Sunday 24 February 2013

Forum Moderators their part in my downfall !

Over the last five years I have known more than a few forum moderators. They have varied in their knowledge and ability greatly. From highly experienced long term diabetics with great skill and knowledge, to complete buffoons. From fair minded people with a sense of humour, to Stalinist dictators. From honest people working unpaid and giving up their free time, to power drunk foul mouthed dishonest liars. Forum moderating can be a thankless task, and unfortunately, good moderators are a very rare commodity.

Good forum mods are very much like a good football referee. They can make quick judgement calls, and don’t ruin the run of the play, for minor or petty rule infringements. They allow the game to flow, sure for serious infringements to the rules or laws of the game, they know they must blow the whistle. A good referee knows he cannot interpret the rules to suit his personal agenda, nor can he act in a dishonest or corrupt way. The good referee knows the game and the players are what the crowd has come to see, and he is only there to ensure fair play. Unfortunately many forum mods are very poor referees.

So many forum mods feel they own the pitch, that they are the players, and the referee. Matters are made worse when they make up the rules to suit their own agenda. It goes from bad to worse, when the moderator is bent and resorts to dishonesty and blatantly lies. This we have seen on so many occasions. The red card is waived and players leave the field, the game is ruined by poor or dishonest refereeing. The game ends, and we wonder what could have been. What could the team have achieved if the match had continued?

The complete lunacy of the situation comes to light, when the referees  agree with the red carded player, and openly tell the people, yes I play the same game, but please keep it quiet, we don’t want to upset the reserve players. So what do we end up with ? A mediocre team that few want to watch, the attendance numbers go down, players leave the team, and the team ends up relegated or disbanded. As the great Jimmy Greaves once said “Football it’s a funny old game”. Maybe, but the world of diabetes is not funny, but it sure is crazy.

Oh well, onwards and upwards.



  1. Hi Eddie!

    On the subject of mods and thread locking old Sid Bonkers is on top form still at DCUK getting threads post from him was all it took earlier today


  2. I think we will miss Sid, one of the true one off’s in the history of diabetes forums, a sort of brain dead Frankie Boyle. Very rude and obnoxious but not funny like Frankie.

    I see it was Ken’s old recruitment manager Daisy wielding the chopper. Another mod that knows nothing other than cut and paste and playing the three word game. Mind you as mods go there are far worse out there with their hands on the tiller.

    BTW What a character that Tubsolard is, a true nutter, he reminds of me in my youth.


  3. Paul aka Tubsolard, it was you who got the thread locked. You only come on DCUK to cause trouble and recruit.


  4. I think if you check back through the history of DCUK over the last four years you will see Bonkers is the all time champ for getting threads locked. With the possible exception of a total madman that went under the name of Fasteddie.

    Over 2500 of his posts were deleted by the psychopathic loon Cugila. What become of Fasteddie ? Some say he ended his days in Frey Bentos steak and kidney pie (I used to luv ‘em) but who can say, you never know these days.


  5. You never learn Eddie. Antagonising know nothing mods is a sure way to get yourself banned. I think your time is far better spent working on your blog than at ETYM. Have you seen the most read and commented on thread Ashleigh’s blog/tracker goodness me its pathetic.


  6. eddiot the alternative explanation to the garbage you just wrote is you try to destroy these forums when they dare to disagree with your crappy viewpoint. Rather than consider for one moment that all the forums you belonged to had members who were happy with their mostly low carb lifestyles in some shape or form then just because they have the gaul to disagree with you they have to go, because you say so, and f**k the people who are so stupid to be members even if they are doing fine without your poisonous putrid fundamentalist stance. You said as much yesterday when you described ETYM as the worse forum ever. You show their membership no respect do you eddiot cos its them who make the posts not the owners.

    A lot of people like me who have LC'ed med free for years (10 years T2) getting low to mid 5% hbA1c's have done so without needing your puerile form of stalinist sh*te. We see right through you eddiot as do most once they get to see the real you.

