Saturday, 19 January 2013

Over 60 MPs Connected to Companies Involved in Private Healthcare !

In total 66 MPs have financial links to companies involved in private healthcare. Of them, 53 are Conservative MPs, 9 are Labour MPs, and 3 are Liberal Democrats, leaving 1 other from another party. This means, 79% of MPs with these links are Conservative.

These parliamentarians coupled with the 142 Lords with the same interests, make a total of parliamentarians 206 with financial links to companies involved in healthcare.

The interests range in influence from donations made by individuals, shares in a company, or advisor to a company, owner, overseas visits and hospitality, and directorships.

These parliamentarians coupled with the 142 Lords with the same interests, make a total of 206 parliamentarians with financial links to companies involved in healthcare.

All of these public servants were allowed to vote on the Health and Social Care bill, helping it pass into Act.

Recent released research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed 124 members of the House of Lords ‘benefit’ from the financial industry.

Several of these Peers are linked to the Healthcare companies and many of these companies will be funding the private healthcare companies that are threatening the very existence of the NHS.

The House of Lords is an open house for companies to attach themselves to key public servants, lobbying and influencing policy that affects our lives.

Information source.


  1. Opens your eyes to what is going on


  2. Trust the Conservatives to be top of the list, wouldn't trust them and don't trust them.
    The NHS under them is finished

  3. I agree with you on this Joe I don't trust any of them.
    It was good to see Brown back in the week supporting his constituents - a thing he doewes well I think



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