Over the weekend we received three comments from someone claiming to be Dr Paul Jones. If the poster was the genuine article he came over as a numbskull. If the person was a spoofer taking Dr. Jones name in vein thought he/she would impress, they failed. They came across as a lying spoofer, certainly no more than that. One thing is for sure, the poster was no fan of Barry Groves. Therefore by definition was no fan of the low carb high fat diet/lifestyle Barry promoted. Look on any diabetes forum or blog and low carb antis can be easily found, most medical professionals do not endorse low carb high fat. Is this a problem ? Could us lowcarbers have it all wrong ? Could our lifestyle be a one way ticket to a grizzly end ?
If we are wrong and the naysayers have it right, it’s worth looking at what the naysayers say. We should base our diet on starchy carbs with every meal. This has lead to 93% of UK type one diabetics never getting to a safe HbA1c number, so that has failed totally, but does provide vast sums of money to big pharma. It has also lead to the epidemics of obesity and all that goes with it. The voices of doom tell us saturated fat will lead to heart attacks and stroke. This is arguably the greatest lie ever hoisted on the world, and has been proved false time and time again, but does provide massive amounts of money to junk food companies. Low fat high sugar foods are much more profitable than short shelf life fresh foods. Next comes the great cholesterol con, worth around $30 billion a year to big pharma. Almost every day we are hearing of more side effects these drugs cause, we also see data that proves total cholesterol numbers have no correlation when comparing CVD risk. Just as many people with so called safe cholesterol numbers have heart attacks. So, whether Dr. Jones is genuine or a lying impersonator matters not a jot, if they do not see the proven benefits of low carb high fat
There is one 100% fool proof way of demolishing the low carb high fat antis every time, just ask this question.
How do I hold non diabetic blood glucose numbers, a safe weight, and all my other blood work numbers in the safe or normal range, other than low carb ? I asked Dr. Jones or the spoofer this question on Sunday night, I am still waiting for an answer, I reckon I will be waiting a long time for some useful information. As we have seen so many times, the antis and naysayers tell us what they believe does not work, but never a scrap of information as to what does work. One thing we can say for certain whether Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen is the real deal or a bullshitting spoofer, he/she knows nothing about the safe way to control diabetes, and if he is genuine, it clearly demonstrates the extremely poor quality of some University lecturers.
Eddie said...
ReplyDelete"One thing is for sure, the poster was no fan of Barry Groves."
How can you trust the nutritional advice of Barry Groves, a man that looks like a used-car salesman who gets his tan out of a bottle?
Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen
P.S don't get me going about Dr Briffa.
How can we trust you, a man that clearly knows nothing about the control of diabetes, and is almost certainly an anti lowcarb troll. You clearly detested Barry Groves, and now you say “don't get me going about Dr Briffa”. You remind me so much of an idiot dietician I once knew, she hated Groves and Briffa with a passion. It must come hard when you have pushed the high carb low fat dogma, and know the game is up. Check out diabetes.co.uk see who is reporting the success, almost no one believes the NHS and DUK dietary advice is the best way to control diabetes. The NHS diet has resulted in 93% of type one diabetics failing to get to a safe HbA1c number.
ReplyDeletePeople have lost faith in the very institutions that should be helping them, so many organisations have taken money from big pharma and junk food companies, they have been corrupted, and the information they supply is biased and tainted by greed. BTW you have still not answered my question. How do I hold non diabetic BG numbers other than low carb ? It’s not the Metformin that dropped my HbA1c by six points, you should know that. If you want a shred of credibility here, answer the question.
Eddie said ...
ReplyDelete"BTW you have still not answered my question. How do I hold non diabetic BG numbers other than low carb."
I thought I had else where on this blog of yours. Did you not like my answer?
Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen
I have seen a lot of prattle but no straight answer.
ReplyDeleteYou did not ask me about Dr Briffa.
Again it hard to say why anyone of average intellect. Would take nutritional advice from a man that looks like a clown without make-up on.
But I forget he's a doctor, of sorts.
Seems everyone connected with lowcarb diets has questionable qualifications, or just plain weird looking.
Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen
I’ve worked you out ! You are a dietician that is heading for the scrap heap. One thing the NHS cut backs will achieve, I hope, is the firing of all those dieticians that feel they are healthcare professionals, but are clueless about a safe diet for almost anyone. Cut the fats eat the carbs has got you people nowhere. Dieticians, most are bluffers and spoofers who have made not one jot of difference to the obesity epidemic. Keeping coming back, BTW, did I ever tell you the one about the mad dietician that thought lowcarbers would go down with scurvy, osteoporosis and other grim diseases ? It’s the way I tell ‘em !
“Again it hard to say why anyone of average intellect. Would take nutritional advice from a man that looks like a clown without make-up on.”
ReplyDeleteI’ve got printouts of all my blood tests for the past five years, they show that nutritional advice similar to what Dr Briffa advocates has stood the test of time.
The comment comparing Dr Briffa to a clown is beyond contempt and more what you would expect from someone of below average intellect.
“But I forget he's a doctor, of sorts.”
That’s why he understands the effects of carbohydrates on cholesterol, something that you have obviously failed to grasp.
“Seems everyone connected with lowcarb diets has questionable qualifications, or just plain weird looking.”
Yet another comment more befitting of one with below average intellect or a complete weirdo.
You have achieved something on our little blog Mr Jones! you now hold the record for the biggest Quackometer score to date even eclipsing Ally 5555 the mad dietitian.
Kind regards
What do you mean by lowcarb Eddie and Graham?
ReplyDeleteOut of interest I totalled up my carbohydrate consumption for the food I ate today and it was around 130 grams. It would have been more, but I had two soft boiled duck eggs for breakfast/brunch instead of my usual chicken salad.
But in some quarters, amongst you lowcarb advocates 130 grams would be considered lowcarb.
Fact:..... Self styled nutritional gurus promoting lowcarb eating, cant even agree on how much or little carbohydrates constitutes lowcarb eating.
You get amounts ranging from 20 grams (dangerous, scurvy, osteoporosis and other grim diseases) to as much as 200 grams, depending on the what lowcarb guru is spouting off.
Fact:..... There is no significant evidence that refined or unrefined carbs are bad for your health, apart from a slight increase of dental caries that can be counted by brushing ones teeth.
Before you do a “Barry” and pull some poorly done old study out of your arse to say otherwise.
We need to remember there are vast number of vegetarians/vegans that consume a lot more than 200 grams, that live healthy and to respectable ages.
Its a matter of calories, consume more than you need and your put on weight, to much and your suffer the consequences.
Do I have to send you a self addressed envelope to receive my "integrated medicine nutritional buffoonery doctorate" from you? Since I scored high on your QuackOmeter.
I’ve got this awful sense you lot on this blog, are probably handing the buggers out, to these crazy lowcarb gurus.
Questionable Claims
Because lowcarb advocates tend to takes flights of fancy, or just lie.
I would have to get you two, Eddie and Graham in to my garage I mean “cough” lab to run a battery of tests on you.
Before I could accept your health claims.
Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen
P.S Dr Briffa does look like a clown without make-up on, he even got a clown sounding name and his advice is comical.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by lowcarb Eddie and Graham?
Out of interest I totalled up my carbohydrate consumption for the food I ate today and it was around 130 grams. It would have been more, but I had two soft boiled duck eggs for breakfast/brunch instead of my usual chicken salad.
But in some quarters, amongst you lowcarb advocates 130 grams would be considered lowcarb.
Fact:..... Self styled nutritional gurus promoting lowcarb eating, cant even agree on how much or little carbohydrates constitutes lowcarb eating.
Anthony Accurso1, Richard K Bernstein2, Annika Dahlqvist3, Boris Draznin4, Richard D Feinman1*, Eugene J Fine5, Amy Gleed1, David B Jacobs1, Gabriel Larson1, Robert H Lustig6, Anssi H Manninen7, Samy I McFarlane1, Katharine Morrison8, Jørgen V Nielsen9, Uffe Ravnskov10, Karl S Roth11, Ricardo Silvestre12, James R Sowers13, Ralf Sundberg14, Jeff S Volek15, Eric C Westman16, Richard J Wood17, Jay Wortman18 andMary C Vernon19
You get amounts ranging from 20 grams (dangerous, scurvy, osteoporosis and other grim diseases) to as much as 200 grams, depending on the what lowcarb guru is spouting off.
