We expect big pharma and junk food companies to lie and spread misinformation. The $billions in fines and compensation paid out confirms the skulduggery. Nothing winds me up more, than a diabetic spreading fear and misinformation, when they should know better. Two of the rudest and greatest spreaders of misinformation, are the diabetes.co.uk members Sid Bonkers and A.M.Brennan. Bonkers is a long time diabetic on so many medications, we call him the ‘chemist’ so inactive is our Sid, he gets by on a breakfast of ‘17 grams of cornflakes and a splash of milk’ the sort of calorific intake, a well muscled ant would require. Brennan is a type one diabetic, I have been told he is a medical student. Both are idiots. Sid never misses an opportunity to spread the doom and gloom re lowcarbing, which is rather ironic, because he has boasted many times he is a lowcarber. He is not and probably never has been. So why am I shining the spotlight on this dynamic duo ?
Yesterday Sid started a thread linked below called ‘Low-Carbohydrate Diets and All-Cause Mortality’ Sid could hardly contain his glee, when he stated ‘A new study recently out suggests that long term low carb diets are far from safe and are actually shown to increase all causes of mortality’ and ‘Its long been said that the effectiveness of low carb diets are only beneficial in the short term, somewhere between 6 months to 1 year’ Sid had found a study which appeared to give him some ammunition, in his quest to rubbish lowcarb, also linked below. Some other members posted in support of lowcarb, and one member posted the gruesome NHS audit figures regarding HbA1c control for England. The NHS stats may have come from this blog. Because 1. We often post them, and 2. The numbers we quote were extrapolated from the NHS data by our member John, and although a more honest way to view the grim numbers, are not presented in the same way as the NHS. John holds three degrees in mathematics and is a retired University Professor, his maths stands up. So, does Sids link to lowcarb all cause mortality stand up ? No !
The very first line blows his argument out of the water. “Low-carbohydrate diets and their combination with high-protein diets have been gaining widespread popularity to control weight.” The key words ‘high protein’ None of the well controlled diabetics I know, are on a low carb high protein diet. We have never suggested a diabetic reducing carbs, should replace them with protein. We have always stated replace carbs with high quality fats. Curiously, although this meta analysis states a lowcarb high protein diet increases all cause mortality, it concluded with ‘Low-carbohydrate diets were associated with a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality and they were not significantly associated with a risk of CVD mortality and incidence’ Together with ‘However, this analysis is based on limited observational studies and large-scale trials on the complex interactions between low-carbohydrate diets and long-term outcomes are needed.’
So there you have it, Sid acting Bonkers as usual. Brennan dismissed the NHS stats as not being proven. How these lowcarb antis hate to see the truth when it comes to BG control for most diabetics. He also posted this gem. “kindly stop peddling your low carb diets to T1 diabetics” The irony is lost on the Brennan’s of this world, or perhaps he does not know, that long time type one diabetic, world renowned diabetes expert Dr. Richard Bernstein was the first diabetic to test BG at home, the man who invented the basal bolus insulin regime, that has gone a long way into keeping the Brennan’s of this world in control of their diabetes. Oh and one last point, Bernstein has been a lowcarber for decades, and is still working and fit at close to 80 years of age. Which is far more than can be said for the layabout Sid Bonkers, whose information is about as much use as a rubber beak on a woodpecker, and as for Mr Brennan, he is nuttier than a squirrels turd.
Have a nice bank holiday weekend.
Link to the study here.
Link to the Bonkers thread here.
Post edit from the Bonkers one.
"Where you are getting your figurers from? That is totally incorrect,
like most statistics that that are posted on forums by low carbers, do
you really believe that only 6% of diabetics are not failing?"
From SamJB
Table 13. Apologies, it's 93.1% that aren't getting the 6.5% HbA1c
target, not 94%. This table is for Type 1s in England only, for Wales
it's worse.
Link to the appalling NHS stats for diabetes control and HbA1c.
From the Bonkers one.
"superchip Im not even going to bother answer you as your reply is just
rude, aggressive, confrontational and totaly against forum rules. But I
will report it seeing as no moderator has removed it"
This from the rudest man on the forum. Old Sid should cut down on the meds, they have clearly addled his brain. How many times have we seen a lowcarb anti start a thread, blow their own brains out, and go weeping to the mods ?
Another quote from Sid:
"Its long been said that the effectiveness of low carb diets are only beneficial in the short term, somewhere between 6 months to 1 year. Lets hope that more long term trials are undertaken to prove this one way or the other or some diabetics could find themselves doing more harm than good"
There you go again Sid ignoring the evidence from fellow diabetics with over five years of effective and beneficial lowcarbing (not high protein) under their belts, are you going to tell Hanna and IanD their doing themselves more harm than good? no! I thought not.
On a forum thread you recently worked out your daily Calories which came in at 1,280cals, this compares with an RDA for children age 1-3 boys 1,230cals , at age 4-6 1,715cals. Your calorie intake Sid is more suited to an Infant than the average adult diabetic.
Much as we would like to forgive poor Sid because he takes tons of drugs and eats a breakfast of 17 grams of cornflakes and a splash of milk (probably skim)’ His brain is now mush as it has nothing to sustain it.
ReplyDeleteKeep telling it like it is and let people know that if they follow Sid's advice they'll end up like him.
Sid's been around the forum long enough to know the successful LowCarbers do not follow a high protein diet to which his study refers.
ReplyDeleteSid fails realise that between 50–60% of protein turns to glucose, the reason I and many other diabetics follow a HFLC diet.
From the intro to the study:
Low-carbohydrate diets and their combination with high-protein diets
Methinks Sid should have gone to Specsavers.
I get so frustrated when "low carb" is thrown into the "high protein" category!! I don't eat any more protein than years ago but I do eat masses more vegetables and fat. Great info here.. I'll be back.
ReplyDeleteHi Lynda
ReplyDeleteThe lowcarb anti’s are masters at misconstruing any scrap of information into misinformation. So many who run lowcarb down have never tried it. Also I have seen diets called lowcarb and they are using 150 grams per day. The truth is lowcarbing will cost big pharma billions over the years and they know it. The same goes for junk food mobs. More and more Doctors are coming forward backing lowcarb and around the world countless numbers have found it to be their salvation. The genie is out of the bottle and will never go back.
Regards Eddie