After five years of posting thousands of posts on forums and thousands of posts on blogs, I still get wound up by lowcarb antis. We know for a fact the type of dietary advice pushed out by the NHS and DUK has failed miserably. Obesity and type two diabetes epidemics get worse by the day, but the dullards push the same old ‘drop the fats and eat starchy carbs’ like a stuck record. I have to believe most medics believe they are doing their best and have their patients best interest at heart, otherwise I would go mad, but where diet is concerned, most are wrong !
So, they may be wrong about diet, but without the medics we would be in a pretty desperate place. I for one would have been pushing up daisies long ago, but for some brilliant medical people. My experience of the NHS has been 99% positive. The people that really get on my nerves are the bloggers and forum members who are 100% negative and have nothing of use to say. In my opinion top of the heap for negative bilge, is the Carbsane blog. From Jimmy Moore to ZoĆ« Harcombe all have been rubbished by Evelyn ‘Cocksure’ this one knows it all, other than how to get to a safe weight herself. From a comment on her latest post states.
“What concerns me, especially since there are so many low carbers over 30 when bone mass and lean mass in general can decline, is that too many are equating weight loss with fat loss while they are actually losing muscle and bone. It's difficult to reverse bone loss so it's best to prevent it as best as possible.”
This is total bollocks ! If you believe basing your diet on a wide range of non starchy vegetables, high quality protein and fats man has ate for millions of years, will lead to bone loss or muscle loss, you’re barking mad. If you believe basing your diet on sugar and starch, is the healthy option, I recommend you get over to the Carbsane blog and sign up, they are your kind of people.
Join the bloated blogger as recommended by Carbopile here.
Check out the blog that shreds the bloated blogger here.
What one must remember is that Evelyn Kocur has no qualifications or experience in the field of nutrition, biochemistry or anything. Her expertise is a figment of her imagination and I believe that she is doing damage both by persecuting people to inflate her own ego and by confusing people.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link to the Carbsaner blog. The more people can be made to realize that her expertise is imaginary, the less damage she can do.
Best Regards,
Carole AKA CarbSaneR
What, she didn't mention water weight? I suppose my pants were falling off after I started LC because my skeleton was getting smaller? It's not from loss of muscle because I still have the strength I had then.
ReplyDeleteI guess that keeping one's weight up is benifitial for that person's bones and muscles.
ReplyDelete"'s best to prevent it as best as possible"
ReplyDeleteDid she Really write that??
This woman's English is appalling.
I lost around 50lb of muscle and bone from my waist line, 40” to 32” That’s one hell of a lot of bone LOL !