Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Ignorance is bliss !

If you have been around diabetes forums and blogs for a while you can pick up some great information, you can also pick up a huge amount of misinformation. We all have much to learn, and if you are half awake, one thing you pick up on pretty quickly is the massive corruption and criminal activity perpetrated by big pharma. The internet is awash with articles documenting the massive fines being levied against many of the largest pharma companies in the world. I mentioned this on a diabetes forum yesterday, to be challenged with this comment amongst others.
“At some point you have to just accept that big pharma is out to make money and push its products. Yes it does occasionally screw up with things like thalidomide but normally the strict scientific method that is used to test out drugs is pretty successful in my mind.”
Now, from a person very new to the diabetes scene that would be understandable, before my diabetes diagnosis I had close to zero interest in medication and big pharma drugs and the skulduggery which I now know to be endemic. Unfortunately this comment was made by a diabetes forum owner and moderator. The debate went from the ridiculous to the surreal, when he asked me. If I was taken to hospital with a broken leg, and needed antibiotics would I refuse them. Now, at this stage I realised I was arguing with someone who was not interested in fair or intelligent debate, and appears to be extremely naive. I was tempted to reply to the broken leg question with, no way would I go to hospital, I always carry some splints, 30lb of plaster of paris and some dock leaves in my back pack, but I answered in the positive. Of course I would accept and use antibiotics. As stated at length, drugs have saved countless millions, but have also killed or maimed millions. 
The argument went from the surreal to barking mad when the mod asked  “Don't you think governments around the world might start to notice if millions of their people were being killed?” I replied. Don't you agree millions around the world including the UK are being given terrible dietary advice which leads to an early death for diabetics ? What is the Government doing about it, nothing ! Governments are brought and paid for by big pharma and giant international food companies. Big money dictates how it is, not our local MPs many of which are putting their money into private healthcare as fast as they can. Which leads me to the item below. Even our MPs, many who are propagandists and lobbyists for  big pharma and junk food companies, or are Directors and share holders in the same, realise an inquiry needs to be held. My money is on a white wash job and nothing will change. I hope I am proved to be wrong, and much needed changes takes place. One thing is for sure, unless the forum makes some drastic changes, it is heading for Palookaville as we have seen with other forums, that wanted to run a cakes and commiserations outfit, and stifle real debate and intelligent argument, and perpetuate misinformation.


Clinical trials in the UK are regulated by the Clinical Trials Directive which was transposed into UK law by the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004. In December 2011, the Health Research Authority was created to protect and promote the interests of patients and the public in health research. In July 2012, the European Commission produced proposals to revise the Clinical Trials Directive.

Transparency and disclosure of clinical trial data have been topical recently, in part due to the recently published book Bad Pharma, by Dr Ben Goldacre. It highlighted that pharmaceutical companies are entitled to conduct numerous clinical trials on a new drug but publish selectively, thus skewing the evidence base available for doctors and patients seeking to make informed decisions. 

Terms of Reference

The Committee seeks written submissions on the following matters:
1. Do the European Commission’s proposed revisions to the Clinical Trials Directive address the main barriers to conducting clinical trials in the UK and EU?
2. What is the role of the Health Research Authority (HRA) in relation to clinical trials and how effective has it been to date?
3. What evidence is there that pharmaceutical companies withhold clinical trial data and what impact does this have on public health?
4. How could the occurrence and results of clinical trials be made more open to scrutiny? Who should be responsible?
5. Can lessons about transparency and disclosure of clinical data be learned from other countries? 

More here.


  1. ETYM is not interested in debate. They like cosy things like avatars, recipes and everyone having group hugs. Cats are the main feature with a few dogs and the occasional horse thrown in. They call themselves experienced diabetics but they are not.

    I had high hopes for this forum but, although I have joined, I have never posted as there is nothing of any substance that gets discussed. It is too personal, almost incestuous and everyone knows everyone else from another place where they were recruited from. The recipes have been pinched from other places too.

    If you can write reams about a blood avatar that also seems to enhances people's status then there is something very wrong. This is not a forum about diabetes but rather a few diabetics passing pleasantries.

    Eddie may not be everyone's cup of tea but even when he prattles on, nobody voices an opinion. He gets a 1 to 1 as everyone else scuttles out of sight. They may say something via pm but they certainly keep quiet. Could it be that they do not want their karma reduced or do they feel that they have to keep things friendly? Speaking out is not a sin, it is needed sometimes.

    TYM is slowly dying. Put some life blood in it or face the consequences sooner rather than later folks.

  2. “prattles on” Have you taken leave of your senses ? Seriously thanks for your comments, which as you would expect I agree with completely. Two of the mods/board members are giving me a sense of Déjà Vu. I had almost got Kenny boy out of my head. Can the forum do without me ? Of course, is it going down the drain ? most certainly.


  3. "ETYM is not interested in debate. They like cosy things like avatars, recipes and everyone having group hugs. Cats are the main feature with a few dogs and the occasional horse thrown in. They call themselves experienced diabetics but they are not."

    Yeah - cosy things like a mass participation OGTT experiment that caused a minor forum war, and generated a record number of visitors.

    What a load of old cock.

  4. Fergie

    ‘Massive lunchbox’ ‘old cock’ get a grip lad ! OK maybe not.


  5. Jansy,if you don't like ETYM then just say so on the forum.

  6. Look in a mirror Eddie you'll see Sid looking back atcha!

  7. Stephen, your 14.21 comment,do you think the OGTT experiment was wise? Of course it generated views the discussion and argument it caused.We are only human after all and a good majority of us like 'lively debate'

    From Anon
    It's safer that way !!

  8. "Do you think that the OGTT experiment was wise?"

    Yes. I think it was an excellent experiment, and I'm very proud of the community participation.

    I don't really understand the downside, other than am few of us took a couple of spikes. But having seen what 75g of carb does to my BG levels, I'm much less likely to spike in the future.

    It's the first of many n=1 experiments that we're going to be chronicling in the blog. If RK Bernstein hadn't experimented with his own diabetes, we'd all be in a much worse place.


  9. The OGTT fiasco only got interesting when Eddie suggested it was a waste of time and strips.

    There are just the same old posters congratulating or commiserating with each other about mundane things and how a bloody avatar gets so much attention is a mystery to me. Losing weight isn't rocket science either.

  10. "Look in a mirror Eddie you'll see Sid looking back atcha!"

    Nah, Sid is far better looking than me. If he had half a mind, he could have been somebody.


  11. "The OGTT fiasco only got interesting when Eddie suggested it was a waste of time and strips."

    Never forget, one mans fiasco, is another mans worthwhile experiment.


  12. "The OGTT fiasco only got interesting when Eddie suggested it was a waste of time and strips."

    This from the people that brought you "people who write books are money grabbers", "I don't need to read the book because I saw the video on YouTube" and "I only do what my consultant tells me" (even though he doesn't know the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis).

    OGTT is for people that want to understand their diabetes (in the hope of controlling their diabetes).

    Obviously the OGTT stuff is not for those who uncritically entrust their health to the medical profession.

    You stick with Blind Faith, I'll stick with Empirical Data. I wonder which of us has better control of their diabetes?


  13. You need debate, argument and exchange of views. If you do not like what you read, stop reading. Like watching the TV if you don't like the programme for goodness sake turn it off.

  14. Agree 100%. There are many threads and posts I have no interest in and keep away. What makes me sick is the people that look at a post or thread, have zero input or positive comment to make, then bleat like and old sheep ‘I don’t want this on the forum’ if they don’t like, don’t read it eh.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
