Monday 14 January 2013

Over 500 fold difference in type one diabetes rates in children !

When you have an interest in diabetes, and have read articles over the years, it’s rare to find  really stunning information. There are 88 countries that collect information regarding type one diabetes in children. I find the difference between countries staggering. For instance, Venezuela ranked at number 88 has 0.1 cases per 100,000 of population. Finland ranked at number 1 has 57.6 per 100,000 of population. The UK ranked at number 5 at 24.5 per 100,000. 

I think you will agree, an amazing difference between countries.


Full list by country here.


  1. Great piece, thank you.

    Thought at first it was the Scandinavian countries that were top but no not the case.

    Wouldn't it be great if the answer could be found as the difference is amazing.


  2. Excellent and very interesting read to get the grey cells working on a Monday morning.


  3. This is amazing to read and see how the countries count down from 1 to 88.
    Oh to be the person who unlocks the key as to why this should be.
    A really excellent and interesting read, thank you.


  4. This is a very interesting read and I find myself agreeing with Jean when she says " Oh to be the person who unlocks the key .... "

    It would have been interesting to have a few more countries listed too


  5. The difference is quite startling,very good information.


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