Started by Sid Bonkers , the man who believes his 17 grams of cornflakes and a splash of milk breakfast, is suitable fodder for an active type two diabetic adult, his latest wind up shows no sign of ending. Sid started the thread ‘Low-carbohydrate diets and all cause mortality’ there is nothing Sid likes more than cause fear and confusion. Relative forum newcomer Yorksman, who comes across as an intelligent Sid Bonkers has made some good comments, but like Sid he failed to read the first sentence in the posted study. “Low-carbohydrate diets and their combination with high-protein diets have been gaining widespread popularity to control weight.” The key words ‘high protein’ None of the well controlled diabetics I know, are on a low carb high protein diet. We have never suggested a diabetic reducing carbs, should replace them with protein. We have always stated replace carbs with high quality fats.
Comparing a low carb high fat diet against a low carb high protein diet is a totally different thing. One of the posters jddukes got it spot on, almost, when he posted.
“Fact - this study was posted on a diabetes forum raised as a discussion as there are people that follow "low carb" diets on here
Fact - this study was not intended to determine low-carb effects in diabetics who are already pre-disposed towards greater mortality (which is even more slanted in our relevant scenario as this was corrected for in some of the studies)
Fact - if people read low-carb diets increase chance of death without a healthy debate why this factually is inaccurate/not been shown by this study and they alter their lifestyle as a result of this single study, we are doing them a disservice
Fact - this study does not show that low-carb diets are dangerous or increase mortality to diabetics - it does not apply to them"
I have a feeling Sid knew this study was useless, for the diabetic using a low carb high fat diet, before he started the thread. The one thing Sid loves to do is spread fear and confusion, especially amongst the newbie’s, that’s what Sid does best, and he has been doing it for years. Another high profile lowcarb anti Phoenix, on an insulin pump, test strips and a first class medical team, has waded in. We call Phoenix the slippery one, far more devious than Bonkers, the inexperienced and newbie’s probably see her as a neutral knowledgeable person, but her posts regarding lowcarb are always negative. The twenty years out of date study, a study done on rats ten years ago, highly dubious meta analysis is her forte.
Phoenix knows full well many type two diabetics cannot get a prescription test strip in the UK. She also knows that for five years almost all the success stories at the forum have involved lowcarb. A classic case is forum long timer IanD. A man who reduced his diabetic complications which almost crippled him, and reversing his complications went back to playing tennis at over seventy years of age.
Today Phoenix said to Ian “No Ian you haven't discussed the review, you've just repeated your experience which to a certain extent backs up the review in that you have been able to adhere to your chosen diet.”
Phoenix also knows IanD and many others have stuck to the lowcarb lifestyle for five years, with no ill effects. Never once has Phoenix and the lowcarb anti’s ever offered a shred of credible information for an alternative to the lowcarb way to the lowcarbers. There is no other way for these people other than lowcarb, and she and the antis know it. Heavy type two meds regimes kill people as proved in the ACCORD study she and the other anti’s know this. They have known this for years and still they keep wheedling away casting doubt on the lowcarb way. What about insulin for the control of type two diabetes, as we heard from two non diabetics posting here recently. Maybe insulin is an alternative to lowcarb for the lowcarbers, lets have a look at what insulin users achieve in the UK, regarding the most important indicator for long term health for the diabetic, I am referring to HbA1c.
Samjb posted up the NHS success rate regarding insulin users, when he quoted the NHS audit details for 2010 - 2011, 93% of type one diabetics cannot get to a safe HbA1c, yes you read that right 93% ! From Sam on the forum.
“Apologies, it's 93.1% that aren't getting the 6.5% HbA1c target, not 94%. This table is for Type 1s in England only, for Wales it's worse. There is a complete breakdown in the audit of diabetes performance across the UK for both types. Pretty reputable source if you ask me.”
Link to the NHS diabetes audit 2010 - 2011 table 13 here.
This is part one, we intend to post up more information on this topic, and why the low carb high fat diet is the way forward for most diabetics, and those wishing to lose weight. Please note I said low carb high fat NOT high protein.
It is important that people must not only mind their P's and Q's BUT the difference between their P's and F's, these two letters of the alphabet make all the difference.
