From this excellent site
Both pictures contain 30 grams of carbs – a daily intake while eating moderately strict LCHF. Which would you choose? In other words: avoid the major sources of carbs (sweets, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes). Then you can enjoy plenty of other good food and still get a good effect on your weight and health.
There is a faint glimmer of hope on the horizon, from one NHS dietition who posts on the great Dr. John Briffa blog and says.
"I am a Dietitian working in the NHS. It horrifies me to think that so many people no longer trust the medical and lifestyle advice they receive from their Health Care Professionals. Have we become so blinkered that we fall for the pharmaceutical research strap lines hook, line and sinker? Why do we repeat the mantra all advice we give must be 'evidence based' when there is so much conflicting 'evidence', lack of research on nutrition (you cant patent a natural product!), questionable outcomes, and definitely no 'one size fits all' approach to patient treatment. We actually know so little about the genetics of Type 2 Diabetes, it is becoming clear that the label 'Type 2' could cover any number of genetic differences that cause issues with glucose metabolism."
More on this post at the Briffa blog link above.
The dietician on Briffas blog wont last long in the NHS they know something about diet.
ReplyDeleteJohn Briffa is cool!
ReplyDeleteHi Carole, I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteBoth Dr Briffa and Dr Kendrick, these guys are stars. Not afraid to go against the grain.