For years a small group of lowcarb antis virtually lived on DCUK. Some were logged in 18 hours a day. Over the years they wore down countless lowcarb activists. Many low carbers were banned, it’s all well documented on this blog. Of course the antis weren’t looking to wind up the pro lowcarb diabetics, they were just trying to offer a balanced view and help people. It was those lowcarb fanatics and ‘feorists’ that were the problem.
Most of the last wave of the most vocal lowcarb activists were banned a few months ago and set up their own forum. The lowcarb antis had the place to themselves, now they could spread the true word, untainted by those evangelical lowcarb reprobates. But they haven’t, Jopar, Phoenix and the cherub are very rarely seen over there these days. The Bonkers one still wanders in now and again, when his back is playing up, to insult a few people or give the members the benefit of his vast knowledge, and his side kick Nobhead still posts his meaningless one liners. One thing is for sure, DCUK has become a very boring place, and the antis have proved beyond doubt, helping people was never ever top of their agenda.
The good guys are now here.
To me it does not matter if you are for or against. It is the debate lively, funny, thought provoking that should and needs to prevail on any forum or blog. Without it you do not move on, you become stale and the readers and followers become stale. Life should be about discovery and exploring different ideas, views, research etc. You are never too young or old to keep an open mind and join in the debate.
A great comment Joe. I think there are many issues here. One, some forums have commercial interest at heart and don’t want to see the boat rocked against sponsors or commission payers. Other places want to cover their butts by pushing the failed NHS and DUK diet of death and failure. Others who cannot reduce carbs or addicted to sugar, and starch tell us medication is the answer. I have seen in recent months, staunch lowcarbers change their views radically, to pushing similar diets that they fought so hard against only a few months ago. I have said many times, welcome to the crazy world of diabetes. One thing is for sure, boat rockers and true debate is not wanted on any forum I know.
ETYM did not live up to your expectations, can manage perfectly well without you and DCUK does not need to improve as there is no nastiness there any more.
ReplyDeleteWhat you are really saying is that you miss the aggro.
ETYM as yet has not lived up to my expectations. Hence I resigned as a board member. I also resigned as a forum member because of thread deletion and post editing. I expect I have not lived up to expectations of many people. But I believe I still have something to add to the debate, so I will continue posting where I can. My stance on the best way to control type two diabetes has not changed one iota in almost five years.
ReplyDeleteSo anon poster. Come over and tell me how a type two diabetic can control their diabetes, with nil or minimal meds, and in many cases not even a prescribed test strip, other than lowcarbing. Tell me how cholesterol ratios can be improved, blood glucose reduced to non diabetic, blood pressure reduced, fatty livers healed, weight reduced to a safe level and more, other than lowcarbing. I have waited for answers from antis for nearly five years, I am still waiting.
:-) but good health is "boring," Eddie! (unless of course you've felt like hell for awhile and it finally goes away.)
ReplyDeleteon the other hand, it's possible the anti's feel too crummy to get online and post about their cereal-eating habits....
Hi Tess
ReplyDeleteI think lowcarb antis are a bit like many celebrities. They are famous for being err famous. They have minimal talent and stand for nothing other than be an anti almost everything, almost always anons.
The greatest exponent of anti posting in my opinion is Carbsane. 99% of her output is negative and anti this or that. What do these people actually stand for ? Other than self-aggrandisement and negativity. She knows all the answers re weight loss, but can’t control her own weight. Figure that out !
Kind regards
:-) that's what i hear! i don't read her blog, and when she comments on other people's i usually just skim through, not expecting to hear anything constructive. a little bit of verbal sparring can be entertaining, but a LOT of it is just tedious.
ReplyDeleteYou're a has been and don't fit in anywhere so why do you keep harping on about things that are of no concern to anyone else? DCUK members are doing alright as are ETYM.
ReplyDeleteThere is only one person who hangs on to your every word and he is a sandwich short of a picnic. He has a new handle, Tubsolard. Was that suggested by you?
“Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou're a has been and don't fit in anywhere so why do you keep harping on about things that are of no concern to anyone else? DCUK members are doing alright as are ETYM.
There is only one person who hangs on to your every word and he is a sandwich short of a picnic. He has a new handle, Tubsolard. Was that suggested by you?”
Thank you for your most valuable contribution. And thank you for adding to our page view count, not long until we hit half a million views. I can play the likes of you like a violin, you just can’t keep away. As for Tubsolard, no, I did not suggest the name, but I like it. As for ‘one person who hangs on to your every word’ are you referring to yourself ? And as for ‘a sandwich short of a picnic’ us lowcarbers don’t ’eat em. Come back any time old sport.
Tess said.
ReplyDeleteA little bit of verbal sparring can be entertaining, but a LOT of it is just tedious.
Agree but those lowcarb antis can't resist biting the biscuit.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"I KNOW who you are,especially with your appallingly shit spelling! How are the Dogs BTW?"
ReplyDeleteAre you sure about this Paul ? Have you checked with 'birofergie' ?
Hi Eddie
ReplyDeleteI'm altering and resubmitting my deleted post as I believe I may be wrong on my original submission on who the troll was but I have my suspicions on who the REAL culprit is after all,just gotta clarify a few things first...
Anonymous Internet Troll said "AnThere is only one person who hangs on to your every word and he is a sandwich short of a picnic. He has a new handle, Tubsolard. Was that suggested by you?"
I'm 99% sure I know who you are so why don't you just have some guts and message ol' Tubsolard to confirm it,I may have some respect for you then at least.
Sandwich short of a picnic eh? Why.because I have Aspergers? So does Bill Gates and many other successful persons over the timespan of history..tut tut tut,what a cheap shot but I've put up with worse insults in the past from better people than a carb addicted Troll like yourself!
"He has a new handle, Tubsolard. Was that suggested by you?"
ReplyDeleteAnd just why have you got your knickers in a twist over the Tubsolard tag.
Kind regards
Quite right,what's wrong with the Tubsolard handle?
Please let it be known, the artist formally known as Carbophile, since using Orlistat, is now known as Turboturd !
ReplyDeleteYou're a has been and don't fit in anywhere so why do you keep harping on about things that are of no concern to anyone else?
ReplyDeleteAs anonymous your a nobody a never has been. We'll "harp on" about anything we like, if it's of no concern to anyone sunshine why are you posting here?
DCUK members are doing alright as are ETYM.
Your correct about ETYM members but oh so wrong about DCUK, have you seen the
unanswered posts lately?
There is only one person who hangs on to your every word and he is a sandwich short of a picnic.
Just how low can you go sicko?
He has a new handle, Tubsolard. Was that suggested by you?
Paul is his own man we have never made any suggestions to him, face up to the fact Paul made no attempt to disguise who he was (check out Tubsolard sig)he's got something you'll never have honesty and integrity.
Now pop off back to carbo/tubolards blog you'll be more at home among the other anonymous internet sicko's.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteETYM did not live up to your expectations, can manage perfectly well without you and DCUK does not need to improve as there is no nastiness there any more.
No more nastiness on DCUK! don't make me laugh Mr Nasty AKA Sid Bonkers is still upsetting members, as for not needing to improve just take a look at all the unanswered posts.
I have to agree that Paul1976 is a "sandwich short of a picnic"
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the boy is a low-carb warrior, I'm pretty sure that his picnic has no sandwiches, consisting entirely of steak, eggs and cheese.
What these anonymous anti lowcarb tossers don’t ever seem to realise is their petty torments and insults show how weak their argument is. In five years never ever once has anyone of these misfits posted a credible argument for what so many have proved to be successful. Medics that are clued up and not slaves to junk science and big pharma hype have seen the light. But hey, when your addicted to sugar, starch and drugs, you can’t think very straight. Anyone who thinks drugs are a better way than a good diet and exercise is already on too many drugs.
