Friday 30 November 2012

Vaccines are Causing the Epidemics of Type 1 Diabetes, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes/ Metabolic Syndrome !

BALTIMORE, Md.Nov. 30, 2012 /NEWS.GNOM.ES-iReach/ — A newly published review in November’s Current Diabetes Reviews  (Nov 1;8(6):413-8) by a scientist at Classen Immunotherapies provides evidence that the epidemics of type 1 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes are caused by vaccines.
The paper provides a review of evidence that the vaccines are causing the epidemics of insulin dependent diabetes (type 1 diabetes), obesity and non insulin dependent diabetes (type 2 diabetes).  Upon receiving a vaccine some individuals’ immune system becomes hyper active leading to autoimmune destruction of insulin secreting cells. Other individuals produce increased cortisol and other immune suppressing molecules,  to suppress the vaccine induced inflammation. The increased production of cortisol and other molecules leads to type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.
The evidence supporting vaccines as a cause of the epidemics of obesity and type 2/diabetes metabolic syndrome include the facts:  the epidemic is occurring in other highly immunized mammals including grass fed horses, the epidemic of obesity in humans occurs when children are just 6 months of age, and populations where obesity is the highest actually have some of the lowest rates of type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease. The findings explain why the waning of the obesity epidemic in the US is associated with increases in inflammatory conditions as the immune system’s negative feedback loop reaches its maximal limit and additional vaccine induced inflammation goes unchecked.
“The current data shows that vaccines are much more dangerous than the public is lead to believe. Adequate testing has never been performed even in healthy subjects to indicate that there is an overall improvement in health from immunization. The current practice of vaccinating diabetics as well as their close family members is a very risky practice” says the author. “One major problem with vaccines is the “one dose fits all approach”, where in order to induce protection in the 1% with the weakest immune system you are over stimulating the immune system of the remaining 99% of the population and this is leading to epidemics of inflammatory diseases.”
To view published papers and to find out the latest information on the effects of vaccines on autoimmune diseases including insulin dependent diabetes and metabolic syndrome, visit the Vaccine Safety Web site
More here:
Review of Evidence that Epidemics of Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes/ Metabolic Syndrome are Polar Opposite Responses to Iatrogenic Inflammation.


  1. Please don't add scaremongering about the safety of vaccination to this blog.
    Dr Classen's previous claims on this subject have been well rebutted.
    This isn't written well but provides links to a large number of studies refuting his previous claims on the subject;id=1;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwebspace%2Ewebring%2Ecom%2Fpeople%2Fil%2Flmorgan%2Ffearmongers%2Fjohn_b_classen%2Ehtm

  2. The later explains why discontinuation of BCG vaccination was associated with a decrease in type 1 diabetes in European children and a decrease in type 2 diabetes in Japanese children. Both the epidemics of type 1 diabetes and metabolic syndrome correlate with an increase in immunization. Finally, there is a strong mechanism data that macrophage produced interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 6, which are released following inflammation, causing destruction of insulin secreting islet cells and increase cortisol release, and thus have the ability to cause both type 1 and type 2 diabetes/metabolic syndrome (which resembles a Cushingoid state). The propensity to develop type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes/metabolic syndrome depends on the propensity to release of cortisol which correlates with race.

    From the Pubmed link we posted.


  3. BCG vaccine used to be given routinely to children in the UK at age 13. It is now no longer routinely given, yet there is a rise in the numbers with T1 (in the under 5s it is rising by 5% a year)

    In the US the BCG vaccine was never routinely given.
    Dr Faustman's research, centres on using the BCG vaccine to 'cure' T1
    Personally, I put his research alongside that of Andrew Wakefield. Indeed you can find them together at anti vaccination conferences.
    As your friend Borofergie would say correlation doesn't imply causation but other statisticians have disputed the correlations he has found in previous research.

