Jay is one of the good guys. He is a medical Doctor, a type two diabetic and a lowcarber. Jay is a very modest man and works very hard for the lowcarb cause. Check out his latest post on his blog. When you get on Jays blog, see what other healthcare professionals thought of his latest presentation. As Jay says it gives him hope. That should give us all hope that common sense is beginning to prevail. More drugs are not the answer in the control of type two diabetes.
Words of Jay Wortman.
“There is an annual diabetes update course, primarily for physicians, that has included me in the program over the past few years. I am encouraged by the interest that my lecture generates. I have presented four times and, each time, I have received the highest evaluation from the attendees. My perception is that both the organizers of the conference and the audience are growing more receptive to the idea of using a ketogenic diet for the management of diabetes. I attach FYI the evaluation report from my most recent lecture. It gives me hope.”
More here.
Have to agree with you here, Dr Jay Wortman is one of the more enlightened doctors and it is always interesting to read his comments, ideas and views.
I see Dr Wortman will be on the Jimmy Moore 2013 Low-Carb cruise, along with some other very good guests. Can't wait to hear all about it. The speaker list looks very good.