    You totally screw the LC message and hold it back as all the opposition has to do is point the real dealmakers at the NHS or health ministry or whoever at the likes of you and say "look at that what a f**king screwball" - Gameover eddiot thanks "mate".

    You take great pleasure in taking apart your LC competitors don't you? You have to be the number one macho mad muller even if it means wrecking peoples lives.
    ETYM is just the last in a long line that those like me have seen you f**k over. Jesus eddiot those ETYM guys even invited you in and within weeks you'd f**ked off and started a f**king hatchet job on them. Even by your own warped outlook on T2 four of them have sub 5% hba1cs but hang on your not running the show, your not in charge and worse they maybe competition. Theyre not listening and you hate them for that, enough to try and destroy them and f*ck their predominantly LC membership. F*ck over people like ME eddiot the usually silent non posters of this world. David found the same thing didn't he? Nice LC forum, you couldn't resist playing your ego games and screwing it over. DCUK same thing. Didn't try to find a compromise position with Ken and Sue over LC so you shafted them. When and where does it all end eddiot?

    I posted six or seven similar questions yesterday that you didn't want to answer and even lied to your audience that they were abusive. Big man eddiot.

    A case of "mod delete or ban as appropriate"

    You are a stinking evil hypocrite piece of dirt eddiot. Always have been and always will be.

    T.C - blast from the past.

  7. I think Eddie, your downfall is all your own work .....

  8. "I posted six or seven similar questions yesterday that you didn't want to answer and even lied to your audience that they were abusive. Big man eddiot."

    Well T.C if this post of yours is anything to go by I'm not surprised Eddie chose to delete the others, as you come across as a foul mouthed ignorant moron.


  9. TC

    Your posts were deleted yesterday because they contained far more un starred expletives than the rant from you today. Clearly you are unable to communicate without the use of foul language. So, you have had your say, I hope you are happy.

    Thank you for your most valuable contribution.


  10. Is that you Ken?

  11. TC

    Your posts were deleted yesterday because they contained far more un starred expletives than the rant from you today.

    Liar liar pants on fire!

    You posted here why I kept sending them twice. I'll let you into my little secret - thats when I failed first time to take the screen shots or later the videos of me making the posts eddiot so I did it again. Thats why they arrived twice. I'm not that good with technology at my age but good enough for you. I repeat my accusation you refused to post a number of mine and Paulines posts yesterday that had perfectly good questions about your attitude and your history. You didnt seem to want to answer any of them and ignored them continually from early afternoon until well after 11 pm even after I pointed out you were censoring me.

    One rule for us and one for you Eddie eh. Isn't that what all dictators and fundamentalists think should be the case?

    Your a total hypocrite eddiot actually I think your far worse than that your an evil and dangerous megalomaniac and I intend to expose you for it. You have no regard for others with the same condition as you just your own twisted ego.

    TC - A blast from the past.

  12. TC

    Who are you ? You have a hell of a lot of mouth but the gonads of a gnat. I bet you won’t even give us an anonymous forum name will you. BTW who is Pauline ? Your blow up doll ?


  13. T.C said

    "mod delete or ban as appropriate"

    ouch! Nice one.

  14. TC ranted...

    One rule for us and one for you Eddie eh. Isn't that what all dictators and fundamentalists think should be the case?

    For your information sunshine I also deleted some of your posts, as a matter of fact if I had been logged in I would have deleted your last manic rant. Your fortunate that Eddie allowed it to stand.

    Kind regards

  15. Pauline and TC

    You have given us a larf but give it a rest will you, go and waste someone else’s time. No more of your posts will be authorised on this blog.


  16. Haven't you just proved T.Cs point Eddie? Those that disagree with you get censored and banned! You could have published T.Cs questions and removed the expletives. Hmmmm what's that smell

  17. ETYM gave you 3 months and a 7 day sending off but you give these two a day and a lifetime ban? For what? Seems to speaks loads.

    'Voice of the people'

  18. What a weirdo taking screen shots and making video's of their posts, surely in need of some psychiatric assessment.

  19. “What a weirdo taking screen shots and making video's of their posts, surely in need of some psychiatric assessment.”

