shrine for physical perfection, but the average Joe, forget it. At best he is going to tell his Doctor what he thinks he wants hear, he may even say your having a larf aren’t you, when he points out how many morbidly obese medics he saw down the hospital the day before. He might even ask his Doctor, why Doctors figure so highly on the suicide, alcohol and illegal drug abuse stats so high..

Remember most type two diabetic can’t get a test strip on prescription, testing has been deemed to be a waste of money. You could argue they are right, but only because the dietary advice given to most patients, guarantees a slow progression to ever more medication, and poor control leading to diabetic complication for many. This latest draft guidance published by NICE. will achieve nothing other than waste time and money.

"GPs and practice nurses should screen all adults to determine if they reach recommended levels of physical activity, recommends draft guidance published by NICE.
The guidance says practices should opportunistically use questionnaires to determine the activity of all their adult patients in consultations and tailor advice to those who are not sufficiently active including identifying motivational issues."


1 comment:

  1. The dreams are getting worse and worse and it's us 'ordinary' folk who suffer.

    Keep on pressing and highlighting these seemingly absurd ideas, we owe it to ourselves and fellow diabetics to help and assist in any way we can, legally of course.



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