Friday, 18 January 2013

WTF is going on at ETYM.

I see the minutes of the second board meeting at ETYM have been published. The originator has bumped the post (within a few hours). What is he trying to achieve. It is a locked topic, the members cannot comment. I.E. the only way the post is going to stay up, is bumping by the board members. As can be seen, only four of the board members showed up at the second board meeting. Two apologies for non attendance, no mention of my friend Dillinger. Has he copied me, and done a Captain Oates ? Time will tell, it always does.

ETYM board meeting here.



  1. Why dont you comment on ETYM instead of remarks here. At least they are trying to do something other than DUK.

  2. interested reader18 January 2013 at 20:50

    I first have to own up at not being a member on the new forum whilst still retaining ties with DUK. I can remember the exchange of views that took place there and neither place now has this. Its a shame because we did learn things, whilst at the same time saying "thats ridiculous" he/she must be mad. It was also a bit of a laugh, not for all, but it was interesting. I think the new forum realise this, I read their minutes thanks to your link here. Its not easy but they are trying and I for one will continue to be a guest viewer.

  3. A discount on cheap test strips is not going to increase membership.
    Stop the ego trips and get some useful content posted. Some of the threads should have an accompanying sick bucket. Look at a recent birthday one. It is all too OTT.

  4. "Why dont you comment on ETYM instead of remarks here. At least they are trying to do something other than DUK."

    It seems to me to be very close to DCUK at it’s worst. No real argument or serious debate wanted. Editing, post deletion and thread locking, and two mods performing the Ken and Sue show. Although the best controlled are lowcarbers, they push a diet of around 150 carbs and lowcarb must not raise it’s head too often. I stated at the first board meeting and again after the forum started it must have diabetic or diabetes in the name otherwise it would not be found. This seems to have registered in some minds now. Without new members it will fail, without some interesting content and serious debate it will fail. I tried to provide that but the mods and members let me know exactly where I stood. As a tea shop and chat room it’s been a success, as a forum to educate and help diabetics it’s going nowhere.


  5. "I read their minutes thanks to your link here. Its not easy but they are trying and I for one will continue to be a guest viewer.

    With respect,what have you got against joining ?


  6. "A discount on cheap test strips is not going to increase membership.
    Stop the ego trips and get some useful content posted. Some of the threads should have an accompanying sick bucket. Look at a recent birthday one. It is all too OTT"

    Agreed. But that's OK if only a small part of a forum. When it is the main source of postings it will not attract serious posters.


  7. interested reader19 January 2013 at 14:04

    I have not joined because the forum seems to be divided in two. If you want a debate which very few seem to and if you start one it can get de-railed, and those few who have tried to continue almost give up in despair. If you want a chat room or friendly cafe it is doing very well indeed. Could they perhaps have a separate debate section? Sorry, for now I continue to be an interested reader.

  8. OK I see your point. Whether I go back and post, or anyone over there wants me to post, is no big deal. The forum will go where it goes, an individual like me can make very little difference in the medium or long term. I was so optimistic this forum was going to be a trail blazer and distance itself from the middle of the road outfits like DCUK and make a real difference, no fool like an old fool eh.

    This blog and our website and food blog makes a tiny difference and has helped people, maybe I should be grateful for that, and call forums a day. I don’t need the grief, and I’ve done my bit to repay the people who helped me almost five years ago.

    Regards Eddie

  9. Eddie said

    "it must have diabetic or diabetes in the name otherwise it would not be found."

    err does Next have the word "clothes" in it or Tesco have the word "food" in it. Does Apple sell fruit or Amazon rain forests?

    If you knew anything about search engine rankings then you would know very few new sites will get a good ranking to begin with. It can take many months. Remember they have only been going just over 2 months. No time at all.

    Face it Eddie they gave you a chance to help real people and now you're back here spitting out the same old hate messages because you couldn't cut it.

  10. "it must have diabetic or diabetes in the name otherwise it would not be found."

    err does Next have the word "clothes" in it or Tesco have the word "food" in it. Does Apple sell fruit or Amazon rain forests?

    If you knew anything about search engine rankings then you would know very few new sites will get a good ranking to begin with. It can take many months. Remember they have only been going just over 2 months. No time at all.

    Face it Eddie they gave you a chance to help real people and now you're back here spitting out the same old hate messages because you couldn't cut it.”

    Thank you for your comments. Regarding company names that do not have at first look have an obvious activity in their name such as Tesco and food, could it be we know these companies because they spend £billions on advertising ? Nestle is one of largest food outfits in the world, not overly obvious they are a food company, they have spent billions advertising brands. For example you could build a very useful diabetes forum or related site without incorporating the words diabetic or diabetes, if you want to throw a small fortune at it in advertising. My money is on saving money, and telling people what you do, or what you are about, in the name.

    One other point re the name. Why do you think this segment was discussed at the board meeting.

    “Flyer Campaign – Grazer suggested, and it was agreed, that we should proceed with this campaign in the following manner.
    Defren would ask her daughter to revisit artwork, bearing in mind that we would be promoting a support forum Action: Defren
    wording to be added to the artwork would be devised, incorporating the domain name "” Action: Borofergie
    The support forum domain would be developed into a simple webpage that would direct visitors to ETYM Action: Grazer/Bio
    A sticky thread would be put in place asking members to help distribute the flyer to doctors’ surgeries, places of work, anywhere they deemed appropriate. The thread would provide an attachment which members could download and print off. Action: Defren”

    Because they know the name Eat To Your Meter will not go down well at a Doctors Surgery. The reason, because most Doctors tell type two diabetics testing is not required and a waste of time. The last thing these Doctors want is a patient asking what’s all this ETYM all about, please can I have a meter and test strips on prescription ? How many newly diagnosed diabetics are going to come home from being newly diagnosed and being given no information on testing, are going to Google up ETYM ? My money is they are going to search for diabetic help or diabetes forums, maybe diabetes charity, diabetic forum, or "diabetessupportforum” BINGO !

