Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Eat To Your Meter forum it’s a Gulag !

Recently I asked the question, is ETYM a forum or a Gulag. It appears I have the answer, it’s a Gulag. Today a forum member posted a link to a Barry Groves video on UTube, it comprehensively shredded the low GI approach to diabetes control. As we have seen on so many occasions at the forum of flog, the post disappeared, swiftly. It’s easy to see why. ETYM have gone the same way as the flog,and promote a similar diet pushed by the NHS and DUK.

In their newbie corner section they say “On the starchy foods that are left in your regime, try brown basmati rice, and brown or tri-colour pasta, instead of white. A couple of baby new potatoes boiled are far better than old potatoes, be they boiled, mashed or in their jackets. The bread that is most recommended is Burgen soya and linseed bread, but some of us manage ok with wholegrain brown as well.” There has been much talk from some forum owners and mods along the lines of ‘I can eat 150 grams of carb a day and hold good BG numbers‘. What they forget to remind people, is the fact is the best controlled, don’t eat anywhere near these numbers of carbs per day.

On the 24th of this month the forum went down to 44 comments. It seems the more members it gets, the less people comment. When I have a look at the forum, the signed in members are usually out numbered by the guests, often by a factor of 5 to1. Is there a Trojan Horse within the forum ? Is a big pharma moll working to undermine the place ? why have the forum controllers, done a 180 degree u-turn for the very reason that got them banned from the forum of flog, ?, remember most of this bunch were staunch lowcarbers ! Why have they changed their tune ? we need to be told.

Recently a forum owner came over here and said, a free debate can be had on our forum, the question I ask myself is, what drugs is this guy on. I find myself thinking, has the infamous Kenny boy assumed yet another alias ?


PS, An update
This thread was deleted, but I can't see why, so I have restored it.

Sorry folks - Jo The Global no less forum mod !


  1. Who deleted the thread and why? If someone in authority decided it was in appropriate then they should say so. They could have edited Indy and Paul's comments surely?

    As for the dietary advice, I used to cringe when it was posted on DCUK by Grazer and now it seems it is suitable for ETYM. I don't understand the logic?????????????????

  2. Could it be the forum owners want to cover their backs by pushing the same dietary advice as the NHS and DUK. That way if something goes pear shaped they can use the same cop out as the big outfits. Most on the forum have complained in the past re the standard ‘official’ dietary advice. Why don’t the members speak up ? Because any questioning of the party line is not wanted, as we have seen. Keep things cosy is the order of the day, and please don’t worry the members with the truth. It is an old Army ruse, make the trouble maker a Sergeant and he becomes one of the establishment. Good mods are as rare as a good diabetic dietition.


  3. You know what you stand for Eddie and your position has not changed in the years you have been advocating a low carb way of life for diabetics.Surely it is up to ETYM and DCUK how they manage their forums. If their members like it they will join and stay, obviously if they don't they will not grow. It is up to those that run and own the forum to decide what their message is and how they want their forum image and belief to be seen.Please you do it your way and spread the low carb news to those that want to manage diabetes that way and let other forums make their choice. A little banter between forums and blogs is good at times but please temper it, people are human and doing their best.

  4. Amazing that ETYM members always pushed, and I mean pushed, a low carb diet on DCUK and now they have changed their minds.
    I personally think the reasoning behind this was to get a larger membership and appease poor old Sheepy but it hasn't worked. ETYM forum is so dull and watching paint dry is more exciting.

  5. "Please you do it your way and spread the low carb news to those that want to manage diabetes that way and let other forums make their choice."

    Others have made their choice, they have walked. ETYM has gone from over 200 posts per day down to 36 at it’s lowest. This is what happens when a forum agenda must fit the mods or some members idea of BG control and playing the middle of the road game. Also, when the mods get over worried about a few of the knitting pattern brigade whinging, the place is doomed. The irony is the cakes club contribute very little to any real debate. The DUK forum is also like watching grass grow since the boat rockers got banned. Check out any diabetes forum or blog, the most post comments and logged in members takes place when the fur is flying. Professionals in the media knows this, grief and heated argument sells, big time.


  6. "Amazing that ETYM members always pushed, and I mean pushed, a low carb diet on DCUK and now they have changed their minds."

    How often we have seen when someone gets their hand on the mods tiller the boat goes in the opposite direction. A shame, the UK needs a good forum but I give ETYM 6 months more tops.


  7. If there isn't a W.I. near you then join ETYM, same difference.


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