Tuesday 16 April 2013

Margaret Thatchers funeral. Special souvenir edition.


If I was asked to name the most hated woman in my lifetime a few weeks ago, I would have said Myra Hindley and I would have been wrong. Hindley was a convicted serial murderer and torturer of children, the other half of the infamous killer duo Brady and Hindley. While Brady rots inside never to be released, Hindley died some years ago in prison. Very few if any were sorry to see her passing, but the event was no big deal.

Counter that with the joy across the nation on hearing Thatcher had died. Sure the media and the Tory party are working overtime to tell us what a wonderful person she was, and how she saved the nation, the Tories need all the spin it can get these days, anything to divert attention from the big agenda. And the big agenda ? the UK is going down the tubes fast, and Thatcher and her ilk, started the decline, with the massive destruction of our major industries. Let’s not forget, while the Tories are painting her in glowing colours, she was not voted out, her own party began to realise she was a big liability and stabbed her in the back.

So, tomorrow she will be accorded a funeral for a hero, no doubt people who never knew her, not even born during her years at the helm, will weep openly on the streets. The great and the good will turn up for the service, people who stabbed her in the back, people who detested her, they will all be there. It will be a beautifully choreographed event, because no one, absolutely no one,  does bullshit as good as the Brits.

May the Iron Lady rust in peace.



The government, tightly observing the contingency methods suggested in the 1974 report into nationalised industries known as the Ridley Plan in the event of a strike, mobilised tens of thousands of police who were drafted in from all over the country. While their official role during the strike was to 'employ riot tactics in order to uphold the law against violent picketing', they often initiated unprovoked baton charges against pickets, such as happened at the much publicised 'Battle of Orgreave' and such that are widely believed to have caused the deaths of pickets David Jones and Joe Green. Three children also died during the strike, from picking coal in the winter. Members of the British Army are also widely believed by miners to have been present at the picket lines, and there exists film footage of 'policemen' wearing tunics missing any identifying numbers on their lapels.

Communities had been devastated and left to rot, receiving not an ounce of help from the government that had wielded the sword that had cut the very lifeline that the communities had depended on, the coal pits. Throughout the second half of the 1980s Thatcher continued her policy of de-industrialisation in favour of imports from abroad, effectively destroying British industry at the cost of thousands of jobs, with unemployment reaching over 11% in the UK and about 50% in mining communities by the late 80s. The potential for change had been defeated with the miners, as had the power of the trade unions and the state had been left to consolidate its free market agenda. Only through the unified strength of the miners in complete solidarity with each other could Thatcher have been defeated. The stress that is placed upon the need for complete class unity when faced with long and bitter struggles such as the days of 1984-1985, which is indeed the main lesson that should be drawn from the strike, should never be underestimated.



Margaret Thatcher felt the "uneconomic" mining industry was a drain on the taxpayer and duly privatised it, but any savings made have to be seen in the context of the social costs to the communities affected and the resulting benefits bill.

It is the same story in other areas hit by the loss of heavy industry and manufacturing. So was it all worth it? Not according to Professor Steve Fothergill, an economist at Sheffield Hallam University and one of the authors of the report.

"I would unequivocally say no because we destroyed so much productive potential in the economy in those years and we did it in sectors we could really do with now to improve our trading performance in the world," he told Channel 4 News.

"Okay, we're not subsidising industry, but we're paying to keep people on benefit instead. We need an improved trading performance, selling more to the rest of the world, like Germany. But our capacity to do this has been affected because so much has been lost."



The Community Charge or Poll Tax was introduced in 1990. It was a flat local tax on every adult and was levied instead of taxing property.A millionaire living in a mansion paid less in poll tax than a low-income family living in a small house.




Former head of the British army General Sir Michael Jackson said that it would be impossible for the British military to confront Argentina in case a military confrontation takes place over the sovereignty of the Malvinas islands. “What if an Argentinean force was able to secure the Mount Pleasant airfield? Then our ability to recover the islands now would be just about impossible,” said Jackson in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph.

Likewise the head of the Naval task force in the Falklands War has warned that defence cuts mean Britain can now do “precisely nothing” to prevent Argentina retaking the islands. the Royal Navy no longer has aircraft carriers, has lost its force of Harrier jump jets and seen its warship fleet cut in half over the last decade. General Sir Peter Whiteley, a former commandant general of the Royal Marines, said: ‘If the Argentines decided to invade again we could never consider trying to take them (the Falklands) back because of our lack of naval resources.’ And Surgeon Rear Admiral Ralph Curr, the Royal Navy’s former medical director-general, added: ‘There’s no way we could defend the Falklands or re-engage the Argentines if it all happened again.’ In the Telegraph’s view, Britain can do ‘nothing’ to prevent Argentina retaking Falkland Islands.

Margaret Thatcher’s long time good friend, serial rapist and paedophile the legendary Jimmy Savile.

Margaret Thatcher with another old friend, the torturer and mass murderer General Augusto Pinochet.


Thatcher the snatcher stops free milk for school children ! "A report from 'Panorama' exploring the Conservative plan to withdraw free milk for children over seven years old and increase the price of school dinners. Mothers and teachers voice their concerns, but Margaret Thatcher defends her cuts and promises to plough the money that is saved back into school buildings."

She lied !


Sing along with Maggie


  1. I take it you don't vote Tory Eddie!?

  2. The Mirror will have you as a journalist soon

  3. The Mirror Jeff ! that's far to right wing for Eddie.


  4. Anticipating tomorrows wake. Champagne in the fridge. Isle of Jura next to the glass. Only down side is I'm cooking.

    Rejoice , Rejoice..

    Now when did I hear that phrase on the news that so many people had died?



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