As regulars on this blog know we like and support Jimmy Moore. He helped us dispose of a wacko forum moderator on the UK’s largest diabetes forum. A moderator who attacked and banned a good friend of ours (and many others) Dr.Jay Wortman. Jay is a Canadian Doctor and type two diabetic who uses and spreads the lowcarb word at every opportunity. As Jimmy has helped us we believe in loyalty. Without loyalty, what’s left ?
One of Jimmy’s staunchest critics, Evelyn Kocur AKA Carbsane can hardly contain herself with her latest attack on Jimmy. A few weeks ago Jimmy was a guest on a podcast with a man called David Duke. Duke is racist and in my opinion a complete nutter. He is an ex Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. If you are young and not American you may not remember the KKK. Take my word for it, they were a large outfit and highly dangerous. So warped and twisted Hitler would have been proud of them. The KKK were responsible for many crimes including murder. They were cowards and hid behind hooded masks when holding meetings and carrying out their racist crimes. OK you’ve got the picture, so what was a guy like Jimmy doing getting involved with the likes of Duke ?
In my opinion it was a mistake, a big mistake. Evelyn Kocur knows this and states on her blog “For the record, I don't believe Jimmy is a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist or any of that. I don't think he was doing any recruiting or anything like that by going on Duke's show or linking to his blog” so why all the excitement and Evelyn’s wet dream ? Because she is a failure. She can’t control her weight or her mouth. She stands for nothing, very much like my nemesis Carbophile. Jimmy is liked because he is a human being that talks openly about his success and failures. He is far from perfect, just like the rest of us. Our money is on Jimmy, he is an open and honest guy. What you see is what you get ! What is Evelyn ? Why is she dedicating her life to the rubbishing of Jimmy and others ? Why can’t she get to a healthy weight ? That’s easy, lack of self discipline and she eats too much ! She can certainly talk the talk, but she can’t walk the walk !
Carbsane blog here.
From Jimmy tonight.
In fact, a couple of weeks after I was on his radio show, the producers of his radio show contacted me again and said they enjoyed having me on the first time and wanted me to come back again to discuss other issues outside the realm of diet and health. I refused because my passion is nutrition and healthy living. In no way does my appearance on “The David Duke Show” imply that I am in agreement with his very extreme and hurtful beliefs about anything else which I have discovered doing research into his work these past few days. Yikes! No wonder people are so up in arms about this which is why I quickly removed links to his web site from my blog as soon as I realized exactly who he was and why I decided to write this blog post today. By no means did I ever intend to promote the non-nutritional beliefs of this man and anyone who knows me personally wouldn’t even question this. Again, those few vindictive Jimmy Moore haters out there will use whatever glimmer of opportunity they can muster up to try to destroy the good that I’m doing.
Jimmy's blog here.
Jimmy's blog here.
hear, hear! i get the idea Jimmy is an honestly nice guy, and if he talks to a few of the wrong sort...? hmph. if that's the worst thing a person has done, they're better than i am.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tess and the very best of luck and health to you and yours in the New Year.
and to you and the other guys too, Eddie!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tess your comments are appreciated.
I'm with Jimmy. Having read through the 'stuff' I still can not believe he didn't check the guy out, but I've no reason to doubt Jimmy's word. Was a mistake but he's given his reasons.
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to believe that Jimmy did not check this out prior.
ReplyDeleteYes, he has spent a day 'sorting it out' much cheaper than to pay for publicity me thinks !?
To echo a view you often put here the world of diabetes and low carb is a crazy one at times. But method in the madness me thinks !?
"To echo a view you often put here the world of diabetes and low carb is a crazy one at times. But method in the madness me thinks !?"
Nothing sells better than grief and agro around the world of diabetes and lowcarbing. Us lowcarb bloggers have got to have some fun.
If the boy Moore is a neo-Nazi facist, then I'm a hobnob eating vegetarian.
ReplyDeleteJimmy wins by Godwin's law, it's as simple as that.
No, probably not a racist but no-one of his age who knows anything about US politics can be so ignorant as to be unaware of Duke's beliefs. Jimmy Moore has a Master's degree in Public Policy. For those of us from other backgrounds,a thirty second check out of Duke's website reveals his views. I looked him up and so hated what I read that I wanted to scrub my hard disk of every trace of his vile
ReplyDeleteJimmy Moore is more concerned with advertising Jimmy Moore so that is what is important to him.