ReplyDeleteBob ...
(who walks off giving a clue ... it's low carb high fat that is the true success stories ... have they got it yet, will some ever get it?)
Yes LCHF not LCHP and what a difference it makes
Phoenix and Sid Bonkers know this as much as anyone. That’s why they are proven spreaders of fear and misinformation. They never give up, but neither do we, stand by for more on this subject.
So that old witch phoenix is still at it, for 5 years she's been warning about the dangers of low carb using dated and misleading data.
ReplyDeleteI'm still looking for proof of her predictions, the stats prove one thing though a high carb diet and dangerous medications will account for the majority of serious complications.
Forget Bonkers he's just an idiot, phoenix is the real danger.
Hi guys have you noticed Osidge on the thread? check out his signature he's on Dapagilflozin, guess he's been following the advice from phoenix LOL!
ReplyDeleteOsidge yes I know about him he's an avid supporter of the DUK/NHS diet for T2's, in fact he claims it's worked well for him but of course he needs a bit of assistance from big pharma:
ReplyDeleteDrugs used by Osige in the past:
At present he is on:
Metformin and Dapagilflozin.
I'm sure his diet will be given a seal of approval by phoenix.
As a footnote Osige lost his driving licence because of his sleep apnoea condition which as many diabetics will testify is relieved by LowCarb.
For confirmation of the above facts just put Doug (Osige)into the DCUK search facility.
Osidge was one of a few reasons I quite posting/reading at DCUK - he took to stalking my posts and questioning everything I said because I dared to imply that being on insulin might be an inconvenience people might prefer to avoid if they could. I knew then the man had reading comprehension issues because at the same time there was a thread about someone getting thrown out of a nightclub for taking his insulin needles into the club. Plus he told me all Dr Bernstein's years of patient experience were merely "anecdotal" evidence for LCHF, as if Bernstein was some shyster talking out of his ass. And this is a moderator at the forum, FFS.
ReplyDeleteAdd Bonkers and Mr Arrogance, AMBrennan, and the final straw gave way and I haven't been back since.
I really admire your team for wanting to help people to the extent that you are willing to debate with these morons, but I just don't have the level of interest now that I had when I started my diabetes journey just over a year ago.
I figure if I could do my own research, make up my own mind, make dietary/lifestyle changes and end up with a 5% A1C, that was enough for me. I really don't get the mindset of people who throw up their hands and defer to HCP's because it's easier than making up your own mind about what is involved in your own health. Like the HCP's are gonna care when you're six feet under - it's their job and that's exactly how most of them look at it.
I tend to agree with Robb Wolf on this stuff - his "fuck 'em" video resonates with me on a lot of levels:
I truly think the antis do what they do, because they're annoyed by the success of people who can gain control of their own health - for whatever reason, it threatens their belief system and drives them to extremes that are hard to believe when you read them.
Sid in particular is a real worry - when he talks about the amount of drugs he is on for chronic pain - and then you read about the success stories at Robb Wolf and Mark Sisson's site for people experiencing remission from all sorts of inflammatory/auto-immune diseases, I can't help but think how much Sid might have benefited if he would just open his mind and stop relying on his doctors to take care of him. But his choice.
If people choose to bury their heads in the sand about their own health, not much you can do about it. And if they choose to abdicate their opinions to accept those of obvious idiots, likewise.
I do admire your team for the feistiness and dedication to dispelling information - you are doing good work with this blog - so I selfishly hope you will keep it up, guys and gals :)
Best wishes,
Sorry, that last paragraph should have read:
ReplyDeleteI do admire your team for the feistiness and dedication to dispelling misinformation - you are doing good work with this blog - so I selfishly hope you will keep it up, guys and gals :)
Hi Jill
ReplyDeleteWhen I was looking through the Osige posts I saw the one you refer to, the treatment you received was the sort of thing that happened to us. He was part of the infamous clique which operated in cugila's days they were a law unto themselves, banning thread locking post editing were the order of the day. Moderators are supposed to be impartial something Osige seems to have forgotten.
Osige is great believer in using drugs for controlling his diabetes maybe he's running out of options now hence his support of insulin, but hey he's a great advert for the NHS diet for Type 2.