Friday 22 February 2013

Eat To Your Meter forum. No freedom of speech allowed !

The paranoia and lies continue at the ETYM forum. ‘On a thread called BGs- do we worry too much’ I posted the post below in answer to the moderator Grazer. He immediately deleted the post stating “MODERATORS NOTE  I've deleted this post as it was off topic, and we don't want the thread derailed. The discussion is not about the merits of a low carb diet.”

I started a new thread, called ‘my deleted post’ posting the deleted post and stating “I did not mention lowcarb in the deleted post !” The post number was 14518 and was read by a forum member other than me. It was swiftly deleted. The forum has got to the stage where you have to telephone other forum members to witness your posts have been posted before mods with a bent agenda can delete them. What a sorry state of affairs.

My deleted post.

Grazer said.

“Many other things work. "work" means a thing does what the user wanted it to do. Don't worry, you'll get it one day.”

My post

“Works” We could discuss what works for ever I think. For example Stephenson’s Rocket worked but technology moves on, as does the best way to control diabetes. Perhaps we should look at what does not work. What clearly does not work is the dietary recommendations for diabetics from the NHS, DUK and other mis-information outfits. This failure is manifestly obvious when looking at the NHS audits published each year.

Results for England. The National Diabetes Audit 2010-2011
Percentage of registered Type 1patients in England
HbA1c >= 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) = 92.6%
HbA1c >   7.5% (58 mmol/mol) = 71.3%
HbA1c > 10.0% (86 mmol/mol) = 18.1%

Percentage of registered Type 2 patients in England
HbA1c >= 6.5% (48 mmol/mol = 72.5%
HbA1c > 7.5% (58 mmol/mol) = 32.6%
HbA1c >10.0% (86 mmol/mol) = 6.8%

These results are very similar to those obtained in previous NHS audits over the past 5 - 6 years.

BTW I do get it, I know what works, as do the best controlled on this and other forums. As I said in an earlier post, there is a gold standard, and that should be the target of all diabetics seeking long term avoidance of diabetic complications.


I've deleted this post as it was off topic, and we don't want the thread derailed. The discussion is not about the merits of a low carb diet.

I did not mention lowcarb in the deleted post !

Regards Eddie


In answer to forum member/owner xyzzy.

What’s the point, my posts get deleted when they don’t agree with some mods and forum owners. Check out the for the truth.

You guessed it, deleted (but witnessed) almost immediately.

Why is the truth not wanted at ETYM ?



  1. Eddie I notice you said on your Slim Rice post “never over estimate the intelligence of the general public”

    Which leads me on to wonder, didn’t Grazer notice the thread you had posted on was called “BGs- do we worry too much” and you had put up the audit figures showing BG numbers. Sorry Grazer but I just don’t get why you deleted this post. Especially with the response and the gain in knowledge a lot of your ETYM members and readers were receiving. This was a great thread and not a good way to treat anyone who was following the thread title to a ‘T‘. Is it any wonder why your forum does not attract more members.


  2. I saw your posts and then they were gone. So this is free speech lol
    Luckylocket writes on the DCUK Newsletter thread that she is having to go to DCUK and help newbies because nobody cares. Has she not asked herself why there are no newbies to help on ETYM? She should be honest, she is visiting DCUK to post something different than the W.I. topics and people's useless blogs on ETYM.

  3. ETYM is like watching the infamous Ken all over again. Thread locking, deletion of posts and ridicule by a few mods and the gang. The last person to join and post was Muni on the 6th of Feb.Grazer put them straight and they disappeared around the 13th. of Feb. They don’t want new members, and almost all the early joiners have walked. A great shame as some very good people are trying to help the cause, but as we have seen before, Mods with a wrong agenda wreck good forums. Mis-information and trivia is what is wanted at ETYM. Most know the best way to control diabetes, so what are the antis trying to achieve ? Perish the thought they would realise the name of the forum and ethos is wrong, very wrong.


  4. You can post pictures of shoes on the addiction thread even though it is referring to carbs but then it is a mod doing what she wants to do. "Do as I say ands not as I do".
    Just as well they left DCUK or they might have become Mods.

  5. "You can post pictures of shoes on the addiction thread even though it is referring to carbs"

    It's only derailing a thread when the mod decides you are talking common sense, and you make the mod look a complete chump, or a dare I say a liar !


  6. Déjà vu ! we've here before, it's very reminiscent of cugila's modus operandi at DCUK.

    Had high hopes for the new forum but now it just seems a place for control freaks where real debate is stifled.


  7. Desperate people are forced into desperate measures. All so unnecessary, but as we have seen before, heavy handed mods that have no answers result to banning and thread deletion. Not the way to recruit new members. Most people are not as stupid as the some mods believe.


  8. Eddie, are you not banned from nearly all diabetic forums? , maybe they don't like you being a member and that's why they don't join? Just a thought ...

  9. "Eddie, are you not banned from nearly all diabetic forums? , maybe they don't like you being a member and that's why they don't join? Just a thought ..."

    I see I don't often post over there, but I am the reason others do not join.

    Well now I am banned let's see the mad rush of new members that post. I await with baited breath !


  10. Eddie, are you not banned from nearly all diabetic forums?

    Wow now that's truly amazing given there are hundreds if not thousands of diabetic forums.



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