Monday, 20 May 2013

Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE - A Dietitian on our side !

It takes courage to go against the established dogma for what consists of the so called healthy diet. Increasingly, more Doctors and Healthcare Professionals are sticking their heads above the parapet, they refuse to be conned by big pharma and junk food companies. They are more interested in the health of their patients and clients than the pay cheque or job security. They are boat rockers, and deserve our support. Such a Woman is Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE. We need more people like Franziska, please visit her site, let her know she is appreciated, it’s people like Franziska who will bring about the much needed change.


Franziska Spritzler RD CDE

Franziska's site is here


  1. It is nice to know there are some dietitians who do believe in the qualities of a LCHF diet/lifestyle.


  2. Franziska's site looks very good. I especially like her recent post re the menopause, many may find this helpful.It is a good idea to share and exchange different blog news and information it is helpful.

  3. Yes, I love the set up of Franziska's site, she is very informative and supportive.

    All the best Jan

  4. Just saw this today and wanted to say thanks so much for your kind words of support! I'm a big fan of your site as well. Keep up the great work :)



  5. I know this is a little late in coming, but I just saw this today! Thanks so much for your kind words of support. I'm a big fan of your site as well. Keep up the great work!

    Best regards,



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The best of health to you and yours.
