Monday 1 April 2013

Jewish Kamikaze pilots !

According to most lowcarb antis, us lowcarbers are Jewish Kamikaze pilots, on a one way trip into our brother in laws scrap yards. No future in lowcarb, it’s just a good way to kick off a weight loss deal, and short term. Five years on, I think maybe these folk would do better to have some psychiatric counselling before trying to lose weight. Lets face it, if they believe basing their diet on sugar and starch is the way forward, they're more nuts than me. Seriously what have us lowcarbers dumped ? White bread, pasta, rice, spuds and factory produced junk. Tonights radical grub I list below, try it, if you turn into a werewolf or mad axe killer I will give you your money back.


Mussels in white wine and garlic sauce

Lowcarb  lasagne

Ingredients serves two
250 grams ground/minced beef 
1 aubergine/egg plant
1 red onion
A splash of olive oil
300 ml of double cream
One 400 grams tin of chopped tomatoes
A cup of fresh grated cheddar cheese
Half a red pepper chopped
Half a green pepper chopped
A handful of button mushrooms
Salt, pepper and mixed herbs to taste 

Fry the finely chopped onion with the olive oil in a large frying pan, Americans call this a skillet I believe. When soft add the minced beef and brown. Add the chopped peppers, mushrooms and chopped tomatoes. Allow to come off the simmer and add the double cream, and stir well. Cut the aubergine into thin slices around 6mm/ around a quarter inch thick. Layer up, one layer of aubergine and one layer of the beef mix, in your oven proof dish, adding some salt, mixed herbs and pepper. Place in oven set at 200c for around thirty minutes. Remove and cover with grated cheddar cheese. Place back in the oven and cook for a further 10 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown. 

A truly great meal, very easy and lowcarb, enjoy !

Home made Pecan cake

100 grams of ground almonds
100 grams of Pecan nuts
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon of melted butter
2 tablespoons of double cream

2 tablespoons of instant coffee
100 grams of clotted cream

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.
Melt the butter I used a Pyrex jug, add the eggs, cream. Place 2 tablespoons of instant coffee in a cup and pour some boiling water over the coffee, keep water to a minimum, just enough to melt the coffee. Then add the wet to the dry ingredients and mix. Microwave in a 700watt for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and cut in half. Spread on clotted cream and add pecan nuts. Serves four/six, low carb and tastes great.


  1. These look great, Eddie! You'll have to write a cookery book!

  2. This looks lovely food


  3. I decided to offer a lazy microwave version of a low-carb eggplant casserole.
    I put in a special microwave square dish some leftovers of a lamb stew, on the top grilled in advance in a Foreman grill sliced eggplants and sauteed in advance onion and bell pepper, then a tomato sauce, on the top of everything - 3 oz of cream cheese blended with one egg and a handful of parmazan cheese. I close it with a lid and put in a microwave at 50% energy (!!!) for 8 minutes, when it was done, another handful of a shredded cheeses went on the top together with minced basil.
    I am sure, oven version is better, but sometimes convenience and time are priorities.

  4. Someone on one of Woo's posts pointed to a brilliant post on "ketophobia". Well worth a read. It certainly shows how many different conditions by affected by the low-carb, ketogenic way of life:

    And it is perfectly easy to eat a wonderful, healthy and satiating diet without grains and starchy carbs.

  5. Never come across any Jewish Kamikaze pilots BUT have got to know about good low carb food and all these look and taste very nice. The low carb cakes are delicious.

  6. Some may have called you weird Eddie but there's nothing weird about these recipes

    Low Carb Fan

  7. Highly recommended eating

  8. Thanks for the comments folks.


  9. It's unfortunate, but mussels aren't Kosher...therefore it's u likely that your pilots are Jewish!


  10. Wow Dave. this is what I really like about blogs because we all pool ideas and news and go on to learn more.I for one didn't realise that mussels are not Kosher, but I do know that diabetic Jews are still able to use pork insulin to control their condition.
    Exchange of views, different ideas and how each of us looks at a subject is what makes turning on a computer so exciting.

  11. Thought the lasagne look delicious

    Will def try it out



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