    As you would expect I agree 100%. How much slack should we give foul mouthed unhinged people ?


  20. Eddie said

    How much slack should we give foul mouthed unhinged people?

    Not a lot by the looks of things and of course we will never know as you don't seem to want to publish even censored transcripts of what he or they were ranting on about. You seem to freely admit you censored them. Shame! Seems to me a 10 year no meds 5% lc'er deserves better treatment. Just an opinion.

    Voice of the people

  21. Voice of the people.

    Ask yourself if the demented rants from the anonymous maniac would have been allowed to stand on any forum. Maybe it would not have been posted on many blogs. The rants were mild compared to some of the comments we get and we have not the time or the need to edit comments we receive. If it’s mindless junk, we junk it.

    One thing we have noticed over the years is the fact that negative stuff is always anonymous. We post some of it to demonstrate the weakness in the argument of the typical lowcarb anti. They never have a reasoned argument and as for going ten years on no meds with good diabetes control, that’s nothing special. That is exactly the reason we believe lowcarb and nil/minimal meds is the only way to control type two diabetes, full stop.

    The ranting ones feel we may be upset or offended or maybe change the direction of this blog. Nothing could be further from the truth. We love the nutters and ravers, but we like to think our sane readers and commentors have better things to read and comment upon. Hence we keep the junk comments to a minimum.


  22. "Seems to me a 10 year no meds 5% lc'er deserves better treatment."

    That's of course if you believe what he says, perhaps if he published his real forum name that would give him some credibility.


  23. That is the weakest excuse for "mod delete or ban as appropriate" that I have read. The guy said he DIDN'T post on forums so what else would he be except anonymous! You've been caught with your pants down Eddie doing a great impression of Ken. Just admit it.Hardly appropriate is it considering your stance against ETYM and DCUK. I'm outta here. Thought you were different but apparently not.

    Voice of the people

  24. Voice of the people.

    You might be the voice of the people, but I am one of the voices on this blog. And unlike you I do not hide in the shadows petrified to post under even an anonymous forum name. BTW the maniac could have used his own name and do you think for one minute he/she has not been a member of a forum ? What’s your forum name ? Don’t kid me you don’t have one. You guys can talk the talk, but never do you walk the walk. That’s one of the reasons diabetic information is so poor, especially regarding diet, so many want to hide in the darkness and mutter away on forums.


  25. T.C must have a forum name-he/she even signed one of his/her comments as "T.C A blast from the past" As far as I'm aware you can't be a "Blast from the past" without having 'Met' or crossed swords on a forum or blog previously.
    What are these people worried about in giving an anonymous forum name ? It's not like they're having to post their bank details and address is it ?

    Funny old world the cyber one eh?


  26. Hi Paul

    Of course you are right. But TC and Pauline like to add a little mystery to their lives. I don’t know about this videoing themselves lark, all sounds a bit strange to me, but hey, if it rocks their boats, plus of course TC, Pauline and the voice of the people could all be the same person. My money is on the fat ex copper that used to be a mod or a mad woman we call Karla. As I have said before, every forum and blog needs a few bats in the attic.

    Hope you’re recovering well mate and getting back to 100%. Keep updating us on the forum.

    Regards Eddie

  27. Eddie T.C had a rant. Isn't that exactly what you do on here and other places and get well peed off if you think you're being censored? Anyway as an activist you're not telling us you don't know the value of a good rant are you? These peeps ranted against and questioned you and expected their comments however negative to be heard but you censored and then banned them! T.C's language may be colouful but you could have edited it out and left the content. That's the big mystery and stink here. You hiding behind public decency just doesn't cut it.

    Is this the UK version of JM v Dukes. It certainly begins to feel like it out here.

    Geoff B

  28. Anonymous smelly person said...
    "Hmmmm what's that smell"

    Maybe you got halitosis, B.O. or could it be you've had an accident best get mummy to check your nappy sweetie.

