There can be few drugs in recent decades which have become so embedded in popular consciousness as Viagra. The diamond-shaped blue pill revolutionised treatment for erectile dysfunction. Its launch 15 years ago caused a sensation - for a time it was the fastest-selling drug in US history. One of my colleagues wrote that some doctors were complaining of cramp after writing out so many prescriptions. And as for the jokes - from the witty to the puerile - Viagra was the drug that kept on giving. But from midnight on Friday the drug came off-patent. That
means Pfizer will face tough - I hesitate to write stiff - opposition
from rival firms who will be able to sell a generic version under its
chemical name sildenafil citrate. It will mean the price falling from up to £10 a tablet to perhaps less than £1.
Pfizer still has another seven years of patent protection in the US, but
will be launching its own generic version of Viagra in the UK. Sounds like a chance to set up a business in the UK exporting Viagra to the US ! Any one 'up' for it contact us at this blog.
More on this story .here.
It should sell very well as it's an excellent treatment to prevent elderly men from rolling out of bed!
Lol..I want some just so I don't piss on the bathroom floor when I've had a few too many on a saturday night!