I see Paul tried to stir things up on DCUK on the Hairy Biker's thread whilst he was there recruiting. All he got was a flea in his ear and some posts deleted/edited. He seems to have a knack of upsetting others.
ReplyDeleteDCUK is better off without members of ETYM or as Sid called it
I like Sid a complete nutter. Paul certainly pulled his chain. Poor old Sid has been a gibbering wreck since his beloved Kenny boy got fired from DCUK. Look how much effort he has put in and Kenny boys crypt, zilch. Proves he just wants to stir the shit at DCUK he has nothing to offer most of the time.
Anonymouse Low carb anti said..."I see Paul tried to stir things up on DCUK on the Hairy Biker's thread whilst he was there recruiting. All he got was a flea in his ear and some posts deleted/edited. He seems to have a knack of upsetting others..."
ReplyDeleteGet your facts straight,I did NOT get a flea in my ear,or at least not in the public view anyway,Hmmmm..Sounds like insider information to me..You're as transparent as glass in the context of who you are.
Much Love
Paul ;)
Anonymouth said...
ReplyDeleteI see Paul tried to stir things up on DCUK on the Hairy Biker's thread whilst he was there recruiting. All he got was a flea in his ear and some posts deleted/edited. He seems to have a knack of upsetting others.
Your comment is more relevant to Sid who's been stirring things up being rude, and bullying members (very often newbies)for four years. As for having posts deleted/edited Sid's got a long record of that happening to him.
DCUK is better off without members of ETYM or as Sid called it
That will be why there's so many unanswered posts then!
Sid's a cornflake short of a bowl if he thinks everyone can function on a child's portion low everthing diet.
ETYM have shown themselves up. They can afford to do all the testing, even when it is not needed, with their Lucozade and unlimited strips.. They campaign for test strips for everyone and yet they prove that they don't really care. Yes Eddie, they are nutters. They are as bad as the Govt, saying that we are all in this together. People who can afford test strips are not in the same position as people who cannot. How can people eat to their meter if they cannot afford it?
ReplyDeleteI do not belong to any forum but like most readers follow forums and blogs to gather information that helps me to better diabetes control. How anyone controls their diabetes is up to them. For me I have found a much reduced carbohydrate intake has made tremendous difference. I am fortunate that my GP has allowed limited access to test strips which in the early days helped tremendously. I do seriously question the current thinking behind certain members on ETYM. I quote from another comment "ETYM have shown themselves up. They can afford to do all the testing, even when it is not needed, with their Lucozade and unlimited strips.. They campaign for test strips for everyone and yet they prove that they don't really care. Yes Eddie, they are nutters. They are as bad as the Govt, saying that we are all in this together. People who can afford test strips are not in the same position as people who cannot. How can people eat to their meter if they cannot afford it?"
ReplyDeleteWhy are they wasting valuable resources and money when they clearly are diabetics, it does not make good sense and is this really the way forward to show others who could be struggling to get good control and not have access to test strips, good food etc.
Come on ETYM wise up and get real.
Sal ( a faintly disgusted low carber)
Some good points made in the last two comments posted. I can see the many who cannot afford or get no test strips on prescription being annoyed by these (to me) pointless experiments. Maybe if they had got a chemistry set for Christmas they wouldn’t be messing around. Maybe it could be turned into a game, with a prize for who can get the highest BG number within an hour. Possibly some sort of handicapping system for my good friend Paul, otherwise he would win every time.
ETYM seems like a closed shop. How would they accept anyone without a meter and test strips? After reading their latest ventures with Lucozade it makes you wonder if they do want new members.
ReplyDeleteToo many private jokes and references to another place.
They do come across as the elite bunch. Able to waste strips that are so precious to others and calling themselves ETYM when we know that a large proportion of Type2's cannot afford test strips and will not be allowed them by their GP.