You might like to look up the whole Kimkins saga , from endorsement to apology.
ReplyDeleteNo one has to read Jimmy’s blog or listen to his podcasts. No one is forced to buy his books. Even his arch detractors are not saying he is a racist. As I said yesterday I believe he made a mistake. As for the Kimkins stuff, I read that a while ago. Maybe Jimmy was conned by the woman, many people believed her.
If I thought Jimmy was a racist I would not back him for one minute. Do I think he is a saint ? No, but who is ?
What harm has Jimmy done to you ?
In 1988 the people of Louisiana elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke to the House of Representatives.
ReplyDeleteMarie, I think America has bigger problems than Jimmy accidentally appearing on a racist's podcast.
As for Jimmy getting sponsorship, do you really expect him to do what he does for free? That's not a very American point of view.
Whether you agree with him or not this could not have been a mistake - as an american he must have known what he was doing! It was a stupid decision that he will have to live with. Just shows ypu really do not know what people are really like.
ReplyDelete"Whether you agree with him or not this could not have been a mistake - as an american he must have known what he was doing! It was a stupid decision that he will have to live with. Just shows ypu really do not know what people are really like."
ReplyDeleteWhy must he have known? Can you name every sitting MP or even every cabinet member? I bet you can't.
It would take a very long time to memorize a complete list of American racists.
I agree it was dumb, but I'm abolutely sure he had no ill intent.
Hi Stephen
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your antenna to detect racism is more finely tuned than many as you are married to a black woman. Some are racist in our country, but are seen as morons by the majority of straight thinking people. I am sure the same applies to Americans. I bet Jimmy would pay serious money to turn back the clock. As with the US, in the UK it would be commercial or social suicide to deliberately side with racists. I cannot believe Jimmy would not know this. Therefore I believe he made a big mistake, but we all have made some big mistakes.
You would say that but he has done it and he should have known better. To be honest I am appalled and he did know what he was letting himself in for.
ReplyDeleteNo smoke with out fire and no use after using your crying wifewhich he seems to do alot.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you how it works. If you want any real credibility in the blog or forum world you have to post using your real name. Failing that, at least a known forum name. Negative anon posters get posted up here just to show how gutless some people are. Sorry if this offends you, but do you think we would turn on a friend on the word of an anon ?
Eddie Mitchell
I do not want any credability - would I get any from someone like you! I do not want to live my life in full view.
ReplyDelete"I do not want any credability"
ReplyDeleteThat's cool then, because you have none here.
Please tell, what do you want ?
"No smoke without fire"
ReplyDeleteThe catchphrase of bigotted fools everywhere. What a fucking idiot.
Hi Stephen
ReplyDeleteI just posted this on the Carbsane asylum.
"Being a virtually anonymous commenter, as you are here"
Are you for real ? Stephen Ferguson is his real name complete with mug shot and you anons call him an anon. What meds are you people on ?
Here is what Evelyn Carbsane has to say:
ReplyDelete" And if you think LCHF-Paleo = the new Hitler Youth sounds inflammatory, that is where this is headed if the supposedly upstanding members don't speak up and speak out for once and for all!"
And there we have it. Low-Carbers are junior Nazis. One of the most spectacular breaches of "Godwin's Law" that I've ever see, and a clear indication that no-one really gives a shit about Duke's beliefs, this is all about Jimmy bashing.
I have been told lowcarbing can cause every medical complication known to man, but never turn me into a Nazi. Evelyn must be so disappointed, when the dust settles on this latest bash Jimmy Moore campaign she will be the loser.
ReplyDeleteNext week this story will be wrapped around fish and chips. But nice of Carbsane’s crew to liven up a holiday break.
Nice to see Carbo has been let out on day release.
I had to chuckle when I saw that the 'carbsane Asylum' had a 'Donate now' button!!lol
ReplyDeleteWho the heck would want to hand over wonga to continue reading that load of Anti BS? The mind boggles!
Oh well,gonna pour myself a 'Hair of the dog'
Have a good New years day fellas!
So what's your take on Jimmy Moore now?
ReplyDeleteIf he is found to be guilty, he deserves a long prison sentence.
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing Evelyn? well I hope.
Regards Eddie