    Hope that helps!

  29. Thanks Graham for talking my comment so seriously. Nice to know how people get treated here who believe in freedom of speech as I do. I posted this mornings comment from my mobile as I am doing this one and that makes posting a bit fiddly. Apologies for not supplying a posting name this morning. I didn't realise it was now a rule which if disobeyed allows you to ridicule me.

    For what its worth I'm not T.C Pauline Ken Karla voice of the people or even a forum member just as an interested low carber that got the message READING dcuk posts by those now etym people so really sorry for existing. It sounds like paranoia is setting in here and now your attitude just makes me more suspicious you guys really do have something to hide.

    Geoff B (yes a different one to librarising)

  30. Anonymous said...
    "Thanks Graham for talking my comment so seriously."

    Come on Geoff it's you that's getting paranoid now, check out the earlier anonymous comment posted on 25 February 2013 09:48.


  31. Precisely Graham. I made that post as I just stated. I also made the "ouch" post yesterday as I do believe you guys censored T.C. For what reason I have no idea but my spidey sense is tingling as T.C seems to have a lot of history just like Eddie does. Ranting when you're an "Eddie" is just part of the game and that is all T.C did as far as I see it yet he got banned for it in pdq time. I would have liked to have seen more of his questions and Eddies answers. Instead I am see spin.

    Geoff B

  32. "Hmmmm what's that smell"

    So you really want me to take a comment like that seriously do you? I'm afraid it got the response it deserved.

    As for TC's foul mouthed tirades we put a lot of time into this blog and the website and have no intention of spending more time editing his posts, actually the ones we deleted were even worse than the one we let through.

    We have been down this road before check out this post here you may notice some similarities to TC's comments.

    Anyway it's late so I bid you goodnight.


  33. It's about time ETYM took of their rose tinted spectacles. What a boring forum, still no newbies.
    I see Bio is attributing the phrase ETYM as their brainchild. See thread DCUK. He hasn't been around long enough to know any different really. They could have called it YMMV and he would have thought that was new too.

    Anyone got any ideas for a new name for ETYM or a new slant on what ETYM means? (Every time you moan)

  34. Hmm, I have not been on DCUK since last December. So I don't see how I am attributing ETYM on the site. I eat to my meter yes, it's always been in my sig, both on DCUK and ETYM. What's your point?

    I was diagnosed, I did my own research and vlc was the way to go. What a pointless post you make.


  35. Bio,
    You started a thread on ETYM with the title DCUK.
    You wrote, "So I see from the latest facebook status, without stating eat to your meter, that is exactly what they are saying.....They should be linking to us with a statement like that's going to happen".
    Memory lapse???

  36. Ah, ok, so you are taking a tounge in cheek post I made which was not really anything and turning into a statement that we are trying to be something we are not. So I assume you have nothing better to do than try and find someway of descrediting ETYM, (you lot do seem to be trying hard) rather than say having a life. You must actually like ETYM if you bother to go and read posts.

    Well, I kinda feel sorry for you, all the resources at your disposal to help spread the word and all you can do is bad mouth. Your commments and observations are wasted on me, from reading here and seeing what you lot are like, does not bother me one little bit.

    Have a great low carb day :0)


  37. Bio

    If a comment is negative it’s always anonymous, never even a known UK forum anon name (apart from Bonkers and Cugila). A brave bunch the anons aren’t they ?

    We welcome and are grateful for positive comments from anons as you would expect.

    Betus it’s a funny old game.

    Regards Eddie

  38. T.C is a member of ETYM. He has made a few posts there.

  39. I remember T.C posting at ETYM I went down with a nasty attack of the Wrunkelt’s if memory serves. Thanks for jogging my memory. That Wrunkelt never gives up, and posts exactly the same as err…….Ken !


  40. Hi Eddie!

    Was T.C Fadesfury on ETYM?

    Best regards


  41. Hi Paul

    No,Fadesfury was far more sinister than Kenny boy. We call her Karla.

    Regards Eddie


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
