Thursday, 24 January 2013

Carbsane gets a dose of her own bitter medicine !

If you hang out in certain UK diabetes forums and blogs, you may well get the impression, more than a few nutters hang out on them, and you would be right. Trust me when I tell you, until you check out some blogs in the US, you don’t know what lunacy is all about. If you want to see my number one blog when I want a break from the real world, and it’s too cold for fishing, I check out Evelyn Kocur AKA Carbsane. If you don’t know Evelyn first some back ground. She appears to see herself as an avenging scientist and a sort of un-caped crusader, a witch finder general, the next Simon Wiesenthal. Hardly a day goes by when she is not unearthing another Neo Nazi.  When she is not exposing Nazi’s, she is rubbishing others. From Gary Taubes to Zoe Harcombe, the list of people the all knowing Evelyn features in her exposés is long. 

So, the normal form goes something like this. Evelyn dishes the dirt with buttocks clenched, don’t forget, she is a caring person and only trying to protect the public from snake oil salesman and charlatans, It’s got nothing to do with the fact these people are infinitely better at promoting their message than our Evelyn. It’s got nothing to do with the fact, these people earn a living from their books and websites etc, and Evelyn cannot. No, she is just warning us, just offering a service to her readers, protecting them from the witch doctors and flim flam men. So, up goes the latest negative rant, swiftly followed by the faithful lickspittles and sycophants. Gushing praise and thank you’s, the ‘scientist’ laps it up, and agrees with her adoring fans. Stay tuned she says, more great stuff tomorrow. But wait, it’s gone as pear shaped as Evelyn's Rubenesque and oversized butt, people have had enough of rant after jealous rant. The great Queen of the exposé has been exposed, and some have told her in no uncertain terms to give it a rest, which prompted this rant.

“Newsflash!  It's my life, my time and my blog.  The door is up there in the right corner, just click on the X and watch your backside as the door tends to slam a bit ;-) I am appalled by those comments critical of me for merely posting this information, and/or expressing my opinion that a NYT best selling author should offer up a full explanation for his actions.”

You have to laugh when the likes of CarbSane, the ‘scientist’ the arch Queen of the self righteous, get’s it in the neck, and the buttocks start clenching ever tighter. I’m no scientist Evelyn, but here’s a bit of advice. Reduce the starchy carbs and sugar, reduce the calories, spend as much time exercising as you do running others down, and you will be as slim as a whip, instead of an obese and bitter whinger.

The rant can be read here.



  1. ... in any way.Visit our Low Carb food recipe blog ... From Gary Taubes to Zoe Harcombe, the list of people the all knowing Evelyn features in her exposés is long. So, the normal ...

  2. But wait, it’s gone as pear shaped as Evelyn's Rubenesque and oversized butt, people have had enough of rant after jealous rant.

    I did LOL in real life. Thank you, sir, for a most excellent rant!

  3. "I did LOL in real life. Thank you, sir, for a most excellent rant!"

    Thank you madam for your comment.


  4. "... in any way.Visit our Low Carb food recipe blog ... From Gary Taubes to Zoe Harcombe, the list of people the all knowing Evelyn features in her exposés is long. So, the normal ..."

    Give me a clue, are you with us or against.


  5. I’m surprised Evelyn and her fellow Paleo Drama-Queen Melissa (see somehow managed to miss having Abel James in their sights (probably because it happened around the same time they were in full pursuit of Jimmy Moore, Neo-Nazi).

    After all, he’s a good looking, white male who seems to be making a good enough living from hitching his star to the Paleo bandwagon that he and his girlfriend have quit their jobs and are publishing e-books etc. The very thing that they go shrieking after Jimmy Moore for, but for some reason they ignore the new boy on the block despite the fact that he’s climbed the charts to #1 health podcast. Maybe they give him a pass because he has such a great “radio” voice or because he’s not a misogynist like Nikoley?

    Abel had his very own drama with Loren Cordain that seemed to have bypassed their radar. Shame, because the drama had all the elements they love – Abel posted some quite inflammatory remarks about Cordain daring to copyright “the Paleo diet”, some of his commentators joined in the act, even stooping as low as Durian Riders and making snide remarks about Cordain’s weight and “how dare he be a diet spokesman” etc. The usual guff you expect from the Paleo Diet Police who are turning out to be every bit as nasty as the Vegan Diet Police. Comments about how it’s alright for “baby Jesus” Robb Wolf, but nobody else and other nasty stuff – all now nicely redacted and cleaned up.

    Then along come the voices of reason (largely Robb Wolf I suspect) who broker a peace with Cordain and we’re all good again. I really hope Evelyn and Melissa get to see (the sanitised) posts because Cordain refers to Jimmy Moore and the “Paleo community” in the very same sentence, something that drives the drama queens to much wailing and gnashing of teeth since they like to paint him as a creationist redneck. Scroll down to read Loren Cordain’s (two) responses:


  6. Thanks for the comment and the links Indy. The palio people make ordinary lowcarbers look like a bunch of wimps. One mention of dairy or canola oil can lead to a full scale war. I check out free the animal sometimes, good grief it’s no place for the feint of heart or easily offended. Mind you I have to larf at some of his comments on the dynamic duo.

