After years of getting threads locked and promoting a ludicrous 1200 calorie per day diet, the Bonkers one manages to get the Southport Doctor thread locked again. Even Gezzathorpe had agreed to leave the thread alone, and the thread was back on topic, but the Bonkers one had to have one last wheedle, and push his luck again. I am left thinking he must own the forum or maybe has some sort of hold over the people that do, how else can anyone explain why he has lasted so long ? What the objectives are of the forum owners is impossible to fathom, but in my opinion, helping the majority of diabetics to a safe place, is not high up on their priorities.
Sid and others should be able to say what they like within reason and the law, but why do the mods allow him to wreck and engineer thread locking at will ? Are the mods so blind or stupid they cannot see what has gone on for years ? Or is something more sinister afoot ?
Click on screen shot to enlarge
Just because a thread is not going your way, aren't you banned from DCUK?, what Sid says makes sense. You cannot debate a topic if you are all singing from the same hymn sheet.
ReplyDeleteLast time I looked DCUK was not a LC forum.
Did you notice how the beetles came out of the woodwork to defend LC?
Yes I am banned from under my own name. But I have been back for years posting under another name, as have other banned lowcarbers who kicked their addiction to sugars and starch, and did not want to be a guinea pig for big pharma. Sid’s diet works for him as he is virtually crippled, and cannot walk his dog some days, according to his forum profile last time I checked. He was on a huge amount of medication, he removed that section some time ago. I have great empathy for Sid, he has been dealt a bad hand, why he wants to bring everyone down to his extremely inactive and poor health is beyond my understanding. His 1200 calorie diet suits him, but very few others. In my opinion and from his own comments he is in great pain most of the time, a great shame, but he should not let his obvious bitterness taint the forum and confuse the newly diagnosed and confused.
Were's the evidence that bonkers low calorie low fat diet is easy to stick to? I tried it once but I was always hungry and the temptation to eat between meals proved my downfall. I don't have that problem on my low carb diet I achieved my weight loss goal without any major setbacks.
ReplyDelete"Did you notice how the beetles came out of the woodwork to defend LC?"
ReplyDeleteI noticed some nasties that crawled out from under rocks to defend gezzathorpe.
His 1200 calorie diet which I seem to remember when he posted details on it for a certain person to pie chart wasn't 1200 calorie's at all.
ReplyDeleteI would hardly call DCUK "debate". The non-lc crowed lost the "debate" a long time ago. Its now just an action of thread derailment and mis-information.
Couple of Bonkers quotes on the Southport GP thread:
ReplyDeleteForgive me if am wrong but I smell a low carb troll here, perhaps you could allow the mods to verify who you really are by allowing them to contact your practice for confirmation as you do not sound genuine to me.
Southport GP topic
If you are a real doctor however, with nothing to hide, then I'm sure you will be only to happy to provide your name and the name of your surgery so it can be verified tomorrow when they open. And I will be happy to apologise and reply to you in a more positive manner. Until then I still believe you are a low carb troll.
Southport GP topic
Did we see an apology from Sid of course not he's far to up himself to admit he was wrong.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHis 1200 calorie diet which I seem to remember when he posted details on it for a certain person to pie chart wasn't 1200 calorie's at all.
Sid appeared rather confused about calories but after three edits he came up with a figure of 1218 cals:
His breakfast:
17g Cornflakes
KCal = 63 carbs = 14.3 protein = 1.2 fat = .2
50ml Semi Skimmed Milk
KCal = 49 carbs = 2.5 protein = 1.7 fat = .9
More on his diet here: Sid’s Bonkers Diet
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletewhat Sid says makes sense
What you on man? you need to lay off those street meds they can make you as demented as bonkers.
Last time I looked DCUK was not a LC forum
It also not a bonkers extreme low calorie forum!
Kindest regards
"Did you notice how the beetles came out of the woodwork to defend LC?"
ReplyDeleteI'm not a beetle person I'm more a Rolling Stones man myself.
OMG 17grams of cornflakes is that all he has for breakfast! My four year old would not survive on that.
Calorie intake for 4 year old boy here 1400.
Regards Eddie