Friday 15 February 2013

ETYM forum member found in meat pie !

The UK diabetes forum scene was stunned today when DNA tests confirmed a forum member was found in a meat pie. An unnamed source, believed to be an ex board member, turned whistle blower, became suspicious after noticing how many members disappeared into thin air upon joining the forum. Chief Inspector Fred Knacker the Mets most successful detective stated today “the horse meat scandal is a non runner compared to this outrage” The forum’s sternest critic, has not been seen, since winning a long weekend in Rumania prize in a forum competition. Knacker is working on the theory that new members are not wanted, as only one new member who has joined the forum in the last 28 days has posted. Meanwhile Interpol are searching for missing forum board member Borofergie who has not been seen in weeks.

The Sun


  1. If new members were undecided, then Muni's experience would have shown them that it is not for newcomers. He/she dared to talk about successful low carbing and was asked to consider if the forum was for them.

  2. If they want a new name for their forum it could be called the Bob's Appreciation Society.
    They are all up each other's backsides and I have yet to see their forum helping newbies because there are no newbies. They just keep going round and round with their sickly congratulations to each other and their fan club.
    Love him or hate him, Ken had their card marked when he wrote about them.

  3. Eddie,

    Have you been banned from ETYM again?

    Your recent post about Einstein has had public write access disabled by the administrator.

  4. “Your recent post about Einstein has had public write access disabled by the administrator.”

    I believe all post state the same. You have to be a member and log in before that message disappears. Have I been banned ? who can tell with my track record. Still, better being banned than ending my days in a pork pie don’t you think


  5. "If new members were undecided, then Muni's experience would have shown them that it is not for newcomers. He/she dared to talk about successful low carbing and was asked to consider if the forum was for them."

    Muni looked like a live wire to me, as was AliB and others who have walked. As I proved on my cereals get real thread, debate is not wanted if it does not fit in with ETYM propaganda.


  6. As of 3pm today I have not been banned.


  7. I don't get it? If you loathe it that much, why visit and post?

    Or does it make you feel good being an arse!

  8. "I don't get it? If you loathe it that much, why visit and post?

    Or does it make you feel good being an arse!"

    Let me put you straight. I hope the forum takes off and becomes a big success, the UK is crying out for a forum that could lead the way for diabetics. Almost all very well controlled diabetics are lowcarbers. Lowcarb has got to become a significant part of the forum. At the moment 90% plus of the posts are made by three or so mod/board members and a dozen or so others. As stated only one new member in 28 days has bothered to post, and they got their butt kicked. Something has got to change.

    I have tried serious debate, here and on the forum, it’s not wanted if it goes against the ETYM dogma. How ironic when most of the very well controlled are lowcarbers. If you try to be all things to all members a forum fails, as we have seen in the past.


  9. Ok then, so by slagging off the forum at every opportunity is not really helping is it then? You are not coming across as a person who hopes it takes off. So again my earlier question still stands....

    I read one of your other blogs and it shows from other arguments that most of ETYM are low carbers, but to me this should not distract the to the idea that there will be people looking who don't have a clue about how to manage their diabetes. Whilst low carbing may be the way forward, as a diabetic site, surely it has to cater for all,

    I don't think debating is the issue, having seen your posts and replies, you don't seems to grasp that low carb although the best way to go, is not the only way to lower our BG's, changing lifestyle and diet will make a great impact on the newly diagnosed and then ,Anne they will take note and realise that low carbing helps dramatically and will naturally go that way!

  10. Posted on DCUK

    "I am a peace loving person but I cannot stand by and watch someone be vilified who only deserves praise in my eyes, (yes I still have them due to the intervention of Eddie Mitchell). I know that without his help, I, like many others would have been on a quick path to misery, certainly if I had followed the non existent advice of my 'HCPs', (although I realise that there are some very enlightened ones, just not in my neck of the woods).

    Mr Mitchell is passionate about something which works, it is true that some find the concept of lowcarb difficult, even scary but in my case fantastic numbers and great food more than made up for the loss of boring pap such as bread and pasta in my diet (apologies Kathy - interesting name by the way).

    Each to his or her own but don't knock something which works and someone who is not self seeking or interested in profit, but in helping people to have healthy, happy, long, lives.

    By the way, I have no financial interest or ties to Mr Mitchell in any way, just believe in freedom of speech and justice, after all we are a democracy.

    I truly hope that this post will not be removed. You will see that I am not someone who makes frequent posts but could not stand by and listen to a character assassination of a man who has gone out of his way to help so many achieve safe bg numbers as well as excellent health."



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The best of health to you and yours.
