Sunday, 27 January 2013

Indy 51 lights a fuse at the forum of flog !

Not so long ago on the flog, the subject of low GI diets came up. Indy had made a comment swiftly followed up by Sid Bonkers aka the enforcer aka chemical ally, accusing her of not understanding the principles of low GI. Wrong again Sid. Over at the flog the pro GI members tend to be on a very unusual diet such as Sid’s or on an insulin pump. Lots of medication is usually another common factor. Over the years I have seen many diabetics give the low GI a try, I tried it myself, for most it does not work.

Today Indy posted up a Barry Groves video where he shreds low GI on the flog, standby for fireworks, can someone wake Sid up, he may be a nutter, but he is one hell of an entertainer.



  1. Paul aka Tubsolard27 January 2013 at 15:10

    I'm looking forward to this one kicking off!...Sid says Low GI,low fat,low calorie diet??..And eat what exactly without starving?


  2. Eddie, you've inspired another of my postings -- thanks! :-) stealing the video link....

  3. Hi Tess

    Feel free to take anything you want off of this blog.

    Regards Eddie

  4. ... Eddie and Paul ... both stirring it up well ...

  5. Indy a.k.a. JillT matches her persona to her peers. She can be nice or nasty.

    Has she been drinking today? Is that why she wants to upset Sid?

  6. wooden spoon said...
    ... Eddie and Paul ... both stirring it up well.

    Stirring it up is what we do. BTW have you tried our wonderful lowcarb walnut cake yet?


  7. "Has she been drinking today?"

    I don't know but I have, a wonderful 12 year old Rioja, slipping down like angels tears.

    Sorry what was your question ? OK I remember 'Is that why she wants to upset Sid?'

    Anyone that upsets Sid is cool with me.


  8. Anonymous said...
    "Indy a.k.a. JillT matches her persona to her peers. She can be nice or nasty.

    Has she been drinking today? Is that why she wants to upset Sid"

    Oh dear, silly me having more than one nickname and posting at more than one forum - take me out the back and shoot me. JillT was at DSF, the first forum I joined a long time ago compared to joining other forums. Indy came after I found Paleo/Primal and was a bit of fun.

    And how awful of me to admit I used to have a drinking problem. Emphasis on "used to". I guess you must be one hell of a perfect person, then, Anonymous?

    Since Sid feels free to take potshots at me, I don't see why I shouldn't take potshots back, especially when it entails real science, something he prefers to ignore.


  9. You'll be telling us next that you look like your avatar Indy. lol
    Why don't you be honest and add something to your DCUK post as to why you have put BG's video up.

  10. Anonymous wimp said...
    Why don't you be honest and add something to your DCUK post as to why you have put BG's video up.

    That's rich coming from an anonymous cowardly wimp, so why don't you be honest and at least put you forum name on your posts.


  11. Yeah, I look just like my avatar - are you for real? I guess Sid looks just like his avatar too?

    I'm not the one who created the drama about the Barry Groves video. I'm not deliberately looking for fights with anyone, despite the way you're portraying me, Anonymous. I can't believe the way a bit of lighthearted banter at ETYM between Paul and I about a poster who has gone after us both can have made me into the type of vindictive person you're trying to make me out to be. Actually, I take that back. People ascribe all sorts of ridiculous motives to people on the internet because it suits their own agenda. What I'd really like to know is what I've done to piss you off, Anonymous?


  12. Yeah, I look just like my avatar

    I'll back that up having seen a recent photo of Indy on Bondi beach she looks just like her avatar.


  13. LOL @Graham :-)

    As we say here in Oz, you're a complete DAG! (highest compliment BTW, despite the unsavoury connotations, hehehe)


  14. Paul aka Tubsolard said...
    I'm looking forward to this one kicking off!...Sid says Low GI,low fat,low calorie diet??..And eat what exactly without starving?

    Hey Paul did you know carbo/tubs is a low GI dieter
    read about it here It's amazing the stuff that you can eat on a low GI diet.


  15. Have you always been a prick Graham?

  16. Karen, Graham doesn’t want to know, get over it !


  17. Winkle said...
    Have you always been a prick Graham?

    Is that the best you can manage sweetie? as insults go that's pretty feeble, no more than I would expect given your previous record.

    Love and hugs!
    Graham XX


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The best of health to you and yours.
