Phillip Lee GP MP wins our greedy bastard of the month award !
When Phillip Lee hasn’t got his nose in the trough, he has his head firmly up his backside. This paragon of care and humanity believes becoming a diabetic is a "lifestyle choice" which makes me wonder does he know the difference between type 1 and type two diabetes ? Not that I believe any type of diabetes was brought about by lifestyle choice. That’s a serious question because the majority of GP’s know almost nothing about diabetes. What compounds the stupidity of the likes of Lee, is when a patient is diagnosed as a type two diabetic, the average Doctor recommends a diet based on carbs which guarantees the patient will be drug dependent and cost the NHS a fortune over the years.
What amazes me with morons and other idiots of Lee’s ilk is that they believe diabetes was brought about by “lifestyle choices” but haven’t got the intelligence to realise type two diabetes can be reversed by “lifestyle choices” thereby saving the cash strapped NHS err…a fortune. OK I will give this guy a break, he does know, but also knows diabetics earn £billions for big pharma. So this is how it works. A Doctor or other medical professional recommends a diet that guarantees the patient requires lots of expensive medication, just as big pharma likes it. He then puts his MP’s hat on and helps destroy and privatise the NHS. He then puts his entrepreneurs hat on, and invests in private healthcare. A win,win,win situation for him. And here is the sickest part of the cunning plan. We pay him a small fortune to shaft us. Yes, we as tax payers pay his salary as a Doctor, we pay his salary as an MP. He then invests his earning in private healthcare and down road we get shafted big time again. Clearly, Phillip Lee is not a stupid as he appears.
"Patients suffering from diseases caused by "lifestyle choices" such as diabetes should pay for their medication to help save the NHS from collapse, a Tory GP urged.
Phillip Lee said the health service could "probably limp on for the rest of this decade" but warned pressure from baby boomers and younger patients, who he accused of being less "stoic" than the war generation, meant the system needs radical reform.
The practising locum and MP for Bracknell said the perception over what was an acceptable complaint to visit a doctor about was "profoundly different" between older and younger patients and claimed the change in attitude meant the NHS was no longer "fit for purpose".
Dr Lee, a member of the Free Enterprise group of Tory MPs, said patients must live healthier lives or help meet the cost of their care from their own pockets.
"If you want to have doughnuts for breakfast, fine, but there is a cost implication down the line," he said."
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ReplyDeleteDr Phillip Lee MP could benefit from watching Dr Peter Attia who questions the fundamental basis on which he has built