Friday, 1 March 2013

Eat To Your Meter Situations Vacant.

Forum moderators are required at our new diabetes forum ETYM. Are you a fan of big pharma and junk food ? If so this could be the job for you. If you think statins are the greatest thing since sliced bread call us today. Applicants who survived the ACCORD trial will be given special propriety.

Preference will be given to pet owners and people with special interest in Avatars and emoticons. The main requirement is an un-flinching loyalty to forum owners (those that remain). Any member questioning the owners out dated dogma, must be dealt with harshly and immediately, by ridiculing the member, reducing their Karma to negative, and awarding the forum owners with Karma points and thank you’s. Applicants used to mob tactics in taking down militant lowcarbers at other forums, are especially welcome to apply. Knowledge of controlling diabetes or healthy diabetic diets is not a requirement.

Please note. ETYM is an equal opportunities employer. We operate a zero tolerance policy against Lowcarb Hezbollah and Palio diet evangelists. Anyone questioning our middle of the road NHS and DUK dietary policy will be banned. Previous lowcarb fundamentalists and other SCUM need not apply.

The Management.


  1. You forgot that they must have a love of shoes, donor kebabs, crumpets and hot cross buns.
    They must also take an oath of allegiance to the ETYM philosophy that junk food is not a bad thing for diabetics.

  2. Looking through ETYM member list, they really need some members who post rather than more moderators.
    It's the same few people who keep their forum going and they say very little to support diabetics but plenty for their own sad egos.

  3. Sounds like just the position for me.I think I'll apply.

  4. It's a very cushy number but the pay is crap ! Also, career advancement prospects nil!


  5. How about wally?
    He managed to lose 5 stone and has put 4 back on.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