Now you’re really sounding more and more like that mad Dietitian Ally 5555
Fact:..... “There is no significant evidence that refined or unrefined carbs are bad for your health, apart from a slight increase of dental caries that can be counted by brushing ones teeth.
FACT…. In case it escaped your attention we are talking about diabetics here! Both refined and unrefined carbs can cause glucose excursions which could lead to serious complications.
(see here)
Before you do a “Barry” and pull some poorly done old study out of your arse to say otherwise.
Most studies we publish are peer reviewed and recently released, it’s you that’s talking out of your arse.
We need to remember there are vast number of vegetarians/vegans that consume a lot more than 200 grams, that live healthy and to respectable ages.
We are not vegetarians nor vegans and as carnivores have no interest in them or their diets, I doubt you will find many if any Type 2 diabetics following the veggie diet can handle any were near 200g carbs.
Its a matter of calories, consume more than you need and your put on weight, to much and your suffer the consequences.
Not for me sunshine! I consume more calories than pre-diagnosis and can’t gain weight, six foot tall I weigh in at around 154lbs now as opposed to 165lbs
Do I have to send you a self addressed envelope to receive my "integrated medicine nutritional buffoonery doctorate" from you? Since I scored high on your QuackOmeter.
I’ve got this awful sense you lot on this blog, are probably handing the buggers out, to these crazy lowcarb gurus.
Absolutely not we only bestow buffoonery doctorate’s on those that have shown a complete lack of knowledge of the effect carbohydrates on Type 2 diabetes blood glucose, you fit into that category.
Questionable Claims
Because lowcarb advocates tend to takes flights of fancy, or just lie.
My HbA1c results over the last 5 years is no flight of fancy nor a lie, methinks your living a lie Mr Jones
I would have to get you two, Eddie and Graham in to my garage I mean “cough” lab to run a battery of tests on you.
Before I could accept your health claims.
We both have five years of print outs of our extensive blood tests from accredited lab’s, frankly I don’t give a damn if you accept our health claims (facts) or not
Kind regards
P.S Dr Briffa does look like a clown without make-up on, he even got a clown sounding name and his advice is comical.
ReplyDeleteMr Jones rather than skulking in the shadows on our blog I would suggest you go over to Dr Briffa’s blog and repeat what you have stated here.
I can see you’re not a clown from this recent photo of you Dr? Jones from uni-watch.com
Kind regards
What do you mean by lowcarb Graham, I repeat myself?
ReplyDeleteHow many calories do you consume on average.
And what amount of carbs do you consume on average.
You what to pretend to be a researcher then provided the data.
Graham said..
My HbA1c results over the last 5 years is no flight of fancy nor a lie, methinks your living a lie Mr Jones.
HbA1c results are meaningless when put in to context.
Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen
P.S Let Dr? Briffa come here to this humble blog and post if he dares.
Resident troll waffled…
ReplyDelete“What do you mean by lowcarb Graham, I repeat myself? How many calories do you consume on average. And what amount of carbs do you consume on average. (“You what to pretend to be a researcher then provided the data.”)WTK ? Graham said.. My HbA1c results over the last 5 years is no flight of fancy nor a lie, methinks your living a lie Mr Jones. HbA1c results are meaningless when put in to context. Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen!”
What’s thisThe Spanish Inquisition? Just who do you think you are! Coming on this blog demanding answers you’re getting far too big for your boots sunshine go take a hike
”P.S Let Dr Briffa BSc (Hons) MB BS come here to this humble blog and post if he dares”
From this I gather you don’t have the guts to confront Dr Briffa on his blog then!
Anyway as much as I enjoy winding trolls up you’re getting rather tiresome now, I have far better things to do than read your idiotic comments.
Kind regards
Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen
ReplyDeleteWhen you can prove to us you are genuine, we will approve your latest post and any others you may make. Your rubbishing of the late Barry Groves, Dr. Briffa and the high fat low carb diet is futile on this blog. Prove to us you are who you say you are and are genuine, my money is on you’re a spoofer with not a shred of credibility and nothing to offer to the debate. Thank you for your huge interest in our humble blog.
My hunch is this is a disgruntled dietician.
ReplyDeleteSome people say it's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Post his comments, Eddie