Friday, 3 May 2013

I see it all the time and it breaks my heart.

A post based on a comment made on the last thread.

“There is no diabetes in my family. We all knock off between 40 and 60 years of age from heart attacks and strokes, but you know what? I'm glad I'm not diabetic and having to follow the shitty advice they are given. Diabetics suffer more than anyone else from our modern conventional dietary advice. I see it all the time around me and it breaks my heart.”

For five years we have been promoting a lowcarb diet, and modest exercise regime for the safe control of type two diabetes. There are many benefits for all types of diabetics in the lowcarb lifestyle. We major on type two because Graham and myself are type two’s and we write most of the posts. The post yesterday called ‘Bad medicine: the way we manage diabetes’ pretty much says what we have been saying for five years. It is unusual to find a Doctor going completely against the standard advice from the NHS,ADA and DUK. There are others in the UK such as Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, Dr. John Briffa, Dr. Katharine Morrison Dr. Des Spence, Dr. T. Neville et al. These Doctors are not fools, they are not looking to be struck off, or end up in court. Others around the world such as Dr. Richard Bernstein, Dr. Jay Wortman, Dr. Mercola et al. Obviously these Doctors want to stay in the profession and not be struck off. So, you have to ask yourself, if these Doctors are wrong, how come they are still working? I will tell you why, because they are not wrong.

What could be more logical, than to reduce the foods that raise blood sugar levels, to dangerous numbers. What could be more logical, than partaking of exercise to improve health. Never forget fats and proteins are essential for life, and there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. Most people look for the easy option in life, including me, unfortunately with diabetes there is no easy option. No type two diabetic will ever get good control of BG with just a pill or a supplement, it’s impossible. Combinations of type two medications have been proved to kill, check out the ACCORD trial.

Lowcarbing is the only way to safely, and cost effectively control diabetes in the long term. Never once in five years, has anyone, from medical professionals, to long term diabetic lowcarb antis, ever informed me of a better way. Meanwhile billions of pounds per year are wasted, diabetics go blind, have limbs amputated and suffer total kidney failure. Brought about so often by greed and total stupidity. Brought about by corrupt Politicians, Doctors being bribed by pharma companies, and junk food companies who have infiltrated almost every food and diet advisory outfit. Most dietitions, who over the years have elevated themselves to the rank of “healthcare professionals” are either clueless or have been corrupted by the propaganda outfits, or are so gutless they will spout anything that keeps them in a job. I am grateful I don’t have to kill people to earn a living. I am so very grateful for the few (but growing number) of Doctors and medical professionals, who still remember why  they joined the profession, to heal people, to save lives, to stand tall, to be worthy of the highest respect, rather than become a paid assassin.



  1. Well said, Eddie.

  2. There are some good Doctors out there, I have to say mine is not too bad. However, about the best comment I receive is along the vein 'you are doing very well and I see no reason why you should change your routine'. My routine is a reduced carbohydrate diet about 40 to 50 a day plus a gentle walk each day.

    Paul B

  3. Recommended read


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