Saturday 13 April 2013

The Diabetic Mediterranean Blog

On a drizzly Saturday afternoon before setting out shopping I did my usual flip around some of the blogs which are on the side bar. Looking at the sunny pictures on The Diabetic Mediterranean Blog my eye was taken by this great story, and a couple of paragraphs are shown below. Please click on the link below and share another inspirational story.

 "I am a 74 year old diabetic (T2) and have been following Bernstein’s plan for 26 months. I have lost 51 lbs, lowered my intake of insulin and have had reversal of several diabetic complications. My blood chemistry is much better than before and my A1c has gone from 9.1 to 5.0. My blood pressure is lower and I am healthier in virtually every measured way.

I cannot bring myself to abandon all fruits but I found I can satisfy myself with a quarter of an apple, a half of an orange, a quarter of a grapefruit, etc. I eat them much more slowly and with concentrated mental feelings of enjoyment. I currently limit myself to 40 grams of carbs per day and I continue to lose weight at the rate of a pound and a quarter a month. There was a long plateau period of no weight loss in the middle of the two years (13 months) but I kept at it. It has paid off."

Read the full story at  The Diabetic Mediterranean Diet

Best wishes Jan

PS. Not a diabetic but nearly five years a lowcarber.

1 comment:

  1. Good story. It doesn't matter old or a bit younger low carbing, reduced carbohydrates, however you term it works.And I agree the pictures do give you a good warm feeling and healthy glow somehow.

    Paul B


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