Monday, 27 May 2013

My Wife is driving me nuts !

As reported here recently, my Wife Jan has joined our team, I am beginning to regret her signing up to our barmy army. Why is that you may be asking ? Well, for a start I have to fight to get near our internet computer these days. Secondly, she is bombarding me with information I have been writing and talking about for years. Did I know carbs are not essential ! Do you know how bad trans fats are for our health ! Seriously she is driving me nuts ! Have any of you ever given a copy of the Guinness Book of Records to a kid for Christmas ? I have, and they follow you around for two days saying “did you know” you’ve got the picture. Talking of nuts, she has tried to corner the worlds supply of Macadamia nuts, and I can’t open a lunch box these days without a pack staring up at me. I only have to say I am feeling a bit peckish, and the bloody nuts make an appearance. It gets worse. Jeez she has even questioned having the Free The Animal blog in our side bar, bleating “think of my ladies” It’s not all bad news, yesterday while surfing around she found this guy, Kris Gunnars.

Check this guy out she said, he has one great blog. I had a swift look and when I read this statement, “recommending a high-carb diet to diabetics is a crime against humanity” I thought yes, I like the cut of this blokes jib. This statement really fired me up, nothing ambiguous there eh ! Kris goes for the jugular, my kind of fella. Almost five years ago I stated on our website. “The dietary information offered to many newly diagnosed diabetics is at best nonsense and at worst criminal” and I think that is a fact, now more than ever. So check our Kris’s blog, it’s a fantastic site.

There is a silver lining to this cloud re Jan’s take over, with the weather at last warming up, I can spend more time down at my fishing club. Sitting around chewing the fat with a few old boys, and stopping off on the way home at my favourite pub for a drink or two. Getting back home after some sunbathing fishing, and being tormented by the smell of a great lowcarb roast in the oven, and a bottle of Rioja, quietly breathing on the dining room table, life could be worse.


Link to Kris’s blog here.


  1. Jan sounds like a great gal to me!

    At least she hasn't got you in a frilly pinny yet when you are doing all that lowcarb cooking - or has she??

    Second thoughts, some things are best kept between man and wife.

  2. Great post
    Great intro to new site
    Great eating Macadamia nuts


  3. Great post, humour with a serious side,

  4. Since becoming a type 2 diabetic this blog is a must read,just love the variety,thanks team.

    macedamia's, pecans,walnuts I eat them all now as snacks.

    Doug (one of Jan's Gentlemen)

  5. Hi Doug

    You didn't mention the low carb strawberry cake! Have you tried our coffee and walnut cake? I will post it up when we get back from our walk.

    Seriously thanks for all your comments much appreciated.

    Regards Eddie

  6. "Secondly, she is bombarding me with information I have been writing and talking about for years"

    I wish I could say this about my husband -I don't think he has learned anything that I have been telling him for years. The best thing that could happen to him is for him to develop an interest in his health.

  7. Hi Suzie

    Jan always lived a healthier life than me, she was a PE teacher for twenty years. I did not give health a second thought until I was 58 years of age. Then it bit my butt. Obese, type two diabetic and two heart stents. Keep nagging your husband, before it’s too late. Our bodies can only take so much abuse, then it bites back, big time.

    Regards Eddie

  8. go, Jan!!! ;-) i think it's our job to keep our husbands on their toes....

  9. Be glad of Jan, Eddie, just imagine what a dog's life Kocurnuts's husband has. (That's if he actually exists, of course.)

  10. Hi Tess,
    I certainly do my best LOL.

    All the best Jan

  11. Carole

    Jan's a gem and we make a great team.
    As for Kocurnut and partner?
    Enough said for now!

    Regards Eddie

  12. tess said...
    go, Jan!!! ;-) i think it's our job to keep our husbands on their toes.

    Tess in the UK we have official government information on the roles of women in society please check out:
    Women know your limits


  13. Graham -- if only Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann had learned this lesson in time.... ;-)

  14. Haha... too funny about Jan :) I kind of relate because my partner will read something and say to me "did you know blah..." Yes I do know!!

    About diabetics and diet have you seen Dr Neal Barnard? I watched his Ted talk about diabetics being curing on a high carb diet. Holy moly, I'm not prepared to give it a go!! And then there is Dr McDougall. No wonder diabetics get confused :)

  15. tess said...
    Graham -- if only Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann had learned this lesson in time..

    Tess I think we should include Margaret Thatcher too.



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The best of health to you and yours.
