Saturday, 25 May 2013

The only problem I have with low carbing !

For me the only problem I have with low carbing is, it’s so TASTY, and the choice of foods are great.

As you know I am not diabetic I choose to eat  low carb high fat, for Eddie and other members of the team who are diabetic this lifestyle keeps their blood sugars at a safe level.

But going back to tasty low carbing and yesterday evening.

A Friday night at the end of a busy week, the weather had been more like Winter than Spring, I didn’t have any problem with deciding Friday night’s meal. At our local supermarket some great looking and great tasting green and black olives to start with, making sure the Pinot Grigio was chilled and the Rioja open to breathe. I’m more of a white wine fan whilst Eddie prefers red. Some lovely low carb sausages, served with mashed Swede, oodles of butter of course, some white cabbage, with an onion gravy. Tasted divine. Followed by some strawberries and double cream, yes slightly more carbs than raspberries, but very nice. We then watched a very interesting programme about Anne Boleyn and The Tudors, might not be everyone's cup of tea, but we enjoyed it.

Today’s choice:

Breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon and mushrooms.
Lunch. The crunch of iceberg lettuce, and coleslaw served with some grated cheese.

Dinner. Will be. Breast of Chicken with an assortment of low carb vegetables, definitely Swede because I have some left from last night. And yes you’ve guessed it finishing off with strawberries and double cream, although I may get some other berries to mix in with them.

Pleased to say, as we have not got any rain at the moment, we are off out to a local park just to enjoy a quiet stroll and some fresh air, whilst looking forward to another enjoyable TASTY low carb meal tonight.

All the best Jan


  1. No offence to Eddie but you are a welcome addition
    to the blog Jan.

    Enjoy reading your thoughts and views.
    Hope the walk was a good one.

  2. Everything sounds absolutely divine.
    Eddie's bread netted me 16 slices and I tried some last night with my borscht. Low carbing is easy however cooking for one is a problem due to the repetitive nature of the menu. You can only freeze so much but fresh is harder to keep. For example, one head of lettuce will last all week and if I try to incorporate something else like shredded cabbage,both the lettuce and cabbage go bad by week end. Shopping daily is not an option at the moment either. It's the fresh items I'm still working on although I keep a lot of berries and veggies in a frozen state for some variety.

  3. "No offence to Eddie" Non taken, Jan is a breath of fresh air on the blog, and I have been insulted in far better places than here LOL


  4. :-). I'm glad that Jan joined the team, too! Funny how you like people without even meeting them....

  5. Top post, Jan. You two make a great blogging team :)

  6. Hi Horf

    Thanks for your comment.So pleased you liked the bread recipe, it is very filling so a slice at a time works great.
    I do sympathise with you. Shopping for one and getting smaller sized portions of food is not easy. When you do find something it is invariably more expensive. Now work that out because I have never been able to. One cabbage here might be 80p but half a cabbage, at half the weight of the 80p one costs 55p and not 40p - it's just not right.
    Anyway keep enjoying great low carb food

    All the best Jan

  7. Tess
    Thanks for your kind comment. I do enjoy contributing my 'little bit'
    I feel like I am getting to know you too.

    All the best Jan

  8. Carole Hi, and thanks for your kind words.Glad you liked the post, and it's so true, low carb high fat food is SO tasty.

    All the best Jan

  9. Hello anon, was pleased to learn you like my piece, and yes our walk was enjoyable. The lilac trees were in full bloom and the park looked nice.
    All the best Jan

  10. WOT !
    No low carb cake to go with the strawberries, I know of a good recipe.

    Doug Laughing out loud!

  11. Hi Doug
    I did laugh at your comment, thanks.
    YES the low carb strawberry cake is delicious as are the other flavours, I like the pear one, the black cherry one - well all of them!

    All the best Jan

  12. Jan, you seem like one hell of a lovely lady. That Eddie is lucky to have you.


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