Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Barry Groves 1936-2013 RIP

Checking in at the Jimmy Moore blog last night, I was saddened to hear lowcarb expert Barry Groves had passed away. Barry was ahead of his time and refused to buy in to the low fat high carb propaganda. Countless people all over the world have benefited from his books and website especially diabetics. Barry was a controversial man, especially with the lowcarb anti brigade, and those who swallowed the big pharma hype, and junk food lies, hook line and sinker. For those who could think outside the box, and take a leap of faith, Barry was a hero. As with Dr. Robert Atkins, I do not expect it will be long before the rumours start, stating his high fat lowcarb diet killed him. The naysayers and dullards will probably forget to mention, he followed the lowcarb high fat way of life for over fifty years, and at the age of seventy-one, was still competing at the highest level in sport.

Check out Barry's great site here.



  1. RIP Barry, thoughts are with your family, and I think Barry would appreciate the picture you have used here.


  2. I too was saddened by this news. When first diagnosed it was Barry who inspired me to go low carb.

    I shudder to think of the state I could be in without his books.

    Do doubt, as you say, the anti low carb cabal will find joy in his demise but we know what's in store for them!


  3. Sad news RIP Mr Groves

  4. A very sad news. I wonder who else out of a LC crowd was in a contact with his family besides JM? May be Dr.Briffa? You are from England , guys. Was Barry Groves a public figure there?

  5. My health 'enlightenment' encompassed many books. The first of those would be Gary Taubes' The Diet Delusion. A close second would have to be Barry Groves' Trick or Treat.
    An Englishman talking 'sense ?' Who'd have thought it ?
    A true revolutionary.

    A sad day for all

    Geoff J

  6. Sten Sture Skaldeman1 May 2013 at 16:52

    I had the pleasure to spend a day with Barry and Monica a year ago. And I wrote about the meeting in our swedish Low Carb, High Fat magazine (LCHF-magasinet). I had great plans for Barry and me in the future, sorry it ended this way.

    Sten Sture Skaldeman

  7. Shows that his claims are false my mum eats carbs and is 90 wonder what killed him? There seems some secrecy around his death !

  8. Thank you for your most valuable comment. I am chuffed your mother is doing well. I trust she is saner than you.


  9. My grandma is also alive at 95, but she is in an assisted leaving facility due to Alzheimer since she was 89. She liked her carbs, as long as I remember her she was having issues with high blood pressure. I convince my mom(close to 76) to go on a LC diet 3 years ago, and since then her BP is within a healthy range.

  10. Anonymous said...
    "Shows that his claims are false my mum eats carbs and is 90 wonder what killed him?"

    Just how does fifty years on a high fat low "carb" diet show his claims are false. My mum is 97 and still uses lard and butter.

    "There seems some secrecy around his death !"

    This just goes to show Eddie was right about dullards you seem to fit the bill nicely.
    If you hadn't noticed Barry only passed away on Monday it may be a post-mortem is required.


    P.S I have deleted your last comment.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Shows that his claims are false my mum eats carbs and is 90 wonder what killed him? There seems some secrecy around his death !

    Moron ...

    RIP Mr Groves an inspiration and one of the good guys.

  12. To the anonymous poster making negative comments about Barry Groves. We will delete all your comments sent in as anon. Have the courage to at least use a known forum name. The man has not been buried as far as I know and you bravely run him down. No less than I was expecting from cretins such as you.


  13. He wasn't a public figure in the UK, only known by low carbers. He invited my husband and I over to his home a few years back. He and his wife were lovely. We had a great meal and stayed to have a long conversation. I bought all his books, but Trick and Treat is a masterpiece. I read it all in one go and then bought several more copies to give to the people I care about.
    It's so sad that he's gone.

  14. The vultures are circling !

    Before the funeral of Barry Groves has taken place, the vultures and shitehawks are circling. The carb addicted and drug befuddled antis have already started sending in negative comment to this blog. There is nothing more predictable on this earth than the mind of lowcarb anti, they spout complete shit year in and year out, but never any sound information to control diabetes, never any good news or success stories, never any useful information full stop. Sad losers, life’s unfortunates, with chips on their shoulders, and almost always, gutless cowardly anons. One thing is for sure, while they fester in failure, the lowcarb movement gets stronger by the day.


  15. A good man.
    RIP Barry Groves

    Paul B

  16. Although a death is a saddening experience and my sympathies are with his family.

    One must remember Mr Groves armed with a dodgy doctorate dispersed equally dodgy dietary and life style tips.

    Such as the gem as implying smoking fine as there is some sort of conspiracy by the medical professional to deprive the public of smoking. Quoting the mental rants of Dr. Kitty Little who claimed diesel fumes where to blame for the increases in lung cancer amongst the like of lorry drivers. Not there smoking habits or Barry Groves style breakfasts in road side cafés.

    By his own admission he suffered from bowel cancer and underwent surgery and conventional treatment for, only later to slag off.

    He certainty did not live half a century in robust health as some have suggested.

    He books and website in my opinion are full of advice that should be taken with a pinch of salt or in Barrys case a tablespoon of the stuff.


    Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

  17. RIP Barry after a long, active and fruitful life. What a star!
    I am sure he saved my life and I would certainly be happy with 77 years if I do make it!
    Having seen numerous school friends and colleagues pass away before reaching 60, (many on meds) and one or two really young ones (in their 30s) despite adhering to modern health advice, Barry's way looks just fine.
    My condolences to Monica and the family.

  18. Any news on the cause of death please someone? I'm getting trolled on another forum talking about coconut oil and wondered if we had the facts yet? The veggies are saying Barry died from cancer - is it true?

  19. Hi danyelle,

    Sorry we don't have any information on the cause of Barry's death, what the veggies say is pure speculation.

    The comment from Prof Jones is also speculation, he's another mad veggie who reckoned we should be following a plant based diet for our diabetes.


  20. Having problems making comments on Google's mobile version of this blog. I did want to ask Dr. Jones, above, if he had a public record that Barry suffered from bowel cancer, by his own admission, or if that was from a private conversation??

    But Blogger won't let me.

    At any rate, the lack of transparency regarding the deaths of any health guru of any flavor is troubling. One might argue for respecting patient privacy, but any public person of influence over the health choices of others should have the intestinal fortitude to own up to his or her own cause of death.

    We may or may not agree with the end of life decision taken by Nathan Pritikin in a country with no national death with dignity law (terminal radiation-caused cancer plus failed, misery-wrenching cancer treatment is a rough way to go). However, not only did he arrange for an autopsy, he had it published in a peer-reviewed journal.

    I have yet to see any low-carb diet doctors arrange for such transparency for their own demises.

    PS. I am not a vegetarian or a vegan. But Michael Pollan's prescription to eat mostly whole plants makes a great deal of sense.


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The best of health to you and yours.