ReplyDeleteThey do seem rather self absorbed don't they?
Why don't you join the forum and state what you think. I don't agree with everyone, and not everyone agrees with me, but they are a good bunch and won't bite your head off.
ReplyDeleteRegards Eddie
'Why don't you join the forum and state what you think. I don't agree with everyone, and not everyone agrees with me, but they are a good bunch and won't bite your head off.'
ReplyDeleteAlso I think the ETYM forum has a blog, so if you do not want to join a forum it may be possible to comment on their blog ?
On wasted test strips...
ReplyDelete(the ones that I used were close to expiry - and so pretty much useless to anyone else).
However, I go to work pay my taxes (probably a bit more than most of you), and spend my earnings in anyway that I fucking please.
I spent £10 on some test-strips to do an experiment which taught me something about my diabetes. If you choose to spend your money on alcohol, ciggies, and scratchcards that's your fucking problem.
I hate people who assume that they have a sense of entitlement. My advice is that you probably should have fucking worked a bit harder at school and got yourself a decent job.
H Stephen
ReplyDeleteWhat about the people that are not gifted with your intellect. The sort of people that worked hard all their lives in poorly paid jobs. They may have paid into the state for close to 50 years, and when they become ill or diabetic, they were offered nothing other than poor dietary advice, and told not to test. Chill out Bro.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes we are elite. ETYM is a place for people who are serious about controlling their diabetes.
If you want to carry on stuffing celebrations and chocolate hobnobs, it's probably not the best place for you.
What a horrible post - such an arrogant and offensive person. For once Eddie I reckon people will agree with you - I hope you feel suitably embaressed by that post boro. Must admit it sums up what I have seen of your posts any way - big head, arrogant and not a very nice individual.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't afford £10 to do the test, then don't do the bloody test.
ReplyDeleteI don't drink, I don't smoke. If I choose to spend my "hard earned" on my diabetes, that's my business.
Anyway - you'd better get used to it, cos I'm going to be burning hundreds and hundreds of strips this year, in the pursuit of diabetic knowledge.
"What a horrible post - such an arrogant and offensive person. For once Eddie I reckon people will agree with you - I hope you feel suitably embaressed by that post boro. Must admit it sums up what I have seen of your posts any way - big head, arrogant and not a very nice individual."
ReplyDeleteAnd of course we've heard that talk before. Empty words from a gutless (illiterate) coward to someone that dedicates his life to helping other people.
As I told you once before, what you call arrogance, I call swagger.
Let’s face it Stephen. One mans scientific research, is another mans waste of test strips. Sorry mate I couldn’t resist it.
Not everyone who cannot afford test strips wastes their money on ciggies and booze.
ReplyDeleteSome people have a job to feed their kids and pay their utility bills. Is that their fault too Stephen and what do you think their priority should be?
You are a modern day Marie Antoinette as you haven't got a clue about poverty. Maggie Thatcher would be proud of you as your priority is yourself and sod everyone else.
You will never understand that ETYM is not possible for many diabetics.
The comment above is the last comment on ETYM on this thread that will be posted, other than to allow Stephen Fergusson to reply. Join ETYM and make your comments over there.
ReplyDelete(Thank you Eddie for the right of reply).
Some people have a job to feed their kids and pay their utility bills. Is that their fault too Stephen and what do you think their priority should be?
As I said above, pay your utility bills, feed your kids with YOUR money.
That doesn't give you any right to criticise me for spending £10 of MY money in any way I wish.
“The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.”
― Salvador DalĂ
Sorry I spelt your name wrong, it must be all that fat turning my brain to lard.LOL
To the anonymous poster, I said no more comments re ETYM on this thread I meant it. You have more than stated your case which I agree with in part. Join the forum and state your case over there if you want to further your argument, or are you only looking for an argument. Comment on this thread again, but references to ETYM or it’s members will not be posted.