    Two independent reviews of available data specific to vaccines were presented by the Cochrane reviewers and the Johns Hopkins Vaccine Safety Institute; neither found an association such as that reported, and both indicated concerns about methodological issues in statistical analysis and the design and conduct of these studies. The conclusion of the workshop, presented in June 1998, was that studies in humans do not indicate an increase in type 1 diabetes attributable to any vaccine or the timing of immunisation
    Whilst you are reading have a look at the Vaccine controversies article in wiki and the results of anti vaccination campaigns.
    My daughter in law is pregnant, she will have a whooping cough vaccination next week to protect her baby when it is born. There have been 13 deaths in neonates this year.
    Guess what Classen has also blamed T1 on that vaccine in Classen JB, Classen DC.:Vaccines and the risk of insulin-dependent diabetes
    (IDDM): potential mechanism of action.Med Hypotheses 2001 Nov;57(5):532-8)
    Ok I've cut my last diatribe, I'll just say look at the source of your information, look at the standing of the journal but in this case also think about the increase in diseases in a population that is under vaccinated.

    If your blog has any influence , you should also consider the possible consequences of what you publish.
    Same Anonymous as before !

  4. Thank you for your comments, we are the messengers, not the originators of this information. I suggest you take the matter up with the authors.

    As an aside, as you post anon, how do we know you are not a pharma rep selling or defending your companies products.


  5. I post anonymously because of your past history. I am just an ordinary person.
    Most vaccines are generic , not a huge profit for 'big pharma@
    What advice would you give to your children and grandchildren? I know what I would say to mine, though I also know the anguish I went through when I decided whether my daughter should have the whooping cough vaccination back in the seventies.
    As a messenger, you select what to publish.
    At least you have published my comments. I hope they may help others consider the original post critically

  6. "I post anonymously because of your past history."

    What is your past history ? You seem to know a lot about big pharma and profit margins etc. Are you a drug rep, and are you aware of the billions big pharma has been fined for lying and cheating ?

    Do you really think they have yours or my best interest at heart ?


  7. "I post anonymously because of your past history. I am just an ordinary person."

    Our past history as you put it has enabled us expose and out a dietition (I could never bring myself to call her a Dietitian) who as she succinctly put it said potatoes were a staple in a T2 diet, and also proclaimed some fellow HCP's were Dickheads. Also we were instrumental in bringing about the demise of a a forum despot who enabled the antis to flaunt all the forum rules. Of course there are many more we could "out" which if we were that way inclined.

    Most vaccines are generic , not a huge profit for 'big pharma@
    What advice would you give to your children and grandchildren? I know what I would say to mine, though I also know the anguish I went through when I decided whether my daughter should have the whooping cough vaccination back in the seventies.

    I actually had whooping cough as a child when no vaccines were available

    As a messenger, you select what to publish.

    Of course that is our choice if it offends or helps so be it

    At least you have published my comments. I hope they may help others consider the original post

    we always publish posts that offer some alternative views, what are unacceptable are the inane comments we get from another blog from obviously cerebrally challenged idiots

    if you have a problem with the post I suggest you contact the author @ alternatively our source

    I do have a feeling of Déjà vu about your comments have we crossed swords before?

    Anyway it's late I've had a enjoyable couple of hours in the pub, but no doubt I will be back tomorrow with some links for your perusal

    nullius in verba ! you better believe it.

    Love and hugs
    Graham xxx

  8. First and foremost I believe in the benefits of many vaccines as they have saved countless lives. What is unacceptable is the way Big Pharma has in the past doctored trials of drugs causing untold misery and even death for this reason is it any wonder their under constant scrutiny.

    Update on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

    Drug giants fined $11bn for criminal wrongdoing

    Merck was caught red-handed by two of its own scientists faking vaccine efficacy data by spiking blood samples with animal antibodies.

    Oversea drug trials exploit and kill Third World poor and US consumers alike

    Just a small selection of many hundreds of similar reports:



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
