Monday, 25 March 2013

Five years a diabetic to the day.

Five years ago, I self diagnosed as a type two diabetic, with a ten quid BG meter from the local chemist. I had been suffering the usual symptoms for months. Constant thirst, planning my life around looking for toilets while on the road. Blurred vision and constant tiredness were other well known symptoms. So, 26mmol on the BG meter, official confirmation 7 days later with and HbA1c test of nearly twelve. Dietary advice from my healthcare team eat starchy carbs with every meal and two metformin pills a day on the script. Sorted eh, no way. I dumped sugar and followed the diet plan, result average BG never better than 12. Having buried my Father, who died riddled with type two diabetes complications, two weeks after my diagnosis, I was looking to buy some more time before I went up the local crematorium chimney. Doing Ray Charles impersonations or playing the part of Long John Silver held no appeal, so I had a Google around. Jeez what an eye opener.

I found the diet I had been recommended was so far away from right, my healthcare team might as well recommended I take up a crack cocaine habit. I am suffering from a chronic disease with an inability to process carbohydrates and I am told to base my meals on them. Were they trying to kill me ? Had I met my diabetes nurse in another life, and left her for a younger woman ? No, almost everyone gets the same idiotic advice. OK I got lucky, I found a guy called Fergus Craig, a long term lowcarbing diabetic, he put me straight. Six days and virtually no carbs later, I was seeing 4’s and fives on my BG meter.

Three months on, and HbA1c in the fives. My Doctor thought the changes were remarkable and was very interested, until I mentioned the three most hated and feared words in the diabetes professionals world, low carb diet. He went ashen and with a single leap, dived over his desk and attacked me with a fire extinguisher, and then tried to garrotte me with his stethoscope ! OK I jest, but I heard the words so many before and after me have heard, ‘if it works for you stick with it‘, end of appointment. Some time after that session I was having some blood tests done at the surgery, and a phlebotomist said to me, looking at my numbers on her computer, these numbers are amazing, have you told your healthcare team how you achieved them ? She was a lovely lady, so I just said yes.

At this time I decided to join the lowcarb Hezbollah. I teamed up with a few other people and we set up a website and some blogs. What we have achieved controlling our diabetes blows the NHS, DUK and ADA etc. into the weeds. The great thing is, none of us are special and anyone can achieve good control over their diabetes and weight where necessary, but you have to put in some effort. You have to drop the carbs and refined factory produced junk, you may even have to get off your butt. But think about this, you could become medication free (type two’s only) you could take control of your health, you could become independent and not become a slave to big pharma greed and multinational junk food outfits. I list the last audit from the NHS below, the HbA1c results are pitiful as you can see, they do not recommend a lowcarb diet. Last word to an enlightened UK healthcare pro. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

 “The reality is that over the years, and around the world we have killed literally millions of diabetics by advising them to eat a high-carb diet and avoid fats. Only now is it being recognised that previous advice was and remains useless, dangerous and scientifically illiterate"  

The wall of shame.

Results for England. The National Diabetes Audit 2010-2011 
Percentage of registered Type 1patients in England
HbA1c >= 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) = 92.6%
HbA1c >   7.5% (58 mmol/mol) = 71.3%
HbA1c > 10.0% (86 mmol/mol) = 18.1%

Percentage of registered Type 2 patients in England
HbA1c >= 6.5% (48 mmol/mol = 72.5%
HbA1c > 7.5% (58 mmol/mol) = 32.6%
HbA1c >10.0% (86 mmol/mol) = 6.8%

These results are very similar to those obtained in previous NHS audits over the past 5 - 6 years. 



  1. There is too much garbage on the net as well. Recently, pocking around to look who that Matt Stone was, I came across on his blog the link to blog of Andrew Kim ,post "Diabetes, Dangerous Fat, and Protective Sugar". Nowadays it is possible to read more than it is good for you.

  2. Hi Galina

    I agree there is a lot of junk on the net. I don’t expect people to take my word, but a diabetic can check what I promote. With a BG meter, some weighing scales and a tape measure they are on their way. Add in a blood pressure meter and some blood tests and they can confirm their health is improving. Plus, if you feel and look good, you usually are good.

    Kind regards Eddie

  3. Great news to hear this
    We can all do this but carbs must remain reduced

  4. Thank you for once again sharing your journey about the fight in the treatment of diabetes. Over the past years those that have followed this blog know of your passion in spreading the good news and what can be achieved by reducing the carbohydrate intake and not being afraid of eating good fats.It should spur others on to take the condition seriously and appreciate what each of us diagnosed either pre-diabetic or as a diabetic can do.


  5. Great to share stories.

    It was my wife and this blog that has helped me since my diagnosis.All the family now follow a much reduced carbohydrate intake. Funny to think that with my diagnosis we then all began to eat more heathily, we just did not realise what processed foods were doing to us. My sincere thanks to my wife for her support, she has been wonderful -

    and to the delicious low carb cakes, especially the strawberry one!

  6. " ..... only now is it being recognised that previous advice was and remains useless, dangerous and scientifically illiterate"

    Until more do realise the NHS numbers will remain dismal


    (Well done by the way)

  7. Sorry I've not been around and have only just read this. Your blog has helped me so much over this past year when I discovered how a reduced carb diet can help - I have not looked back. Its just great to hear yours and others low carb success stories, they are so similar which is both good and bad, bad because the advice many still receive is not good but SO good and encouraging.

    Here's to the next five years complication free

    Many thanks

    Sal ( a dedicated low carber )

  8. Thanks for the kind words. Sorry I am late in saying thank you.

    Regards Eddie


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The best of health to you and yours.