    Never forget one mans hate message is another mans truth and salvation. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Google up combinations of lowcarb diabetic or lowcarb diabetes see who is on the front page. Promoting lowcarb for diabetics is what we do, for most it is the best way to control diabetes, but not all. We are trying to appeal to and educate the most, but not all.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to state my case once again.

    Regards Eddie

  11. Why would anyone join ETYM? Read it and you will see that there is nothing going on. The band is playing but it is sinking fast. Birthdays, flu, ops and alcoholics.
    The founders cannot see it but they had better wake up before it is too late. They are not giving any in formation for newly diagnosed except written information. People like a 1-1.
    You cannot have an ETYM forum for people who do not have a meter and whose HCP's tell them they do not need one.

  12. Eddie said

    "could it be we know these companies because they spend £billions on advertising ?"

    I would really suggest not. That's just your big pharma anti capitalist politics coming through yet again.

    Try Googling "UK washing machines" and look at the natural rankings not the paid for adverts. How many of those first page orgs spend billions (argos, currys, appliancesonline, very) I don't think so do you? Not one seems to have the word washing machine in its domain name does it?

    So just admit it, just once, that you are wrong. Go on be a real man for once.

    Eddie when presented with real people you haven't got a clue. It's one thing posting research articles on a blog and slagging off anyone who dares have a different opinion to your own and yet another actually helping real people on a self help forum. You really don't get the difference do you? It never seems to occur to you that the majority may want a calm helpful place rather than constantly do a political battle on your behalf.

  13. "Go on be a real man for once."

    Says the anonymous person, with not the courage or conviction to use even an anonymous forum name. Personal insults, wind ups, won’t win you the argument here. You can’t thread lock, delete or edit and ban here.

    BTW did you Google lowcarb diabetic ?

    Kind regards Eddie Mitchell

  14. Eddie said

    "BTW did you Google lowcarb diabetic ?"

    No someone told me you existed a very very long time ago.

    I wonder how many new diabetics type "lowcarb diabetic" into Google? Most wouldn't know what a carbohydrate was if it bit them.

    Pretty easy to get high on a the listings if you type in your domain name same as if I type in Tesco would be strange if didn't come out top wouldn't it? As for being anonymous I could call myself anything I wanted but so what? Name or not if I disagree with you I would be subject to a hate campaign just like so many others who've had the cheek to disagree with you. You seem to delude yourself and justify your hate by being a "Freedom Fighter" - what a total joke. You're not a freedom fighter just a thug.
    Just one more thought. As this is your blog and you act as judge and jury how do we know you don't censor it in your favour? Not that you'd dream of doing anything as bad as that would you?

    Bored now

  15. Thank you for your comments, I am sorry you are bored. May I respectfully sugest you check out our website or our food blog maybe you could check in to some of the great blogs and sites in our blog list. As for your comment  “As this is your blog and you act as judge and jury how do we know you don't censor it in your favour?” You don’t, but your post got through didn’t it.

    Come back any time.

    Kind regards Eddie

  16. err does Next have the word "clothes" in it or Tesco have the word "food" in it. Does Apple sell fruit or Amazon rain forests?

    Diabetes is a specific condition not a commodity. As a newly diagnosed with absolute zero knowledge of diabetes what do think I typed into google when I decided to do some research, I'll give you a clue the first letter was "D"

    Do a google search for Diabetes forums UK and you will find that even Kenny's failed forum is near the top of the second page.


  17. In reference the flyer campaign Eddie, this is clearly showing your lack of understanding marketing. Using splash pages to redirect to other sites has been used for many many years on the internet and for offline marketing. This is nothing new. Of course GP's don't like giving meters, strips to type 2's so why would you not use a different way of getting their help. You do what you gotta do.

  18. Just read another comment here. A discount on the SD meter/strips may not get more members to their site, but I am sure will help some members who have difficulty affording them, I see this as only helping people, why is that a negative point? I will use the code if they get it.

  19. Graham, Its been said before here, a new site will not be indexed into search engines for quite a while. It takes time for the search engines robots, etc to index and cache any new websites. they don't like new websites.

    If ETYM had millions, of course it would get on top 10 google straight away, but thats just not possible is it, do you have a spare few thousand to borrow each month for campaigns?

  20. This was perhaps a good point of view put here by "interested reader" when he/she said.
    "If you want a chat room or friendly cafe it is doing very well indeed. Could they perhaps have a separate debate section?"
    We all need different things at different times and by having a separate section that deals with the more cosy and intimate friendly everyday chat and then have a section call it 'debate' and put the news and different slant of ideas that are so important to have on any forum or blog. If it is clearly labelled and made known would it not help.
    Eddie and Graham will correct me if I am wrong, I think David on the 'older low carb forum' tried this, but it still has to be open for everyone to read and decide whether they want to enter in the debate or talk about the weather, washing and avatars important things to many as they get on with their everyday lives. Some want more and it needs to be addressed.
    My views, some may not agree and some have turned their back already on this new forum.


  21. Som peopke dont want debate, they want somewhere where they dont have to argue. They want friends and similar people. That being said there is a debate section, please look before just agreeing with here.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
