Don’t get me wrong folks, I know I am far from perfect, who the hell wants to be perfect ? I am by nature a boat rocker, many may say a trouble maker, but I cannot stand mediocrity and arse licking. Over at ETYM I have acquired 166 thank you’s for 303 posts, you don’t need the brains of Einstein to realise a thank you for every two posts. Some people must like what I am saying. Last night at around eight pm I had 20 Karmas. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate they wasn’t going to get me the job of CEO at Microsoft but maybe a small token of appreciation from forum members. Within 24 hours I am down to 12, OK I am not cutting my wrists, but hey what’s going on. Well I rocked the boat ! I would make a comment on the forum but the Global Moderator stated this evening.
“I think it's also time to take this back to topic, karma or lack of is not what this thread is about, and it's also not a weapon to use against other posters. Any more discussions about karma will be deleted!”
My Karma or lack of, is not important, but Jeez, is this paranoia at best, and at worst the sort of comment we saw so often from Kenny, the ex. Chief henchman at
I'm digging a tunnel under the toilet block. I'll be under the wire before dawn breaks.
ReplyDeleteThink ETYM was started with good intent, unfortunately as with any organisation everyone wants to be the big chief, this of course results in many many disagreements.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment although they are trying to give out a united front, it is not succeeding, as can be seen from the many deletions and edit of posts that happened today.
I think many of their members are also begining to see through the brave front that is being put forward.
Can't say I blame those who are trying to tunnel out.
Keep at it ETYM, sort yourselves out, I'm sure you can.
Annie J
Dont' think they know yet
ReplyDeleteEddie if you look at this you caused the problem by stirring it up again!
ReplyDeleteThat Eddie is a complete menace to forums, he has the audacity to think and speak his mind, bring back the cat !!
To the escape committee Top Secret !total answers on the forum yesterday 86 today 155 and rising, our devilish plot appears to be working, Ha Ha!
ReplyDeleteBig X
"Eddie if you look at this you caused the problem by stirring it up again!"
ReplyDeleteLook at the ratings on the forum, what do you want ? a cosy chair by the fire and some cocoa, or a forum with some life ?
Lowcarb team member said...
ReplyDeleteTo the escape committee Top Secret !total answers on the forum yesterday 86 today 155 and rising, our devilish plot appears to be working, Ha Ha!
Big X
Sometimes you just don't get it do you Eddie? Did that rise is viewing numbers actually help any of our members? Certainly didn't help Lucy did it?
You seem to be confusing helping with viewing figures, karma and celebrity status hmmmm....
With respect xyzzy I will use you forum name as Blind Doggie is probably not a known name over here. Again with respect, it is you that ‘just don't get it’ It doesn’t matter how good your message is, if no one ever reads or comments on a forum, it‘s a waste of time. I am afraid agro sells, big time ! You proved that with your ludicrous besmirching of Jimmy Moore. A man who has done more for lowcarb, and opening peoples eyes to poor information re diabetes and diet, than you and the rest of your team of board members will ever achieve. Jimmy is on first name terms with countless experts and Doctors from Jay Wortman to people like Gary Taubes, the list is almost endless, and you jump on the Carbsane band wagon.
ReplyDeleteYou knew full well your Jimmy Moore post would cause uproar, when you said “Light's blue touch paper and walks away” but that’s OK with you, that’s cool, that didn’t upset the members did it. Jimmy is only a hero to many of the lowcarbers on the forum and many others I know. I start a thread commenting on a bunch of people who want to carb themselves up to the gills for days and that causes a rumpus and I am a villain. A small bunch give me a kicking and shred my Karma. What message is the carb fest giving out ? Pneu was spot on when he stated damage occurs when BG exceeds 7.8 As no one is going to cure themselves with this experiment, and I still fail to see how they will learn anything of real value, it seems madness to me to put yourself in a dangerous place deliberately.
As for the test strip situation, sure people who have paid for them themselves can burn up a box a day for all I care, but as we know so many are not given them, and cannot afford to buy them themselves, I thought it was taking the rise somewhat. It may not be effecting some of the members, but we are in an almost permanent state of decline in this country, the NHS as we know it is finished, many millions are suffering great hardship, and it will get far worse.
You and your board members have some big decisions to make if you want to survive and grow. I’d start with changing the name of the forum if I was you. Something with diabetes or diabetic in the name would be good, as I told you months ago. Even Ken worked that one out. If you just want a forum run mainly for the benefit of forum board members and mods, and a few dozen regular posters that’s cool, stay as you are. But if you want to become a major force and become a real asset to the diabetic community, I’d check out how Jimmy Moore operates. Hundreds of thousands of hits per month, and Doctors and experts are queuing up to appear on his blog and podcast. And do you know what, Jimmy ain’t no Neo Nazi and you know it.
I would have posted this on the forum, but it would not have stood for long, and you know that to.
Eddie I think people want a forum not a place to fight - wherever you go and your side kick Fergie it is the same pattern of behaviour emerges.
ReplyDeleteAs for Jimmy Moore it is the same quacks and loonies queing up - mind you he stills looks quite a portly man!! Its good this low carb diet!
What like David’s, Kenny’s and Carbos forums ? Two dead forums and one on life support that never got off the ground. Yes you can’t beat a forum that no one ever argues with the boss. Cakes and commiserations and pictures of peoples dogs that’s what’s wanted.
ReplyDeleteAs for Fergie don’t associate me with that hooligan, he is madder than me !
ReplyDeleteStop changing the subject mate.
Like I said you seem to be more into karma, thanks you's, ratings etc rather than actually helping people at the moment which is a shame. A bit up yourself to be frank.
Sounds a bit like what I was ACTUALLY writing about on my thread doesn't it? You know the difference between the true helpful LC message and a bastardized celebrity cultist crazy version of it.
The bottom line in this is that you object to us discussing those GTT experiments because they show that people who are diabetic can quite happily get good levels across a wide range of regimes. That is a message you do not want heard for some reason or another. You then tried to disrupt the discussions that were going on in an identical manner as the low carb antis did on DCUK. The difference is we have a karma system and our members told you what they thought of your tactics. The words pot and kettle come to mind.
Grow up and start doing some real good like my mate Fergie does. He does a stricter carb regime than you and wouldn't dream of telling someone else that his is the only way.
Stephen Ferguson said...
ReplyDeleteI'm digging a tunnel under the toilet block. I'll be under the wire before dawn breaks.
13 January 2013 21:30
Would you be known as the one armed bandit by any chance? :)
"Eddie I think people want a forum not a place to fight - wherever you go and your side kick Fergie it is the same pattern of behaviour emerges."
ReplyDeleteShit, that makes me sound like Robin to Eddie's geriatric Batman.
Having said that, I do have the dashing good looks, the superhero physique and the massive lunchbox required for the role.
"Having said that, I do have the dashing good looks, the superhero physique and the massive lunchbox required for the role."
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Ferguson
Please would you refrain from making lewd comments on this blog. Our readers have no interest in your aforementioned ‘Lunchbox’ albeit capacious. Any more comments regarding your crown jewels will be viewed most seriously. Play the game and be a good chap, and please ! no more references regarding your old chap.
Yours sincerely Stalinist Moderator.