    Regards Eddie

  7. If there's one thing about the net, Eddie, it's endlessly entertaining :)

    Yeah, Paleo can vary from the very sane (like Mark Sisson) to outright crazies (too many to name). Absolutely blows my mind when people think they have the right to tell Loren Cordain any effing thing - the man is a true scientist who made the research his life's work.

    I thought Jimmy's last blog post about what needs to change for Paleo to become mainstream was absolutely spot on.

    Thanks for a great site with such interesting and varied content, fellas!


  8. Comment on carbsane blog.

    Sorry AL-209, but this was never a great science blog. This is the catty “gossip column” of the low carb and Paleo “community”. Evelyn squats on the sidelines and takes highly entertaining potshots at everyone. Paul Jaminet, William Davis, Doug McGuff, Robb Wolfe, Mark Sisson, Robert Lustig, Gary Taubes, Kurt Harris, Richard Feinman, Jenny Ruhl, Peter Dobromylskyj, Jeff Volek, Stephen Phinney, etc, etc. In fact, if Carbsane doesn’t hate on you, you are a nobody. Sorry Evelyn, I forgot, you don’t hate Jimmy Moore, correct?

  9. "Evelyn squats on the sidelines and takes highly entertaining potshots at everyone."

    We obviously have very different ideas of what "highly entertaining" means. I just call it mean-spirited nastiness and I don't find her diatribes in the least bit entertaining.

    I wonder if her Rubeneque butt is even capable of a good primal squat?

    And it's the usual "mean girl" stuff - she can can dish it out, but she sure can't take it in return.


  10. I’m no scientist Evelyn, but here’s a bit of advice. Reduce the starchy carbs and sugar, reduce the calories, spend as much time exercising as you do running others down, and you will be as slim as a whip, instead of an obese and bitter whinger."
    Great rant Eddie! Loved it. I discovered Evelyn on accident and wish I had been hit by a train full of wasps on crack and then forced to endure 1000 paper cuts on my private parts. I made the mistake of trying to make cogent, well thought out and well written article and all I got were replies that sounded like those patients who were in the Psychiatric Hospital I once worked in. Very quickly, droves of people went to my blog and picked me apart for posting a Paleo recipe that called for one giant whopping tsp of coconut sugar. Then, they said that my reduction in anxiety, depression and insomnia was because I'm now in recovery from alcohol and drugs. I calmly pointed out that I had been sober before for a much longer time, the only difference is that I was consuming 1000 calorie Cinnabons every morning along with my triple latte and that was just for breakfast. At lunch it was chicken salad and bread pudding. Dinner was KFC, Zaxbys, Burger King or Taco Bell and then more bread pudding at all hours of the night.
    That's about the period of time I began seeing a psychiatrist for PTSD, OCD, Bipolar, BPD, ADD, and Panic Disorder. I was pumped full of Seroquel and other ugly drugs. I guess her followers don't understand that many AA's are miserable wrecks even at 20 and 30 years clean. That's because I watch them guzzle Big Gulp's and Donuts at every turn. I quit going to meetings because they were more toxic than the dysfunctional home I was raised in. People going from one addiction (alcohol) to straight sugar in the form of donuts and coffee. Ok, now I'm the one rambling, but Carbsane definitely irked me. When I asked her what SHE ate as part of a healthy diet, she balked and asked how dare I bring my entitled attitude to her forum and why should she have to answer to me? Well, because I'm not obese and I eat whole foods and walk 3-5 miles a day, every single day. Thank you for allowing me to vent here. Nice to meet you, I wouldn't have found your blog unless I went looking for people who agree that she's definitely not sane.
    Pepper Culpepper
    Primal Zen Author

  11. Hi Pepper

    Feel free to have a rant over here anytime. Taking on Carbsane the bloated blogger is an uphill struggle. Morbidly obese most of her life, apart from when she lost a shed load of weight low carbing. She has no self discipline and went back on the chocolates, according to her admission on a Jimmy Moore podcast.

    She is a total failure and hides out on her blog sniping at almost anyone who supports Paleo or Low carb. No photos of her or her number one lickspital Charles Grashow, you may have noticed. Also, most of her so called explanations and science debunking is wrong. She’s a morbidly obese blow hard, with not much of a life, zero credibility, and oh so painfully jealous of the people she attacks 24/7. Be thankful you are not inside Evie’s head.


  12. I think she just wants a reason to justify her eating habits. That's all it is. She couldn't stick to low carb and instead of examining where she may have gone wrong, she turned her focus in the other direction and decided, "It's not me with the problem, it's the DIET!" Illogical thought patterns are typical of people who play the victim and blame others for their failures. Have a great one!

  13. Hi Pepper

    Spotonski !

    She can't hack it, so countless millions of people all over the world are wrong.

    She's a Tee shirt no more no less. Her regulars are gutless anons hiding in the shadows. BTW like your blog and will be featuring it tomorrow. Love your openness and honesty.


  14. Eddie,
    Thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad you like Primal Zen.



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