Thursday, 31 January 2013

Mad forum mods ! Could statins be the reason ?

If you hang around on diabetes forums, you very often come up against a mod with an agenda you find hard to fathom. For example, they fully accept they have been sold a complete crock re dietary advice from their medics, they fully accept the saturated fat will kill you brigade and bent science, is another great myth. So far so good. Where things often go pear shaped is when a member talks about big pharmas diabolical track record in recent years. Mod comments such as “Again show me some real evidence that this "well known fact" is true please. I really object to things being stated as factually accurate 100% true statements without offering any evidence to back up the claims”

At this stage you have to wonder has the mod spent the last 10 years in solitary confinement in a third world dungeon ? How could anyone not have heard about the $billions in fines for illegal activities that have harmed and killed countless people ? You try again, to be forced to discuss a hypothetical broken leg and antibiotics. What really gets the kettle whistling, is when you mention the dreaded statins. If the Mod is a statin user, all hell can break loose. I have seen Mods put up a defence for statins, that a big pharma sales manager would consider a master class, the question is why ? Could they be suffering from Cognitive impairment ? In layman’s terms are they going batshit. Check this out.


"Some researchers have suggested that statins might actually improve brain function in the elderly. This stance is largely theoretical, and studies in which individuals have been given statins have not found that they improve brain function at all. Actually, last year the Food and Drugs Administration in the US issued a warning about the potential for statins to affect brain function, telling us that: “There have been rare post-marketing reports of cognitive impairment (e.g., memory loss, forgetfulness, amnesia, memory impairment, confusion) associated with statin use. These reported symptoms are generally not serious and reversible upon statin discontinuation, with variable times to symptom onset (1 day to years) and symptom resolution (median of 3 weeks).”

More here.


  1. If statins make you mad and you don't take them, what's your excuse?

  2. It takes one sane person to recognise another, so that would invalidate your ability to recognise Eddie's true state.
    Passion doesn't equate with madness, even if the behaviours appears to correlate at times. Correlation does not imply causation.

    Eddie's as sane as the next man ... hold on, I am the next man : (
    Still, that's a better bet than some anonymous troll being the next man.

    Keep on taking the tablets
    ... and putting them in the bin.

    Geoff aka librarising
    (never knowingly misrepresented)

  3. Hi Geoff

    Nice to see you around, I hope you are well. I have found over the years a little bit of madman can be beneficial when you want to attract some readers, and hopefully they will read other posts and gain some useful information. Step outside a railway station, and the news paper stand bill boards say, three teenagers save old lady from burning house, average interest. When the bill board shouts MAD AXE MAN ON THE LOOSE they sell more papers. Method in the madness eh.

    Regards Eddie

  4. Is this another attempt at manufacturing an argument to bump up readership?
    The mod forum thing is so last week, or was that last month? I don't remember, it must be the statins, or lack of...

  5. Bob you’ve sussed me out, I am a shameless whore, I will use any trick in the book to push the lowcarb cause.


  6. To coin a phrase Eddie may well have a method in his madness. I for one like this blog and looking through the articles, such as the link given here to what Dr Briffa has said. I found it interesting, thanks.



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