In an unprecedented move, the trustees of the Wallycorker foundation have awarded the highly prestigious Wallycorker medal to Carole Sampson. Rarely is the award given to a woman, and never to a person who has not been banned. Carole has worked tirelessly, to expose the idiotic Carbsane and her spreaders of fear and ludicrous clique cronies. She has brought a much needed sense of humour to the crazy world of internet blogs.
In a special all night sitting of the board of trustees the vote was unanimous. The trustees were also highly impressed with Carole’s skilful winding up of Kocurnuts and was highly commended. Above all, the trustees were highly impressed with the speed this newcomer has taken the bloated one to unparalleled heights of annoyance, causing blog moderation to being installed..
Chairman of the board of trustees. Roger (keto warrior) Jenkins stated today “we thought Eddie could play these chumps like a violin, but it is clear Carole has Evelyn completely barking” The obese one, still working her battered and beleaguered clique, by remote control from her padded cell, aided and abetted by her lap dogs and toadies is on her last legs, literally, if reports are accurate, has taken madness to a new level. The end must be in sight. Lord Beantipper said at an impromptu drinks party after the award ceremony “If Evelyn was a horse they would have shot her a long time ago”. When asked to comment, on his ongoing High Court bestiality trial, and to confirm Carole was his long lost love child, Beantipper head butted a Daily Mail hack, and left by a rear entrance.
The Sun
Hi People! I don't know whether to be honored or not, as I don't know what a Wallycorker is.(Sounds Australian?)
ReplyDeleteBut I'll accept it and maybe you could explain what it is!!
Carole XXX
Who or what is wallycorker ?
ReplyDeleteWe often get asked that question.
Wallycorker was a member of in the Ken era. He was a complete gentleman, always polite and worked very hard to greet the newbies and tell them his low carb success story. He was banned. He contacted the administration and admin agreed he had been treated unfairly and to rejoin. Because of technical reasons he could not use his old name of wallycorker, he returned as AKA wallycorker. Surprise surprise he was banned again. He was a big loss to the forum. Here is his story.
This story describes the diet that I've gradually adopted over the last two years to successfully deal with my non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes.
I'm a sixty-six-years old non-insulin dependent Type 2 on Metformin. I was diagnosed nearly ten years ago in the very early stages with a fasting level of 7.2 (130) and an HbA1c of only 5.7%. My situation slowly progressed - i.e. deteriorated - for eight years by following the "do not test" and " eat plenty of starchy carbohydrate" advice that is so often given by healthcare professionals to type 2s in the UK. Even though my progression was relatively slow, around seven years later my HbA1c eventually reached 9.4% and my GP started to prescribe Metformin (1000mg per day) - and then around a year later he doubled the dosage to 2000mg because my HbA1C was still at 8.5%.
At that stage and against my Doctors advice, I started to test and by doing that soon came to understand the effect that different foods had on my blood glucose levels. By using that information and gradually changing my diet over the last two years, I have fully reversed my Type 2 diabetic situation. Today, all my numbers are better than they were at diagnosis - in most of the cases by a massive amount. If I went to the doctor today then by the most-commonly-used diagnostic tests - fasting blood glucose levels or HbA1c - they would say that I did not have diabetes. Moreover, any symptoms of diabetes that I had experienced have all disappeared.
Basically, the main thing that I've done is to cut out almost all the starchy carbohydrates - e.g. cereals, bread, potatoes, pizza mainly but I'm also very careful with rice and pasta too. In my opinion this has been by far and away the main reason for my dramatic improvement in blood glucose levels.
My HbA1c has dropped from a high of 9.4% to in the 5s the last six tests - and a lowest-ever of 5.0% last time. I'm hoping to take it below 5% very soon. In November I stopped using Metformin altogether.
Hey, where's my award? After, all, I am a "rising star" in the paleo world, a "known follower of Kruse" and a charter member of the LCHez. In fact, it was my early adoption of woo-fueled whatever that precipitated the start of the LCHez in the first place!
ReplyDeleteSo, I am giving you 24 hours to fix this glaring oversight. If you don't do this, then I might have to do something. (Warning: this something may drive up your traffic even more....)
WOW go for it Carole!
It was Caroles glasses that did it EB
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I can recommend this read LOL
Exceptionally Brash said...
ReplyDelete"Hey, where's my award? After, all, I am a "rising star" in the paleo world, a "known follower of Kruse" and a charter member of the LCHez. In fact, it was my early adoption of woo-fueled whatever that precipitated the start of the LCHez in the first place"
You must appreciate the trustees are very busy evaluating nominees for this prestigious award and it may be a while before giving your claim consideration. However they have been known to fast track some individuals, rumour has it that a case of fine wines played some part in the process.